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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. I remember dealing with this kinda base. I told them that fading a door to stop someone from lock picking is the classic definition of fading door abuse and to knock it off. Also, he would keep the floor faded and make you search for the hidden button. Not cool. No more fading floors in sky bases, please. Or, yeah, make it so the preacher can't make money.
  2. "If you're killing during a raid or any other altercation that involves you attempting to kill them, do not go back to continue on. This goes for heists and other actions. You can however go back to places that your killer does not mind. " To translate, we can simply say "Do not go back and interact with what made you die" Now, there may be more complicated situations than this, possibly even exceptions, but this is what our NLR/defeat rule basically is. I would say that dying after attempting to kill a bounty sounds as an "altercation that involves you attempting to kill them" (Unless we're talking about a bounty hunter dying of means other than while in a firefight with their target, then idk man)
  3. If people are complaining about a too-small selection of music, Soundcloud would definitely boost the number of tracks available.
  4. Can confirm this has happened to me a few times.
  5. Decrease percentage needed for votekick/ban, increase punishment for votekick/ban abuse
  6. Sugar's clarification is really, really awesome. Thank you so much for taking the time to post that. I felt as though the rule as we understood it was better suited to RP than the COUNTER EVERYTHING LOL, but the clarified rule is better and perfect. My story, and why the rule should never be what it was before: A bounty hunter once tried to kill me. I started shooting back. Someone countered my self defense and killed me.
  7. I suggest we change the Staff on Duty playermodel to something else. Maybe something that we've had in the past so players can still recognize us. Perhaps dark-skinned, maybe a children's show character.. (referencing cullen's post)
  8. @sugar I know. I was trying to say it's not a good suggestion and would make a terrible rule. I can already think of ways to abuse it. @salty You can't get killed for following someone without some kind of warning unless you pose a threat. If you are killed without warning, call a staff member using @ or make a report on the forums if none are available. If you are warned, back off or prepare for a fight. My experiences with the Hazmat job have been mostly positive. I've had fun roleplaying by building a medical clinic for people to get screened at. You can also build checkpoints as long as they aren't minge/blocking, at least last I knew.
  9. I've been sitting here for a few minutes attempting to make sense of why somebody with enough literacy to navigate websites and type a suggestion for this server would ever think that this is a good idea. I've come to the conclusion that the whole sentence must be some kind of typo.
  10. Walter the Assaulter


    Don't worry, it is a staff permission. I did it a few days ago and it told me a vote was required. I couldn't switch to vote jobs by any means other than the F4 menu.
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