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I am reforming myself


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Some of you guys, including you people on the staff team might think of me as sort of a minge that is a bit toxic. I have heard people tell me about how I should change, and I am willing to change. I do not want to impact anyone's game experience by being too harsh or slightly bending the rules. Today, I got a warn for nlr, and I argued that it wasn't, even though it TECHNICALLY was. I would still like to become a staff member soon, and I'm going to change to better myself and to stop any possible situations where my somewhat toxic character might go overboard. I hope my warn won't hinder my chances of reapplying soon, and I apologize to those who I have annoyed when making sits about the littlest things and always saying in ooc "can someone take my sit please", and things like that.


I am the new Touka.

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Isaac, I have re-read the motd, but the case with the NLR incident was just that I wasn't even paying attention or thinking about if what I was doing was NLR because i was so absorbed in my farm and getting back to it to get our stuff back. I do apologize for the incident, and will indeed change for the better. I have also been semi-regularly reading the motd and checking for rule updates as well. An incident like this will NOT happen again. 



And Bone, I will change. I will not be like skillpoint, I am doing this because it's for my own good. 

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Good luck changing yourself isn't an easy task. Yesterday you showed how much of a minge you are hopefully you can take that as a healthy warning and fix your attitude especially if you ever want to be T-Mod like you said.


And good job Piklas thats a good boy.

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