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The Film is Truth

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I've been playing gmod for like.... Well since I've had a computer so 8th grade and now since I'm a freshmen in college and with new games and shit going on irl. I think Garry's mod has gotten super boring. I feel I should give my CC away or at least let someone share it with me or something. I mean seems like a waste if i let it collect dust. So comment bellow if you want my CC



Rick Sanchez model

Arnold (terminator) model


Chain saw gun

super crow bar


Asmiovv AWP



By putting your name bellow you will have a chance to win my CC. You will not officially own it... Unless u want to buy it off me. In that case pm me on discord or here. Winners announced on 10/22/17. I will show who won with a video so you know I'm not like cheating or being biased. You will have the model for 3 months and then ill just do the same contest every 3 month or unless someone buys it then r.i.p

Nice playing with you guys, If i comeback i won't do those dumb post where it's like "Sorry I've been gone for so long blah blah blah." I'm not that much of a douche.

btw if u want to buy my cc... it's real money not that fake darkrp money lol

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