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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. +1 warns issued before the warning bans were implemented don't count towards it. I think a drop-off of a couple years is worth thinking about.
  2. It’s also not a YouTube video and doesn’t make sense to be a cipher, unless it’s a cipher’d link edit: Definitely not relevant (Chinese consultation website) but tinyurl.com/dDiJ2I try to think along those lines maybe? Part of a url?
  3. Pretty much this. I know the fruit slicer gives you buffs and stuff but the restaurant owner, while not as pretty, serves the same function but with more possible outcomes both utility and silly. I had that job on my own server only because I didn't know how to make something a bit more unique like the restaurant owner. I do know people get turned off the job by how complicated it can be to figure out at first, maybe it can be changed up a bit to make it more streamlined.
  4. Maybe if they lie sure, but generally if the banning staff thinks a reduction would be ok then it's within their power to grant or deny that. I don't think someone should just be punished for making an appeal. I know some people are doing it in bad faith but I do think it's dangerous territory of something we can't make an exact guideline for and serves to be abusable with little benefit. If they shouldn't be unbanned we just deny the appeal.
  5. There's a lot to unpack here and I think you need to take some time to self-reflect and read the MOTD. https://forums.titsrp.com/server-rules/ Try not shooting people if you don't want to be shot. Do not make threads for the sole purpose of trying to start an inane argument/drama. You are not entitled to be above the rules and we are not obligated to punish staff because you came out on bottom in an RP situation that you made the choice to start.
  6. 76561198025604580 playing video games and smoking weeds vote walter because assaulter
  7. trump meme choice and americans love memes ig
  8. Gang affiliation doesn't matter for raids or any kind of "countering". The issue you raise doesn't change whether this idea is implemented or not, that seems like a separate issue that needs to be addressed.
  9. Unless someone's out to ruin your day (in which case you should appeal it), an excuse like "they were hiding behind them" is very valid since we can check death positions AND it means they baited you into breaking a rule so they could call a sit. I'd try to grab a screenshot in case they try anything funny if you're worried about it, or when a raid starts you can start recording a demo file and just go back and record it normally to upload it if you need to. Because I know how this server works, this doesn't mean you can put the entities against your defensive wall and use that excuse.
  10. Walter the Assaulter Walter the Assaulter#2892 Spowoky movies
  11. my favorite candy I've ever had was some vanilla coffee bar thing my old roommate got from Colorado for me Otherwise probably gotta be Kit-Kat. Just slightly crispy texture on point.
  12. It was in the rules before I joined the server. Don't pull out an illegal gun and you won't get arrested. By default I'd call it failRP for weapon checking you for no reason without a law from the mayor, and you can certainly /demote them for rummaging around in your pants for no reason. Edit: To be clear yeah you'll be in possession of an illegal weapon but cops can't just arrest you without finding out you have that gun in some way. RDA and then later finding out you did something illegal they didn't know about is still RDA, and they can't know you have a gun just based on your job.
  13. I'm not liking the idea of getting punished because I raided a base or the PD and someone else was still in there and I didn't know about it. Or being completely locked out of raiding a base because three friends keep trading off "raiding" it and camping inside it. It would also mean killing anybody in a base that isn't on the front door would be considered RDM/fail-raid which will open us up to heavy amounts of shenanigans, unless we also change the definition of raiding. Lots of issues we'd have to work out with this one before I would consider supporting it. -1 As for the building in the road rule, we mostly stop people from entirely blocking off roads/tunnels and enforce it loosely to allow for more RP, hangout areas, and interesting builds. I think the rule and way we enforce it is fine as is, if not perhaps sometimes enforced too loosely. For IRL trading the MOTD doesn't prohibit it, you just can't advertise it on any of our platforms. I thought we were supposed to ban it outright but the MOTD does appear to only say to not talk about, advertise, or display it. I'll see if it's supposed to be banned and we'll adjust things accordingly if so. inb4 someone tries to be clever by linking to a different website advertising it or trying to say they'll trade for 5 bollars on kaypal. The broken stupid rule link doesn't exist on the MOTD displayed ingame (https://forums.titsrp.com/server-rules/). The MOTD on the forums does not match the ingame MOTD ever since we added the fancy new page since some small things were changed at that time and later. I think the link on the forums should be connected or changed somehow to reflect the server-rules link. Everything else +1. I can remove the king text since it's not valid anymore. Kidnap timer I think can be removed because it's enforced via code but the way kidnapping works should be explained in the kidnapping rules section (server enforces cooldown and other things, if you can kill in console you're allowed to, if someone can physically kidnap you then it's allowed, etc). I'll see if we can get these changes together and put it forward for administrative approval. What legacy job rules would you guys like to see added?
  14. They also don't spawn with the perk, you have to earn it. Devil's advocate: If you want to compare that, bounty hunter w/ the list talent has the ability to infinitely refresh his bounty upon command until he gets someone he wants. Thus, he should not have red dot. I think having Sniffy have the red dot makes sense because they're a rat who sniffs them out. Contrary to my example above, I do think bounty hunter should retain it.
  15. I don’t know what you mean by “damnit enforce your rules then” when we regularly ask people who are going too far/posting disturbing content to stop. Perhaps you don’t play enough to see this? This thread serves no purpose for legitimate discussion of a suggestion, so I am closing it to further replies. It has turned off topic into a venue for airing personal gripes which is not what suggestion threads are for. (Neither is tomfoolery, which we admittedly see in spades here) Please create a report if you have an issue with someone. Although your post was made only with the intent to start drama, your suggestion will remain here for the super admins to respond to and approve/deny as usual.
  16. Take a look here If this is what happened your items should be safe and ready for retrieval eventually. If not, I dunno man
  17. You aren't supposed to be able to build there as it isn't part of the base, and players cannot tell if there is a base behind the waterfall without going through it. This was done on purpose by our developers. People were also placing props against the back of the waterfall which could not be broken without the use of explosives, or placing props where you had to enter the waterfall crouching in a specific spot which violated the "clear path" basing rule. I would suggest a loitering sign, people have no reason to enter that area except to check out that base.
  18. It's not a kill box, you can leave the base freely. A kill box is where you are trapped between two fading doors and usually involves one-way props or materials. Kill boxes have never been against the rules. I'm sorry this kind of base doesn't conform to your regular raiding meta. Though I may have an angry mob after me for saying this, I suggest...trying something new. If you go with the "doesn't play the game like it's their fucking job" argument, can we apply that to other bases as well which are nearly impossible for new players to successfully raid? Don't get me wrong, I'd love to overhaul the fuck out of basing, but it doesn't seem right to me to use/support these techniques and then complain when it's used by someone else.
  19. Change AH to Market House, make a Tbay (Ebay) NPC for real auctions This is good RP.
  20. If your appeal is wrongly denied, your recourse is to create a report against the staff member who closed it which cannot be closed except by a different staff member usually of higher rank, depending. If a staff member wrongly closes an appeal, they can be demoted. The admins team also regularly check the forums and I personally go over most appeals/reports after they're closed to make sure nothing is obviously out of place. Notice that in all 3 cases you supply none of the people who made the appeal were able to prove that their punishments were false, and in fact all admitted to wrongdoing but believed themselves to be above the rules. The point of an appeal is to prove that your punishment was falsely given and should be lifted, and I've not seen a report of a falsely closed appeal accepted in quite a long time. If the appeal itself was valid and should have been accepted, all that a report like that would require would be a link to the appeal for us to look over.
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