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It's cold in here(._.)

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Why was racism made against the rules, I remember when you could jokingly call a friend a "n***a" without being muted, what happened, and the server is literally called TitsRP, you should be able to joke around every while as l ong as it's said in a joking matter to a friend, that you know won't care, or at least allow it when in a private situation.

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I believe the only time you can call someone a n999 is in private or a joking matter.


Some staff will mute you cuz they get offended 


But I’ve been told by admins that. If In private or near people you joking around it’s fine

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It's been against the rules since before I joined. I don't understand why people get offended and absolutely disgustingly triggered when staff enforce the rules/


you should be able to joke around every while as l ong as it's said in a joking matter to a friend, that you know won't care, or at least allow it when in a private situation.


You can. It's never been against the rules to say things to your friends inside your own base or in PMs. Literally nobody has ever punished for that.

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I only mute players who are saying stuff like that in OOC / Advert / Anonymous. If someone is typing/talking saying stuff like that really anywhere else then spawn/fountain and it's not repetitive and intently hateful, I could care less.

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