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Happy National Family Reunion Month!!


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          July is a big month for all of us, not only is America Day this month, however so is the National Family Reunion Month. We all have at one point taken our family for granted, take some time out of at least one day this month to reach out and let your family know you love them. Our families help us develop into our own unique individual, while also giving us a safe environment where we are loved. We learn to socialize through our families, and at the end of the day when no one else has your back, you know you can always rely on family. Even if you have none, I know for a fact our resident TitsRP Dad, Mr.Hobo will gladly step up to the plate and be that father figure you need.


          Don't take your family for granted. Instead reach out, reconnect with loved ones. Simple small actions can lead to amazing things in this regard. All throughout your life, from birth to death you will have family. Be it blood and flesh, or something as simple as tied in through marriage. Let us not forget how important these people in our lives are. Especially when times are tough, the world seems to be in chaos, war is breaking out, chaos at every turn. Don't live your life with regret, reach out.



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