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New Admins Poll

Neko Sam | Loli Lover

Do you think the server needs more admins?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think the server needs more admins?

    • Yes I think we need more admins
    • No I think new admins is useless

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Hours Played : 476 + whatever i had before the new server.


Vote : Vote for additional Admins


Reasoning: Why? What good will it do? (These are examples, Just give your thoughts and why you voted X or Y)  : We need a few active admins so that we can delegate administrative tasks across more available people who want to play and make the server better. There are usually discussions all the time about staff changes / complaints that moderators can only assist with opinions and offer advice on how to deal with them. I believe we need to set up a few moderators to choose from and maybe add two more total. Griffin would be a good choice. The longer you've been here the better your chances are you'll offer something to the community to make it better. 

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I think what you guys don't realize is that admins aren't active because we're older than 16. This means that for the next month or so we are extremely busy with things like final exams and aps. You guys need to understand that we were chosen because of our maturity, something that grows with age. Picking another admin will be pointless if we do it simply to just do it. There is no fundamental difference between a mod and an admin other than authority and ban length.


People listen to Admins and take them seriously, whereas Mods can be brushed off


Not a good reason, they'll listen to you real well when you ban them.


My first reason is that, as lovely as our curent admins are, there are many times where hours or half a day or even more will pass without a single Admin on. There are a number of uses for Admins being online, but the biggest ones in my opinion are to give input for other staff members


I am 100% always on discord, we have #staff-chat for a reason.


For the longest time I was rallying for the promotion of new admins due to the lack of a stable hierarchy on the server (too many lower ranks, too few higher ranks) but heres the thing, the issue is not with the admins...Literally anyone who can play nice and type out a half assed decent staff application can become a staff member.  The problem arises when you end up with staff members who do just that, but then when promoted to staff will do the absolute bare minimum to retain their rank.


Monoxide has 200 iq, make him admin


Not everything should be about votes Neko...


how can he be smart enough to say this, but also say vvvvv


As of rn we could just tell the inactive admins to step up or they lose their rank.





I will add more to this post tomorrow, too lazy to find random sentences to contradict.

Since this thread is so big, we will have a meeting this weekend. Check the official meeting announcement thread this weekend. It will be public, not only staff. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=5140&pid=57765#pid57765

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I think what you guys don't realize is that admins aren't active because we're older than 16. This means that for the next month or so we are extremely busy with things like final exams and aps. You guys need to understand that we were chosen because of our maturity, something that grows with age. Picking another admin will be pointless if we do it simply to just do it. There is no fundamental difference between a mod and an admin other than authority and ban length.


People listen to Admins and take them seriously, whereas Mods can be brushed off


Not a good reason, they'll listen to you real well when you ban them.


My first reason is that, as lovely as our curent admins are, there are many times where hours or half a day or even more will pass without a single Admin on. There are a number of uses for Admins being online, but the biggest ones in my opinion are to give input for other staff members


I am 100% always on discord, we have #staff-chat for a reason.


For the longest time I was rallying for the promotion of new admins due to the lack of a stable hierarchy on the server (too many lower ranks, too few higher ranks) but heres the thing, the issue is not with the admins...Literally anyone who can play nice and type out a half assed decent staff application can become a staff member.  The problem arises when you end up with staff members who do just that, but then when promoted to staff will do the absolute bare minimum to retain their rank.


Monoxide has 200 iq, make him admin


Not everything should be about votes Neko...


how can he be smart enough to say this, but also say vvvvv


As of rn we could just tell the inactive admins to step up or they lose their rank.





I will add more to this post tomorrow, too lazy to find random sentences to contradict.

Since this thread is so big, we will have a meeting this weekend. Check the official meeting announcement thread this weekend. It will be public, not only staff.


I believe that the moderators do understand that you guys are older than 16. They do understand the work load that comes with that age. What they are saying is, BECAUSE of these circumstances (i.g. school, college apps), we are in need of new Administrators.

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Yes but what you guys don't understand is that we have this argument once every three months. It is legitimately pointless as you guys don't actually need admins on the server. If you need advice use discord, if you need an extend ask us and we'll login real quick and do it. The argument that we need new admins is one based upon no reasoning and simply greed.

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Yes but what you guys don't understand is that we have this argument once every three months. It is legitimately pointless as you guys don't actually need admins on the server. If you need advice use discord, if you need an extend ask us and we'll login real quick and do it. The argument that we need new admins is one based upon no reasoning and simply greed.


Agreed. You changed my mind. The only difference between Admins and Mods are that they can Perma ban, accept mod apps, promote, accept appeals/reports. All of which can be taken care of via PM.

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As someone who was on the brink of admin twice, there's certain staff that do more than others. Reward the over-achievers. Moderators are treated as admin and admins are treated as leadership. I'm not too certain on the current situation, but when I was around there was a whole 3 admins and they weren't around terribly often. Blac being one of the more common admins around, but even then 3 admins ain't a lot to go around. 




(PS. The blue name is pretty nice)

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I do agree that a lot of people voted in for new admins because it means they'd get a chance at it, and that they want the idea that there's a chance they could get it.

At the same time, there are also people who have genuine reasons for wanting there to be more admins. I'd say there's nothing wrong adding a new admin or two if there is a mod who is doing exceptional and is going above and beyond whats asked of them. (And the other admins want them to be promoted)


There are good reasons on both sides. I eagerly await to see what comes of all this.

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