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Tits Anon Feedback Poll - Summer '24


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2 minutes ago, Goldfish0 said:

Maybe keep them around but reconsider letting players who have horrible track records with rule breaking become staff again/for the first time.

I'm not 100% sure comm removals/ 6 months have to do with staffing ability. If someone being banned(for any length of time) has to do with their staffing then they will be staff banned or denied staff when they apply.

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52 minutes ago, LeGerbs said:

Ima be real we everyone knew the answers to those questions and we need to step back and look at the them as a whole not just because they raid you or a sit didn't go your way. What really needa to be looked at is,

is this staff member taking sits?

Are the responsive with questions?

Do they care about the wellbeing of the server? 

Have they been replying to new staff apps and accepting them when appropriate along with training them?


It's no secret that people don't necessarily like a few of the staff members, but why? In all of my time snooping the forums and honestly being back I haven't really seen any good reasons as to why they aren't liked. The only reasons I've seen are them raiding people which is obviously gonna make anyone mad.  That's part of the game though?


I can understand needing to make sure controversial staff members try to mend their reputation as to not cause anymore drama but making an anonymous post with a very vague answer isn't the way to approach it. Give good long thought out reasons otherwise things probably won't change.

Good post. I'll take a swing with a response.


Personally, after going through the hell that was a staff team core made up of mostly toxic pd mains + friends (Ironfish, Dev1, HungWang, Hyder, Haze of dream, DA BUSHMASTER), having a staff team core of hardcore basers+raiders is actually refreshing. I don't really base, so my interaction on that end is very minimal.


From what I can see, as far as the controversial staff members go, it's mostly bad optics and bad PR. For example, when an active staff member have multiple forums reports against them for harassment, it's bad optics. Even if the reports are all denied, the negative PR has already been established. Each subsequent report does further damage on the PR end. Another example, when the actions of a group of active staff members is deemed to be a rule violation that forces the motd to be edited, that's more bad optics. If more consideration was taken as to how certain actions would look to

others, I believe things would change.


As for your list of questions about what makes a good staff member, half involve information that isn't publicly available.


. Are they taking sits? There's a command that answers that. But only staff have access to that.

. Are they responsive with questions? TitsRP as a whole is generally a helpful community. I don't believe that shows if a staff member is good or not due to that alone.

. Do they care about the well-being of the server? I don't see a way to quantify that. Just by being on the staff team I'd hope the answer is yes, but that's not always the case

. Have they been replying to new staff apps and accepting them when appropriate along with training them? That's information that only current and former staff have access to (on the forums at least. Idk about the Discord)

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2 minutes ago, bugman said:

I'm not 100% sure comm removals/ 6 months have to do with staffing ability. If someone being banned(for any length of time) has to do with their staffing then they will be staff banned or denied staff when they apply.

Would you say getting comm removed or 6 month'd while staff, applies to "staffing" in that regard?

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7 minutes ago, Goldfish0 said:

I think it'd be interesting for y'all to do a survey amongst the staff team if you think that is the best route. But in reality, I feel pretty confident saying that finding people who will actually take staffing a dying video game server seriously and handle situations with integrity are very very hard to come by. Maybe keep them around but reconsider letting players who have horrible track records with rule breaking become staff again/for the first time.

you being less active doesnt mean that the server is dying. the server has actually been popping a lot more as far as i know and is quite fun.

as for ur survey some of the statements are incredibly weirdly phrased. ''do you think you should have to wait ur turn to raid". I personally wish it didnt have to be like this, but YOU and YOUR GROUP specifically abusing this to ''takeover raid'' and then ''accidently die to my own timebomb'' or ''accidently walked into their bullets'' are the entire reason this rule was put in place. If taking over raids could be added without any form of counter raid takeovers then i'd be down, but unfortunately your group heavily abused this so it had to be lost to prevent that.

as for the raid district question it seems to be written as if you didnt understand the current rule.



11 minutes ago, Goldfish0 said:


Something I find very off about the staff team's approach to handling problematic people is how it seems they just wait until a victim builds some kind of air tight case against said problematic person . Unless of course the problematic person has a bad reputation with staff team in which case it's just an all out witch hunt.

why would we ban ''problematic people'' if there is no sufficient evidence put against them? if this were the case we would permanently ban terry, not because of any rulebreaks, but because he raids people too much. See how ridiculous it is to ban ''problematic people'' without an air tight case? So many people want terry banned BECAUSE he raids them, not because he is a supervillain who breaks every single rule, and if we just listened to them we'd be banning a player for doing nothing wrong and literally just being good at an aspect of the server (raiding). 

As for the 2nd half, not sure what you mean and i would appreciate you to provide examples of this instead of just talking without anything to back it up, maybe we can have a discussion about that and the staff that you believe are involved in witch hunting people not because they are breaking rules but because they are ''problematic'' (are u referring to haze or something?)

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If you wanted to make an actual impact rather than using checkboxes make a form for staff members smod and up that asks specific questions on why they are or not a good staff member. If people have an actual opinion they will write it otherwise we're basing opinions on an easy button press which doesn't tell the full story.  


We all know how the staff portion of this form was going to end up. But why not make one that gives reasons WHY it ended up like this.

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22 minutes ago, LeGerbs said:

If you wanted to make an actual impact rather than using checkboxes make a form for staff members smod and up that asks specific questions on why they are or not a good staff member. If people have an actual opinion they will write it otherwise we're basing opinions on an easy button press which doesn't tell the full story.  


We all know how the staff portion of this form was going to end up. But why not make one that gives reasons WHY it ended up like this.

There are already enough questions to make people complain, and this isn't all about staff its about the server in general, there's also two sections where you can type whatever you want about anything. Again, I'd recommend making your own, its free and very easy even for people who might be a little slow.

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On 7/22/2024 at 4:26 PM, LeGerbs said:

Ima be real we everyone knew the answers to those question

Doesn't this kinda prove the community's point, though? Saying "we already knew that people were going to be out of favor of these particular players" kinda just seems like we're all putting up a giant glowing sign saying "hey... these people are not exactly people we want being in control of us" but nobody is listening. Also, a LOT of us are looking far past the whole in-game type crap (raiding, basing, pvp, grinding, w.e) and saying that their behavior is unbecoming of a staff member. No hate obviously but a lot of us just feel like our concerns are being ignored or put on a back-burner when it's been discussed time and time again. 

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12 minutes ago, goodnight said:

Doesn't this kinda prove the community's point, though? Saying "we already knew that people were going to be out of favor of these particular players" kinda just seems like we're all putting up a giant glowing sign saying "hey... these people are not exactly people we want being in control of us" but nobody is listening. Also, a LOT of us are looking far past the whole in-game type crap (raiding, basing, pvp, grinding, w.e) and saying that their behavior is unbecoming of a staff member. No hate obviously but a lot of us just feel like our concerns are being ignored or put on a back-burner when it's been discussed time and time again. 

I genuinely don't want to dismiss any concerns that's why I'm pushing for people to be specific in why they don't like a specific staff member. While yes being controversial is generally a bad thing I still can't find any evidence of them doing anything explicitly unbecoming of a staff member. So far being staff and obviously been working with them closely they've all been very decent staff members. 

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6 minutes ago, LeGerbs said:

I genuinely don't want to dismiss any concerns that's why I'm pushing for people to be specific in why they don't like a specific staff member. While yes being controversial is generally a bad thing I still can't find any evidence of them doing anything explicitly unbecoming of a staff member. 

My personal biggest concern is, as always, toxicity. Whether it's the ability to feel invulnerable in a sense because they don't feel like they have to walk on eggshells since they have higher rankings (for example, not current staff, but take the Dev1 and Hyder pairing. Two friends who worked their way up just to try and tear other people down or put cracks in the community), and although (for the most part) there isn't quite as extreme examples with our current team, there have still been issues regarding this same type of favoritism. Also I appreciate your comment on not wanting to dismiss concerns.


Btw side comment- I know you and I haven't seen eye to eye on a lot of shit and we've butted heads PLENTY, but I personally want to thank you for leaving that shit behind and keeping it civil. That's the kind of stuff I want to see from other staff members. Not always agreeing, not always having the same POV, but at least treating other people with respect where it's due.

Edited by goodnight
Changing formatting a tad and seperating post into 2 paragraphs.
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