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Redrick Holton


About Redrick Holton

  • Birthday 11/18/2003


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  • IG Name
    LEG0 Yoda
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  1. Looks like someone's pissed their creativity vanished, don't worry man, you can watch tutorials online.
  2. Too lazy to make an actual form. Official LEGO® group, need members to farm xp. would make a 1700s joke but dunno if that's allowed.
  3. Give me the money and I'll give it back
  4. NoGangName's Info. We are a small gang as of now, But have been around since the beginning of gangs. We are a chill gang that Bases and Raids for money, And farms Xp for all members benefit. Founder: Dragoncept Current owner: Dragoncept Current Level: 20 Current talents .:Quick Sell:. .:A Pretty Penny:. Application Format In-Game Name: How many hours do you have in-game?: (Use !stats in-game to check) When did you start playing on Titsrp?: What can you bring to the gang?: Do you own a custom class?:
  5. Bug Can also be used as a Exploit. Description: The fountain water can see through props that have World glow on them, Like the models/props_combine/tprings_globe material. How to reproduce: Go up to the fountain and look through the water, All props with world glow will be gone. Priority: High Images: https://imgur.com/a/9KX0Zap Idk if this is a known exploit and if it can be fixed, But i'm posting this just in case. Note: Only found this out because someone named Big Burger was using it on my base. ​​​​​​
  6. Yeah that will probably happen soon to be honest, There's only so many years i can play this server before my dumbass gets the smack down. Thanks
  7. Yup i do, But i definitely won't exploit a glitch like that again. And thanks.
  8. Uhh.. Uh, Well you're... a doodoo head >: (
  9. hecko, Some of you may not know me but i am one of the oldest titsrp players. I have done bad things in the past that i regret and hope to keep that in the past. I have had many names the oldest one being Kittenmaster. I was 11 back then now i'm 15. I could give you more names i have gone by but i definitely can't remember them all. Annd the roasts start flooding in. Anyways i'm making this to say i will be hopping on the server from time to time and hang out, If i'm welcome that is. I don't know how ashamed i should be for having 46 warnings through the past 4 years, But all i can say is i'm kind of a dumbass. Well thank you for reading and thank you for the roasts if any.
  10. Bug Description: Me and my friend Bastian found a glitch with the fishing bobber. How to reproduce: Sit on the bober when you have caught a fish, then hold r to reel it in and you will go flying Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbbuhWhGgvE&feature=youtu.be Priority: Low
  11. I want to get a custom model for 60 mil am i supposed to pm sugar on discord or what?
  12. Make the mayors assasin blend in with the revoltion so people dont jsut kill you because your not orange
  13. Make it where the pollers poll menu is somewhere else, because when someone changes jobs or changes their name it gets in the way of voting.
  14. Quality of Life Description: The bank vault doors are invis, you can shoot through them its almsot like theres not door but you can own it, and close and open it How to reproduce: Go to one of the bank vault doors and shoot through them, open/close them Priority: Low
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