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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by dokerz

  1. then help me be able to actually start it bruh
  2. Iv been taking a break for a while and I wanna share my thoughts on games iv been enjoying Fallout 3: couldn’t get this shit to start 0/10 fallout new Vegas: very new about a hour into very good so far to be determined rating fallout 4: about 3 hours in extremely fun so far 8/10 Team fortress 2: regret not coming back to this earlier. Good as it has always been 9/10 warzone: I mean it’s Ight iv been playing it with my friends 7/10 minecraft: me and my irl friends started a server I’ll post pic of house tomarrow 10/10 gta 4: just started love it so far 10/10 wscape from tarkov: frustrating 9/10 what games have you been playing recently?
  3. Reminds me of swat sniper and you could shoot anyone wanted on site with him. Good times
  4. Rule 25 of the TITSRP Bible: “if you are complaining about something that’s about a balance, it is most likely a skill issue”(Embers,3:16)
  5. Redesign the court room so that if Gabe is on instead of spawning in cell you spawn in the court room in a cage. You can either represent yourself or pay like 5k to a lawyer to defend you. If no lawyer it’s just Gabe choosing your guilt. Big brain time
  6. Please add a lawyer job I try to use judge gaben as a way to let people who didn’t do anything free but it would be cooler if there was a lawyer there and prosecutor
  7. Raising fine limit for cops is not a good idea everything else is pog except bounty hunter.
  8. @Sugar Titshow many dabloons for me to buy the server
  9. Here are my dabloons all 1 ounce Canadian mint coins. And a one gram gold bar. https://ibb.co/SJ7ZSth not letting me insert image from url because sugar is poopoo at HTML and java
  10. Crypto is cool and shit but do we have any precious metal chads in here?
  11. Do you own research. This isn’t being mean if you don’t do your own research your going to get burned. Also LTO and utk are gonna pay for my college along with unfederal reserve. Also buy one ounce silver coins
  12. Also my biggest pog momment was being banned from the server I actually had a chance to play the games I waned without tits addiction. As the titsrp bible says “tits is my crack, and sugar and Rubik are my pill pushers”(Dave 3:10)
  13. adveture postponed for tomarrow
  14. Update: was banned by racist mods
  15. was only a mute *insert gamer word here*
  16. as we all know, titsrp is now doodoo shit after sugar and rubik did too many lines of coke. I am traveling to the mecca of servers and doing my pilgrimage of playing on the best server ever to exist. icefuse. ill be documenting my adventures here. the goal is to get to 10 mil without being perma banned
  17. +1 plus i volunteer to do the voice lines
  18. Iv just been feeling extremely unmotivated to play recently. I use to get on and be excited and now I just feel like meh time to play. I’ve taken a couple of days off and wanted to know if anyone feels the same
  19. What happend to being a helpful tmod?
  20. how do i fix my shitty hotbar managment practice makes perfect bb teach me how to raid thanks i know i got skills
  21. Flashbang broke my thing lol (skip to end for the funny haha)
  22. DHS Agent#2594
    Add me on disc 

  23. I don’t have a problem really. Spam alt e near the wheels and near the front
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