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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by chud

  1. Lives in a mud hut

  2. +1 I'd love to see this on the server
  3. I don't think this is needed, i've literally never had this happen to me. I don't think I know anyone who's had it happen either.
  4. +1 The only good thing about the new system is the multiple effects and that's only a good thing because it's kind of rare. I miss getting leggies that actually did things
  5. I believe it's the slippery snake gang talent but i'm not entirely sure.
  6. this. you don't need some kind of special tool to fix this issue
  7. [-1] Having other players steal your chem barrels or losing your chem barrels is a necessary risk with this IMO
  8. I am suggesting that a reply feature is added to the !p or /pm chat functions. That way you don't have to type you !pm (player) every time you want to reply to a pm. Something like /r or !r and it just replies to the most recent pm that you've gotten would be nice.
  9. chud

    Door Alarm

    +1 As the proud owner of over 6 thousand door alarms I could not agree more with this suggestion.
  10. +1 I want to keep my xp
  11. chud

    Pick up the phone rubik

  12. Pick Up The Phone Walter.

  13. Hi, so i've been trying to get my models added back to the server for a while and I've been unsuccessful so far. I've been trying to have them added back since February 11th of this year. I have three models that are missing right now. The first being my tragic model which was a 60 Dollar Model, the second being my vergil model which was 30 dollars and the last being my zoidberg model, which was also 30 dollars. I'm making this thread mainly for some help to see if I can get my models added back to the server. I have been playing regularly. I checked my gametracker and the last time I checked it, I was at 69.5 hours in the past week. I've sent a lot of messages to rubik trying to discuss them but i've really not had a lot of help or explanation. I've seen people getting models and other custom content added left and right so it is a little frustrating for me to not be able to use the $120 worth of models that I added.
  14. hi

    1. Doge Skeletor
    2. chud


      im gonna get myself a forum warning on your profile

    3. Doge Skeletor

      Doge Skeletor

      please dont


  15. chud

    Crowbar buff

    +1 In real life if you get hit with a crowbar it definitely does more than 5 damage.
  16. chud

    legs are cool, but you ever arms? ❤️

  17. [-1 ] I don't think this would add anything to the server, most people would probably mess with it for a few minutes then just forget about it.
  18. brb changing my model to slipknot man
  19. [-1] Fuel, I've heard you say some really stupid things but this takes the cake. The taxing is fine as is. Trust me, one day I started with 840m and ended it with 837m even though i was running procs.
  20. chud


    [ Neutral ] Overall I like the idea, but only if the person in question has actually learned from their history and has changed completely. A great example of this is Alexios, he used to be really toxic and mingey but has grown up and changed a lot. I don't think this should be added to the server though, I'm sorry.
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