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How I would fix the bank


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Bank is dead and hasn't ever been in a sweetspot since the original rework imo 


  • Investing takes too long, most people forget about it
  • Raiders take out all the money even if you have insurance
  • Raiding bank happens when there is no banker playing
  • Banker has no incentive to play it other trying to juice the bank to raid it later or for bad xp


I think making the bank work around there being a banker actively playing beyond the investments not increasing should be the way to make the whole system more fun and rewarding.


My suggestion would be to:

  • Make the % increase exponential again and tune it where a max investment will reach the cap at around 3 hours. Example: 5% every 5 minutes maxes out a 75k investment after about 2 hours 40 minutes. 
  • Make investments slowly depreciate while there is no banker playing, scaling with how much money is in the vault. Example: if vault is above 50 mil it will depreciate 20% every hour, between 50-25 mil it will depreciate 5% every hour and at 25 mil it depreciates with a flat 1 mil per hour until drained (numbers can be tweaked, example takes about 2 days to fully drain from a stacked 100 mil bank)
  • Make the bank c4 very heavily nerfed when there is not a banker playing.
  • Make insurance actually work and also make it only protect money up to 100k. also probably make it cost more than 2k. Maybe 10k to mirror 10% of the max money its protecting.
  • Make the banker get a cut from withdraw fees and insurance purchases similar to how mayor gets money from pd console so there is some incentive to play as the banker and get lots of people investing and then withdrawing. this way its also less incentive for the banker to just play it to increase the money for raiders later on


I believe that all this would make the entire process of bank money going from putting in money and forgetting about it to someone putting the money in and taking it out when they are done with their play session, unless it got raided during that time and the raiders got the money. I think it would also make it so raiding the bank would be about actually raiding the banker rather than the bank getting a bunch of investment then when the server is in low population hours a raider goes in and takes all the money without contest. If there is no interest from players to be the banker the money will go away like the old bank but instead of it being instantly deleted, people have a chance to take out their money before it is gone forever. With this change it would also be hard to get to a point like the past where the bank is juiced to 100 mil then raided every 2 days because it would require around 300 people to have investments while there has also been a banker consistently online to reach the 100 mil cap of the vault.
I think this revamp would reward players with less money while also making it not being easy to amass insane amounts of money for those who can afford to make the large bank raiding c4 at which point a gain of 300k in 3 hours isn't special

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