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Criminals vs. Cops

Doc McStubbins�

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So I've seen a few thing mentioned when it comes to the CP. People were upset that CC's could be any model, that was changed. People were upset that they were getting handcuffed too much and caught for their crimes. That was changed.


Let's address the criminal's side then. I'm curious if anyone else has an opinion on the things that may make criminals too OP.


One example; There is only a 30 second timer for kidnapping someone if they have the right gang perk. This has cause a huge influx for kidnapping bases, and is extremely dangerous for everyone in the city. Not to mention that people can keep you kidnapped for a FULL FIVE MINUTES, while CP can only arrest for a max of 4(I think), with a certain gang perk(average arrest time being 2 minutes). This results in people constantly having to watch their backs, whether they are just walking down the street, or engaging in RP with another player. 



It seems that people are so quick to voice their opinions when they run into something that could possibly hinder them, and scream that is "unfair". This results in the town being much less safe for every-day citizens. And lets be honest.. Staring at the inside of someone's no-collide prop for five minutes is boring as heck. 


What are your opinions on the matter? Is there something you've noticed that seems extremely unbalanced?

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You're absolutely right. Most people want to do their crimes with impunity, and when faced with a powerful police force will cry "op", "nerf this". The handcuff nerf has tipped the scales in a way I honestly don't think Sugar thought through. There are minges out there who attempt to attack cps after they have handcuffed someone even if they arent rp related just to "fuck the police". However, since they can no longer be handcuffed within 6 seconds, they'll probably be killed. In fact, that's exactly what I'll do. During the 6 second handcuff cooldown, I'll use lethal force for every crime I see. When the sit happens and the mod asks why I didn't attempt to arrest, I'll say I couldn't because of the 6 second handcuff cooldown. I encourage everyone who plays as cp to take that approach. The whole cuffing thing prevented a lot of lethal force being used, but I guess criminals outgun the cops. We'll see what happens.

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People just hate cops.


IMO the only thing that needed to be changed on cp was the jugger, all other mechanics from start of gang update were fair imo. If people can instacuff without cooldown its fair that people can kidnap with 30 sec cooldown down from 2 minutes. While jugger is something that is almost impossible to deal with, the nerfs to the minigun were appreciated but in practice they made it so that it only takes 1 more bullet to kill someone from full armor and the only real way to fight a jugger is to snipe them from absurd distances (4 hits from awp kills him). Again this is only my opinion but I think that the only real problem was dealing with the juggernaut rather than someone cuffing you with instacuff.


I'm gonna give you all a protip when kidnapped. If you really don't want to be kidnapped you just do /unbox until you get 1. russian roulette (shows up as shovel when unboxing) 2. brick 3. sbc cannon and kill yourself with it.

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I take back what I said today about cuffs more lethal force is not needed. I agree with piklas

Also jugger really needs nerf when me and my friends all get killed to a jugger and all I say is jugger should be nerfed and the guy says mad cuz bad. Which is pretty gay, cause they are denying whats needed only because they are the jugger not the 3 ccs that had full armor that all got mowed down in one sitting. All I hope for in the next update is for cuffs to be restored and juggernaut to be nerfed and nerfed HARD.

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