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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by goodnight

  1. Big L. Well, thanks for at least uncovering the mystery for me.
  2. bruh wtf.... am i just straight up screwed then? i don't remember doing this at all
  3. goodnight

    Hi :3

    idk ive heard of multiple people say it was up or that it should be but i havent seen evidence of that. Wasn't genuinely trying to be a dick I was just wondering what the fuck everyone was referring to. Guess it means it's on the test server??
  4. goodnight

    Hi :3

    Okay smartass. Yall were making it seem like it WAS on. Maybe take context clues???
  5. Gunna miss having you around. I'm sorry that shit's so bad that you don't even wanna be around it anymore. Hope that one day you'll come back. Completely understandable though. Take care of yourself, yeah?
  6. goodnight

    Hi :3

    The chatbox is out...? Looks the same to me
  7. It's crazy that you say this because the person that encouraged me to make this post, who manipulated me is now using my venting against me, and is being transphobic all in the same post. I think I have every right to tell him to go to hell. You might not care about anyone but yourself and your group, but some people have empathy.
  8. If I had another reaction I'd give you a thank you but I cannot, so I'll just do a quick reply instead. I'm on many different times during the day. Been taking some more breaks lately but I've witnessed the server at all hours of the day and night. I personally apologize if it sounded like it was hostile, there's just a lot of frustration with this, which I'm sure you've felt yourself. I appreciate you hearing me out and taking these talking points seriously. I genuinely hope that you have a good rest of your day (or whatever time it is for you, timezones be wack), and again, thank you for reading, replying, and using this feedback for future tweaks.
  9. And this is a step in the right direction. It'll help snuff out some, and I know that not everyone can be detected easily. It's just baffling in my POV that someone got so far as to be staff as an alt. I can't imagine what someone would do if they had better technological capabilities and could do something to actually harm the server, or worse, the people who run it. Don't take it personal because you aren't someone I'm concerned about in terms of that aspect. I've seen your staffing abilities before and again, seen them now, and you're not someone I expect to just let shit slide because you can.
  10. (Also, go ahead and take a gander at who's reacting what to this. Iykyk).
  11. This whole reply is wild holy shit. How do I even begin to reply to this... I have the most playtime out of any player-- I've seen literally every scenario this server has been through at this point. You would have more decent staff if people didn't feel mistreated or like they aren't being listened to. People have made post after post, STAFF INCLUDED, that shit needs to change. Your toxicity accusation is actually crazy considering the only aggressive thing I did was say "get your shit together" yet this server, it's player and staff have a crazy history of doing toxic, player targeted and heinous shit all the time. I have an appreciation for staff that actually strives to make the server a better place, a lot of which we've lost recently because they felt that they were working their asses off for no appreciation, an overly toxic environment, etc. I've heard so much shit from staff who actually care, so many people who have personally come to me to vent (I will not be naming ANY of these staff members for their privacy and safety) because they actually trust me over people who are staffing alongside them, and were so exhausted from not only dealing with the randoms that come on just to MRDM, to dealing with the drama of another player alting to cause trouble, or dealing with some other staff drama that shouldn't even be happening to start with. I'm asking that we do better at checking alts, and more often, to catch this shit before something really bad happens. Yahya should NOT have been able to not only alt, but become a fucking staff member, someone who has POWER over other players. Same thing with people like Nematodes, and some very questionable people who have just joined yet mysteriously are given access to some crazy CCs (iykyk). The biggest reason I haven't bothered to become staff myself is because I don't feel that I would actually be listened to, and that any attempt I make at trying to make things better would be met with resistance. Quite frankly, I just don't have the energy to put into a community that has treated me like shit. I am genuinely not trying to be an asshole here, Rubik. I fucking love this server in many ways. I think you've done an incredible job with how it's set up, how the jobs are played, and all the other amenities or activities that we can do. It's the reason I got so addicted. The way the server itself functions is great. It's the community that's going to kill it unless we put our damn feet down and say "that's enough".
  12. Like who the fuck are all these new random accounts that join for far less than a week's playtime and then letting them be fucking staff. Did we not learn our lesson with Sana or do we care that fucking little about the community and server overall? In fact, why aren't we alt checking suspicious accounts period??? I swear to fucking god I've personally had to call out several alt accounts myself, and then there's the fact that people like Fuel (aka nematodes) wasn't removed for so long despite being in friend groups of staff members but nobody saw alarm bells going off???? Get your shit together.
  13. Listen, you're allowed to have feelings. You can be mad while still accepting that things need to change. In fact, I'd say that being willing to change while you're feeling upset is a good thing because it shows that you still have a want to change, but you just need to work on shit. I'm not against you, Kash. I just don't want to hear a minor saying some of these things. It's uncomfortable for everyone. And thank you for the apology. I appreciate that.
  14. I truly wonder why people have a dislike for you or your presence. I mean hell, I even tried to understand and tolerate you and your behavior because you're young, and young people say and do stupid shit. I cannot, however, tolerate some of the vulgar things you've said to other players or in a generalized sense, and when I spoke up to you about it, you resorted to being transphobic directly to me. I won't be giving my time and energy to a person that uses such things against me simply because you're upset that I will no longer tolerate the things you say. You've been reprimanded by staff countless times for this behavior, too. I'm heavily disliked and hated by a good few people, but I'm also respected, cared for and appreciated by countless other people, and those are the people I would rather spend my time and energy on. Why do you think I've been able to stay in this community for as long as I have despite all the shit I endure from those who would love to see me exiled from this community in a heartbeat? Because there are people who care. Try to actually focus on growing as a person instead of throwing yourself a pity party over some shitty forum reputation.
  15. My personal biggest concern is, as always, toxicity. Whether it's the ability to feel invulnerable in a sense because they don't feel like they have to walk on eggshells since they have higher rankings (for example, not current staff, but take the Dev1 and Hyder pairing. Two friends who worked their way up just to try and tear other people down or put cracks in the community), and although (for the most part) there isn't quite as extreme examples with our current team, there have still been issues regarding this same type of favoritism. Also I appreciate your comment on not wanting to dismiss concerns. Btw side comment- I know you and I haven't seen eye to eye on a lot of shit and we've butted heads PLENTY, but I personally want to thank you for leaving that shit behind and keeping it civil. That's the kind of stuff I want to see from other staff members. Not always agreeing, not always having the same POV, but at least treating other people with respect where it's due.
  16. Doesn't this kinda prove the community's point, though? Saying "we already knew that people were going to be out of favor of these particular players" kinda just seems like we're all putting up a giant glowing sign saying "hey... these people are not exactly people we want being in control of us" but nobody is listening. Also, a LOT of us are looking far past the whole in-game type crap (raiding, basing, pvp, grinding, w.e) and saying that their behavior is unbecoming of a staff member. No hate obviously but a lot of us just feel like our concerns are being ignored or put on a back-burner when it's been discussed time and time again.
  18. goodnight

    Close My Account

    Did bro really make a new account to be a pain...?
  19. goodnight

    Casino XP

    Comment: Only put medium priority instead of low because people may waste big wheel spins for this, and they aren't exactly cheap.
  20. Staff can view things that people equip, so if someone is back to back equipping flash grenades and they're getting reports of someone spamming them, they can be told to stop. Don't forget that birds also have a perk to shit nades so if it's triple xp time for birds and they ALL have the perk... yeah you're going to get flashbanged. The item suggestion for sunglasses is pretty nifty though. Perhaps a future Battlepass item...?
  21. I've tried a few times but my record software likes to bug out on me if I use it too many times. Gunna just try my best and upload my best time regardless of whether or not I beat the overall record.
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