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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ironfish1

  1. 02/15/2024 Staff Tips Modified Keep your ban reasons clean professional. No personal comments from yourself or quotes from the banned player is allowed. Any context surrounding the ban is fine. Good example of a ban message: "MNLR | FailRP | Kept interfering in raids as sewer lord". Bad example of a ban message: "ARDM, learn how to aim shitter" RDM Modified Accidental: Verbal warning would be given unless it could have obviously been avoided. Intentional: Verbal/Warning or a 1 hour -3 day ban. Punishment is at your discretion. Remember, education>punishment. If the player is RDMing for false reasons and is asked to stop (ex: Revolution is over but still killing CP) the ban should result in a Verbal/Warn or a 1 hour - 24-hour ban depending on the player's attitude If the player killed the person for "Revenge RDM" because they are angry they lost then it should result in a warn or 1 hour - 3-day ban depending on the player's attitude and punishment history If the player killed the person for no reason but to just kill them, a 3-day ban should be issued for "No Intention to RP" If the player RDM'd someone and has multiple recent warns(i.e: three RDM warns within 2 weeks) then a 3 day ban can be issued for "IRDM | NITRP" Mass RDM: Intentional or not can default to a one week ban. Use your best judgement here. As a staff member you have final say in punishment, there is no minimum time for any mass ban, if it was an accident you can verbal, or even give a 1 hour ban. (ex: Someone forgets to advert PD raid and kills 3+ players, you can then verbal for fail raiding instead of banning for MRDM) Mass RDM w/ NITRP: Will default up to a one week ban (ex: Someone joins, instantly goes bounty hunter to shoot everyone on the street and LTAP when they are jailed) NLR Modified NLR exists. Consider the risk / loss if someone breaks NLR Single NLR: Verbal or warn. Repeat offender probably deserves a warn. Intentional NLR: NLR involving a raid is more serious and can result in either a warn or 1 hour - 3 day ban. Mass NLR: Intentional NLR or NLR involving a raid is more serious and can result in either a warn or ban. Use your best judgement on this, mass anything can result in a 7 day ban. RDA Modified Accidental: Usually A verbal warning would be given unless it could have obviously been avoided. In this case usually an apology is all that's needed + a refund if necessary. Intentional: But with a false reason, then a warning or a CP ban should be given. Intentional: With no reason then the ban should result in a warning up to a 6 hour - 3-day ban. Intentionally RDA'ing would result in a punishment of a warning/cp ban, up to a 1 hour - 3 day ban. If the cop arrested someone for being RDMed earlier, the ban should be 6 hour - 24 hours depending on the attitude of the player Verbal/Warn or CP ban the player. If the cop arrested someone due to some personal grudge against the user, the ban should be 6 hour - 24 hours depending on the attitude of the player Warn/1 hour - 3 day ban or 3 hour cp ban. If the cop arrested someone for absolutely no reason, the ban should be 24 hours at a minimum Mass RDA: Intentional or not can lead to one week ban. Acceptable CP Ban lengths: 15-30 minutes - 1 hour - 3 hour - 6 hour. For the six hour ban, use this for serious offenses in which you would rather use a lesser punishment, or have them educated. For example: A cop arrests 7 people but apologizes or has a good attitude in the sit, you can then 6 hour cp ban instead of the normal 7 day MRDA ban. FTC Removed FTC entirely Not listening to a staff member / continues to cause issues / not helping staff resolve their issue 1-day - 3-day ban depending on the player attitude Running away from a sit / not listening 1-day ban - 3-day ban depending on the player attitude Notes: With FTC being removed I would like to remind all the staff reading this changelog that you can include context in ban reasons. The only thing not allowed in ban messages are personal comments. An example of something allowed in a ban message: "MNLR, kept interfering in raids as sewer lord after being verbaled", an example of a ban message still NOT allowed "MNLR, bro is missing brain cells, I told him not to go back and now he's banned..."
  2. In our discord we're actively fixing this Feel free to pop in and voice your own concerns as well
  3. Hello! We already have a form of this implemented in the server. It's quite simple; make your sky base a public base, and make it out of the way(not blocking tunnels, or any high traffic areas). Staff usually allow them so long as they are not reported, and are a public base. If you adhere to those two things, you should be able to do this for free. The other alternative we already have implemented in the server is the preacher job. Best Regards, Danny Lee
  4. One thing that always confuses me about these complaints that are copy paste the same every time, there's never proof, and I literally can not fix something I do not know I am doing wrong. If I am ever straying from the guidelines or rules then report me or let me know, I'd be more than happy to fix it. But I can't fix an issue that I do not have. There's also a lack of transparency when it comes to who received SMod and how. I can assure you, there is no hand picking going on, unless it's for admin and that's done by the Super Admins.
  5. We are more than open to hear your suggestions, it's just that there's a place for that. That place isn't in ban appeals and reports xd. Discussion threads are fine.
  6. 12/15/2023 FailRP Removed FailRP is a very general term, this includes things like cops not arresting criminals and letting them go. This should not be punishable by staff and the players have all of the power to decide who is and isn't on the job. A verbal warning in rare circumstances can be given out to players who do not want to role-play. Added Not every FailRP situation requires staff, if it is possible to be resolved through /demote, then players should /demote before staff intervention. If a demote isn't viable, or the FailRP is continued after the user has been demoted, staff may intervene and punish accordingly. Warns/Bans may be given out depending on severity/intent. Note: Punishments should increase if it is a repeat offender or included with other offenses Examples where staff can intervene with punishment examples: Any class that is not allowed to raid that is caught raiding is considered FailRP (Verbal-Warning) Player X is being raided and destroys all entities inside his base so the raiders cannot steal them (Warning) Repeat FailRPer, or multiple FailRPs at once (Ban - very rare, usually only if NITRP is included) The punishment is up to you as the staff member. Punishments can vary anywhere from a Verbal-3d ban
  7. 12/15/2023 General Changed DO trade at your own discretion and do your research. Being scammed 1 Mil or more DarkRP cash or any amount of Suga Dollars through an exploit is subject to review and punishment. Being scammed because you were not careful while trading is your own fault. Make sure to use !trade to verify the legitimacy of any transaction Basing Changed You cannot have a sky-base unless you are playing Preacher. Building on rooftops that are not explicitly part of the base (door leading to it) do count as sky-bases. Cop Added Cops with cuffs are not KOS unless they swing their cuffs at you Changed Laws can not target an individual group, class, job, or person. Make your laws general, and make them affect the entire town. You can restrict all areas of the map(besides fountain and in front of PD), but not force people to be there. Illegal Activities Changed Raiding: Having the intent to invade another person's home. Whether you're being harmful or not, trespassing someone else's house should be considered a raid. If you leave the district for any reason your raid is over. Thief Rules Changed title to: Thief/Raid Rules Added When raiding abide by these Raid District rules: forums.titsrp.com/topic/20749-raid-districts/ The ability to go ANYWHERE within districts during a raid is solely when in combat with someone who is outside the base, and once the combat ends, you must then return to the base. You can not defend or raid from outside of the district the base is in. Defenders/raiders are not able to leave the raid district once they have entered to defend/raid their base. If they leave the raid district it counts as ending their defense/raid of the base. For raiding any base in sewers if you enter the ring around sewers after entering the main sewers area your raid/defense is now over. When raiding, use common sense for how far away you can go from the base, the only exception is to chase down a defender attacking you. Basing Added When defending abide by these Raid District rules: forums.titsrp.com/topic/20749-raid-districts/
  8. All credit to Tene(except for the gif, that's all me) The colors represent the borders of each district, with the tunnels being a neutral zone. This means you can enter into the tunnels but you can not exit into a different raid district. While this may look insane for some, the ability to go ANYWHERE within these districts during a raid is solely when in combat with someone who is outside the base, and once the combat ends (you kill the other player), you must then return to the base. You can not defend or raid from outside of the district the base is in. Example: I am raiding the base behind the Elevator in Industrial (dark blue 2), a base owner comes from the opposite side of industrial and shoots me, I can now approach the person who has shot me and fight him over there, instead of right beside the base. This also means I can fully use all of Industrial (excluding other bases) to fight back. I can approach not only from the main street, but via the streets behind the 2 buildings (left side of industrial in the image provided) to go and fight the base owner there, once I have killed him I must now return to the base to continue the actual raid, since I am no longer in combat With this change you can now actually fight the guy who has already shot you, or who is part of the base (he is on the doors) without being glued to the front of the base you are raiding. The defenders/raiders will not be able to leave the raid district once they have entered to defend/raid their base. If they leave the raid district it will count as ending their defense/raid of the base. For raiding any base in sewers if you enter the ring around sewers(example below) after entering the main sewers area your raid/defense is now over. When raiding, use common sense for how far away you can go from the base, the only exception is to chase down a defender attacking you. These changes do not apply to Kingdom, PD, or Bank. Kingdom, PD, and Bank raid rules remain the same.
  9. 12/9/23 Modified: Player Toxicity Pedophile accusations/comments (First offense) warn - 1 week ban depending on situation (second offense) 2 week ban no chance of appeal (third offense/Pedophile comments) 6 months to perma ban depending on situation -Side note use best judgement to determine the appropriate punishment. Sometimes players might be immature and just start calling everyone a pedo. This isn't worth of a perma ban. Pedophile Comments 6 months to perm ban depending on situation.
  10. +use would not enable you to simulate pressing E at specific intervals. +use simulates you holding down your interact key. As you know since you were banned, if you use macros again and are caught you will most likely be punished with a 2 month ban following our Repeat Offense guideline. Please just refrain from using macros. Or even if you are going to continue using them just be near your keyboard so you can pause it to speak to the staff members. Just like in real life, it's only illegal if you get caught
  11. Removed from "Kicking/banning themselves/Misuse of staff tools" Added to "Kicking/banning themselves/Misuse of staff tools" Added section "Punishment Guideline" Fixed minor typos
  12. You're actually supposed to make a ticket before you raid to get staff to sign off on it from here on out now. /s
  13. So thats because of the supporter timer, when you log in it sets your supporter to expire within the day. I have been able to bypass this by just relogging when I lose supporter. Posting this for context
  14. Training Returning Staff Members Do not send them this link until you have finished the questions. When training a returning staff member you can either go through the original training process if they are not confident in their knowledge of our guidelines/commands, or refer to this document instead. If they are confident and wish to be tested, this document will save a considerable amount of time for all parties. No returning staff member should be brought back immediately to the Moderator rank if it has been more than 3 days since their resignation. They will start at TMod and work back up like any other staff member. If you believe the staff member that is returning should be able to start at moderator again, confer with the entirety of the Senior Moderator team and go off majority vote. Before going on to the questions, make sure they have the following binds set up: bind [key] “ulx menu” bind [key] "slogs" bind [key] “ulx return @” bind f8 "unbind v" bind f9 “bind v noclip” [*]Questions In this section you will be asking them a variety of questions to gauge whether they need to be entirely retrained as a TMod. Terminology: Q: What does RDM stand for; give an example of RDM. A: Gauge their answer at your own discretion. Q: What does NLR stand for; give an example of NLR. A: Gauge their answer at your own discretion. Q: What does FDA stand for; give an example of FDA. A:Gauge their answer at your own discretion. Q: What does CNTAP stand for; give an example of CNTAP. A: Gauge their answer at your own discretion. Q: What do the prefixes; I, A, R, M stand for? [If they are confused give them a couple of examples, i.e: MRDM, IRDM, ARDM, RRDM.] A: Intentional, Attempted, Revenge, Mass. Commands Q: What command would you use to restart the revolt timer if the revolt leader was RDM’d? A: !refreshrevolt Q: What command would you use to freeze all props on the server if it was lagging? A: !nolag Q: What command would you use to end a votekick/ban before it goes through? A: !stopvote or !endvote Q: What is the difference between Gag, and Mute? What command combines both of these together? A: Gag stops VC, Mute stops text chat. !gigamute is both. Q: You are checking out a base with a building sign on it, it was reported for having ents inside. How would you confirm if there are ents inside? A: use !spectate Q: What command can you use to show you the death positions of players? A: !shownlr Q: What command would you use to uncuff someone that was NLA/RDA’d A: !uncuff Q: If someone is stuck up in sitland and !return is not working, what command would you use to send them to mainland? A: !forcerespawn Q: You have decided to give a player a verbal warning for NLR, what command would you use to note this. A: !addnote Q: Someone has just MRDM’d. What command would you use to punish them? A: !xban or any other ban command After this section you should have a decent grasp on if they need to be retrained completely or if they can continue through these questions. Logs Explain that you will be running them through three different scenarios, then ask them to think out loud or explain their process in how they would solve these scenarios through slogs. 1) You bring someone who was reported for RDM, they then say “I never RDM’d! The guy was in my base when I first shot him, then he ran out.” A) Answer you are looking for: I would find the first damage dealt in “damage - player” logs, then spectate log position 2) You bring someone who was reported for RDM, they then say “It wasn’t RDM, I was in his party and pressed my party assist bind before shooting him” A) Answer you are looking for: I would check chat logs and damage logs to see if he pressed the bind before shooting. I would then check party logs to see if he was in the party before attacking. 3) You walk into the theater and there is an NSFW video playing. There is no one else in the theater, how would you find out who played that video? A) Answer you are looking for: I would check theater logs. General Knowledge Questions Explain that these next set of questions will be testing their knowledge on our various different guidelines. Q: What is the default ban time for attempting to crash the server? A: 6 months Q: What is the default ban time for MRDM? A: 7 days Q: Now that you're a TMod, what would you type in the reason section if you were banning someone for MRDM? A: Extend to 7d for name | MRDM Q: If you accidentally ban the wrong person, how would you unban them? A: Reban their steamID for one minute | request a Mod+ to unban them. [Inform them that admins now have perms to remove bans.] Q: A Victim from an RDM sit is requesting a refund. You as a Trial Moderator can not refund their weapons. How would you get them refunded? A: Contact a Moderator Q: When should you use staff commands? A: Only when in a sit or staff situation Q: How would you go about receiving help if you have a question about the rules/punishments? A: Look for these answers: @ chat, tmod-help, and lastly if no one is responding attempt to go to dm's with an smod+. You can also inform them they can ping any rank in tmod-help if nobody is responding. Q: If you have an issue with another staff member, which rank would you go to for help? A: Senior Mod+ [*]Admin Tools Admin Stick For this section ask them to run you through what the admin stick is used for, what each command does, and make sure they go into depth over the “force remove ent” option and when to use it. If they do not have the admin stick, have them !forcerespawn themselves. Keypad Checker Set up a fading door with two keypads, one keypad should be connected to the door with the hold length set to 8 seconds, the other should not be connected. After setting this up, ask them to identify which keypad is connected and which is not. Once they have identified the correct keypads ask them how long the door will stay open if the correct code is typed into the working keypad. If they have answered all of your questions to a decent standard, and have explained the admin tools to you in the correct way, explain to them that they have passed the questions section. All that is left now is to read them a few things then they are on their way. [*]Hierarchy of our Staff System and of Sits. If another staff member has a player in a sit, you cannot just take that player out of that sit if you need them for your own sit. You need to ask the staff member in the sit if you could join them or if you could take the player out of their sit. Whoever claims the sit, owns the sit. You should not just be teleporting the victim/reporter to you without claiming the sit. T-Mods can only ban for at most 24 hours, so for bans that require a higher punishment time add “Extend to [time] for [name]” to the beginning of the ban reason then add a separator such as a “\” or “-” and include your ban reason afterwards once done a higher-up will make the ban time longer. Make sure to keep ban reasons clean and neat (Extend to 7d for Sugar - Mass RDM / NITRP) only include what the ban was for - no saying they called your mom ugly. If you ban for FailRP - include what the FailRP was (E.G. FailRP - Hiding in the sewers as a terrorist during an attack) You should not be teleporting to or bringing other staff members to you without their permission. This can end up in demotion if done repeatedly outside of understandable accidents. If you need a staff member for a sit, ask them to tp to you in admin chat. Staff members CAN take sits regarding themselves; however, they are not required to. If you are reported and know you were not in the wrong, feel free to take the sit and educate the player. If you as a staff member did break a rule, you can just warn yourself for it. Trying to bribe players if you broke a rule will result in punishment up to demotion. If you claim a sit regarding another staff member and that sit ends in the belief that the reported staff member deserves a punishment, have them punish themselves. If they are being combative or refusing to punish themselves, document it using a clipping software. If you do not have a clipping software, proceed to ask them to punish themselves in text chat, then export logs for their steamid, and yours. After doing this bring the issue up to a Senior Moderator with the evidence you have. If you believe you cannot be unbiased in your own sit, call for help. If both sides naturally come to an understanding then punishment is not necessary. If you feel you need updates with anything new in staffing feel free to contact a higher up. If there's no higher-up available, you can always contact one in staff channels on the discord or pm them. Do not let your emotions get the better of you in sits, forums or discord, you need to learn to control your behavior and remain respectful. Use SteamID’s for all commands. If you are going to use names, make sure to type out the full name. Never use names for a punitive command, i.e; bans, warns, jail, etc… Once you have finished reading that section to them congratulate them on passing, then give them these links: (1), (2), (3), (4). Explain to them that they can look them over on their own time. Inform them to check the pinned staff announcements in discord for any updates to the staff team they have missed out on since they’ve been gone.
  15. Senior Moderator By receiving the rank of Senior Moderator you have proven yourself to be a capable leader that can work well with a team. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ULX Commands As a Senior Moderator you now have access to more ULX commands and can use these commands on other Senior Moderators and all ranks below: Shame - This is an alternative punishment which can be used at your discretion. Unshame - This will end the shame on whichever player you have shamed. Bans - As a Senior Moderator you are now able to ban and extend bans for up to 6 months. Admin Stick - Block Prop, this will set a prop to the blacklist, do not do this. RemoveInvalid - This command will remove all random entities like error signs that the admin tool can not target. Removeuser - This command will set a players rank to user when they are online RemoveUserID - This is the same as RemoveUser, however it is used for players that are offline or not in game. Setrank - this command will allow you to set the rank for a player that is online SetRankID - This is the same as SetRank, however it is used for players that are offline or not in game. Available ranks for you to set players to: User VIP Respected [Do not set anyone to this rank] Trial Moderator Moderator Developer [Do not set anyone to this rank] F2 Menu on Door Disallow Ownership - This disables anyone from being able to buy doors, like the doors in spawn area. Door Groups - This will allow you to set the door to only be owned by Cops/Gun Dealers/Bankers & Guards. Jobs - This will allow you to set the door to be ownable only by specific jobs. None - This resets the door to a normal buyable door. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Discord Moderation We already have a discord moderating guideline which is located here. For the punishments make sure to use your best judgment, we have no specific guideline for the punishments. Do not ban someone for 7 days because they called you a furry, in the same vein do not mute someone for 2 hours because they doxx’d one of our admins. Basically don’t be silly when it comes to punishments. Discord Commands You can now Alt Check and view Staff Stats for the staff team. $altcheck steamid - This will pull up a list of alts and tell you if they are banned or not for that steamID, it will also tell you if there are no alts associated with that account. $staffstats steamid [#]w - This command will show you the hours played and how many sits they have taken for however many weeks you have specified. Instead of using a steamID for $staffstats you can also search by staff rank. Here are the list of ranks you can search: trialmoderator moderator seniormoderator admin ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Forum Moderation There is no difference between Mod and Senior Moderator when it comes to terms of moderating the forums, however, as a Senior Moderator you can now Accept or Deny Appeals & Reports. When accepting or denying Appeals & Reports make sure you go with majority vote. If it is a split tie you can ask other staff members to put their opinions on the post, or you can confer with the SMod team on what to do. You can also view and comment on Senior Moderator Applications. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Responsibilities of a Senior Moderator As a Senior Moderator you have proven that you are to be trusted with the responsibility that comes with this role. Work together with your fellow Senior Moderators to come to a decision. The Senior Moderator Team is a fully autonomous part of the staff team when it comes to decisions that fall on the Mod- team. Anything else that the Senior Moderator team has a discussion about or recommended change pertaining to the server or staff team as a whole should be brought to the Admins. Training TMod’s and accepting TMod Applications As a Senior Moderator you can now accept/deny Trial Moderator Applications. Always go with majority vote when it comes to accepting or denying an application. Make sure that the application has been up for a minimum of 24 hours. If the votes are split then confer with your fellow Senior Moderator’s before accepting/denying. Should they be accepted you can now train them by yourself following this training guideline. You may now also oversee Moderators who wish to train Trial Moderators. Promoting Trial Moderators As a Senior Moderator, you may promote a Trial Moderator to Moderator if they meet the following criteria: they have been active for at least 7 days, their sit count is good, they have been drama free, and they have shown they are confident in their knowledge of staffing, then suggest a promotion to the other Senior Moderators in the #tmod-upkeep channel on Discord. Give other staff members enough time respond with feedback, then use your best judgement on whether or not it's the right time for a promotion. Train them using this guideline. Demoting/Striking Staff Members As a Senior Moderator you can now demote and issue strikes against Mods and TMods. Strikes and demotions should only be given out after a discussion in the #tmod-upkeep channel or in rare cases where it is absolutely necessary such as abuse of staff commands or staff going rouge. Notify the rest of the team as soon as possible. If you are giving out a strike, confer with other Senior Moderators with the evidence you have to see if that is the best course of action. Reasons for Demotes and Strikes The only reasons you should be giving demotions or strikes out to staff members is if they either break the Moderator Guidelines, or if they break the actual Server Rules. The other reason is if they are not meeting the expected quota, or have a severe lack of tickets taken/hours played. I.e; 60 hours in the week with 2 sits taken, or 5 hours in the last two weeks. In those scenarios approach them first, then if there is no change you may strike/demote. You should not be giving out demotions or strikes just because you don’t like a trial moderator, you will be removed if caught doing this. Trial Mod & Moderator Outreach As a Senior Moderator you are the first bastion for the Mod’s and TMod’s. Make sure that you are keeping in touch with your team, whether it's to see if they’re doing well in the staff team, or to just see if they’re doing well as a person. Let the Mod- team know that we are here for them as a leader in every aspect possible, not just to answer their “should I mrdm ban this guy or not” questions.
  16. Trial Mod Training Sheet Give this to the TMod so they can follow along! NOTE: Make sure to explain that they need to be active on forums and discord. If they have a ban appeal/report on them then they are usually notified in discord. Make sure they are aware of all of the moderator guidelines found HERE and make sure they are familiar with the Punishment Guidelines found HERE. There is also the sit guidelines which is found HERE. Tell them that it is recommended they go through this in their own time, it will only help them in their brand new staff position. Let the TMod know to check pinned staff announcements for any context to rule changes and various other important things. Have them set up all the binds listed below and test them with you: bind [key] "ulx menu" bind [key] "slogs" bind [key] "ulx return @" bind f8 "unbind v" bind f9 "bind v noclip" [*]Go over all the different terminologies with the trainee and when/how they should be using them RDM = Random death match RDA = Random arrest NITRP = No intention to role play LTAP = Leaving to avoid punishment FDA = Fading door abuse CNTAP = Changing name to avoid punishment Prefixes: I = Intentional A = Attempted R = Revenge M = Mass [*]Talk in admin chat by doing @ (message) Explain to them that this chat can be used to ask questions regarding staff situations, rules, punishment, or to just shoot the shit. It's an OOC for staff. [*]Show them their new fancy admin tools If they don’t have them, forcerespawn them, and they should have them. If they still don’t have them, get them to relog. The Admin Stick Teach them about the various operating modes they can access by right-clicking. Put the fear of god into them about the “force remove ent” option on their stick. It will remove literally everything, including NPCs and entities like the PD screen, doors, or portals. Make sure they are careful. If they do remove an entity, make sure they know to contact an Admin immediately. The Admin Keypad Checker Spawn a fading door and spawn down a couple keypads with the same activation key as the fading door. Get them to first click on the fading door to draw the lines to the keypads. Get them to right click to clear the tool, then get them to click on the keypad to show how long it is open for and which fading door(s) it controls. Give them an example of when they would use the Keypad Checker. [*]Go over the ULX menu and commands If there is another TMod on, ask them to tp to you, if there is not one online, ask for a volunteer in ooc. Have the Trial Mod you are training test out most of these commands on the other Trial Mod/Volunteer. Have them find their name in tab menu and copy their SteamID. Obviously do not have them test warn, addnote, ban, or kick on the volunteer. (Make sure to include scenarios on when to use commands as you go through them) Have them test these commands out on the other TMod/Volunteer !sit - This command will bring the staff member into the Sit Land. !jailtp - This command is a combination of the !bring and !jail command, it will bring them to you and jail them simultaneously !jail / !unjail - This command is used to put people inside of a prop jail, it will set their spawnpoint to inside the jail as well. !bring - Used to bring players to your current location. !goto - Used to teleport to someone. !return - Used to return a player to their original location if they were brought. !gigamute / !ungigamute - This command stops a player from being able to send text messages and use voice chat !spectate - This command allows you to spectate a player and hear all voice chat as if you were the player you are spectating !shownlr - Use this command to show the position of death for the victim and the position of the killer. !freeze / !unfreeze - This command is used to Freeze a player where they stand. !noclip - This command will put you into noclip mode !stopvote / !endvote - Use this command to stop a voteban or votekick started by a community member. !slogs - When doing this command, a menu will appear that will have multiple tabs. !menu - This command will bring up the ulx menu. !strip - This command will strip players of all of their weapons/sweps !forcerespawn - Use this command to force respawn a player Do not have them test these commands! The volunteer should have been forcerespawned by now so they can go back to roleplaying. !nolag - This command will freeze all props on the server. !refreshrevolt - This command will reset the timer on the !startrevolt command for players !forceskip - Use this command to skip a video playing in the theater !cpban - This command will ban a player from being any cop job *Explain for gigamute and cpban that they can put a number after the steamID, this will gigamute/cpban them for that many minutes.* !addnote - Use this command to add a note to a players !warn profile. This is also used to document gigamutes or cpbans. !warn - Use this command to warn a player if the punishment guidelines/situation calls for it. !kick - This command is used to forcefully disconnect a player from the server. !xban - This command pops up a ban menu, you can then fill it out and ban a player. (For Training Staff member: Explain to them how to fill it out, and how to ask for an extend if the ban is more than one day) [*]Teach them about the different ways to ban someone and let them decide which way they prefer. Through ULX menu Console: “ulx ban” & “ulx banid” Chat “!banid” & “!ban” !xban - they should be using this as its the most accurate banning tool. [*]Unbanning: In order to unban someone as TMod you must contact a Mod+ to try and get them unbanned. If you do not get a response within 10-20 minutes and you accidentally banned the wrong person, you may ban the person for 1 minute for the reason “Accidental Ban/Unban'' then make sure to contact an Admin to get the bans removed from their record. The reason we want you to try to get a hold of a mod+ first is because they have access to unban any user that has been banned, it also does not add another ban on their record. If you banned someone for the wrong time it is not as much of an issue, you can be more patient with waiting for a response from a mod+. You should only be unbanning a player if you either accidentally banned them, or you are requested to unban a SteamID by a Senior Moderator+. [*]How-to NOT mess something up: How to not mess up and make half the server noclip or jailed: Use SteamID’s for all commands. If you are going to use names, make sure to type out the full name. Never use names instead of SteamID’s for a punitive command, i.e: bans, warns, jail, etc… If you are going to type out their name, after the first three letters you can press tab and it will autofill with their name. Only use names for non-punitive commands! I.e: bring, goto, spectate, shownlr, etc… Make sure no one is faking their name similar to another player (E.G. Coconut Overflow vs Coconut Overfiow) This would be CNTAP. [*]Kicking/banning themselves/Misuse of staff tools NO STAFF MEMBERS SHOULD BE RANDOMLY KICKING, BANNING, ETC. THEMSELVES Do not use staff tools for non-staff purposes. (Example: freezing people in spawn for no reason or phys gunning your friend for a joke in public) Do not abuse any of your staff tools, especially noclip. Noclip abuse will result in a swift demotion, it’s ok if you make a mistake and accidentally hit your bind, however, just press your f8 key to disable noclip when you are not in a staff situation. If you need to use noclip for the purpose of assisting a sit, such as helping a player get unstuck, or grabbing stuck objects in hard-to-reach areas, that is allowed. If you are taking a sit in mainland, while it is not necessary try to be on the Staff on Duty job. It is located right above the custom class section at the very bottom of the f4 menu. If you do not see the job, it will be there after you relog. Always try to use noclip very sparingly while in mainland. In most scenarios, you will be able to !spectate and then press r to teleport where you need to go. The only time you should physgun a player in mainland is if they are stuck. Do not use any staff commands/tools in mainland besides the aforementioned ones. Nine times out of ten, you can just take the sit to sitland. Sitland is a dedicated non-rp zone. When conducting a sit, the staff member should bring the minimum number of players needed to conduct a fair sit. This usually includes the person calling the sit and the person being reported. Under no circumstances should the staff member bring their friends or a third party who is not directly involved in the sit to the sit or to sitland in general. It's the staff member's responsibility to ensure that whoever they bring to the sit is returned at the end of the sit using !return. Staff may chill in sitland while not on duty or while waiting for a sit but non-staff are not allowed because they could be left there and forgotten, unable to roleplay (if targeted by a Hitman, etc), or disturbing other staff member's sits. Don't interfere with other staff or sits. Anyone you bring to sit land, you are completely responsible for. They cannot be left by themselves unless you crash. If that happens, ping @staff in Discord and ask someone to return them for you. [*]The Tab Menu: Discuss all the different things a staff member can do by clicking a name in the tab menu. By this time they should know every command that is in there, so explain to them this is the best way to check for past warns/bans before deciding on a punishment in a sit. [*]Logging System: Make sure they realize there is a search bar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Teach them about the “Export Logs” function. Go over right-click options in logs, i.e. if someone changes their name they can right click>bring, or copy SteamID, it will also show if they have disconnected when clicking on their name. The export logs file path is located at: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\titsrp-bans SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\titrsrp-warns SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\slogs-saved-logs Make them aware that they can view the location of almost any log. If they select the log and hover over player/killer/victim there is a “spectate log position” option. This will teleport their camera to the exact position where that log entry happened. Give some examples to show how useful this command is, i.e; Someone adverted PD Raid, you can spectate the chat log position to see if they started the raid while in the PD or not. Someone killed the mayor as mayor’s assassin, you can spectate the job change log to see if they changed to assassin inside the PD. Etc… [*]The Sit Menu: Set up a fake/test sit request so the new staff member can see the sit menu and explain all the different buttons on it. In order to do this, you can call a sit using the F4 menu under help. Make sure to put something like “DO NOT CLAIM UNLESS YOU ARE ____, THIS IS A TEST SIT FOR TRAINING” Explain what each of the different buttons do on the sit menu. After explaining all of the buttons[Goto, Bring, Refund, Claim, Close, Ignore, Options], have them click the options button. Then recommend them to change the popup timer to 180. This will have tickets stay on their screen for 3 minutes. After explaining the buttons, have them click on the reported players name and explain what each of those selections does. Once you have completely explained everything about the ticket system, have them ignore your sit with the custom reason “Be more specific, include who killed you or attempt to reach out to them in ooc before contacting staff”. Once they have done that explain scenarios where you can accept low quality sits vs scenarios where you should deny them. [*]Punishment Guideline Take this time to go over the Punishment Guidelines with the new TMod. Make sure to explain that for Pedo Accusation bans or Player Toxicity bans, they will always ban for the reason of Player Toxicity, then !addnote the actual reason. You do not have to read every punishment, but get them familiarized with the document. Go over Repeat Offenses with them, explain that if they have been unbanned and are being rebanned for the same exact thing, it would be doubled for Repeat Offense. Throw them a couple of questions/scenarios to see if they can navigate through the guidelines, i.e. How long would you ban for attempting to crash the server? What is the punishment for IRL threats? Etc… [*]How sits work Use any and all resources available to you at your own discretion. This means if you want to you can type !rules or !motd in chat during a sit to refresh on specific or niche rules. It is also recommended to keep the punishment guidelines up on a separate tab so you can quickly reference them. Confidence is key, as soon as a staff member loses control of a sit, it becomes the ultimate cluster fuck. Don’t be afraid to mute or gag a unruly user when absolutely necessary to control the situation. Remember that we are here to educate players about the rules. Education > Punishment. If you can resolve a situation without punishment, that is the way to go. If a sit maker works it out with the offender, you shouldn't punish the offender if it wasn’t a major server rule break or didn’t affect anyone else. This is a game and we want to encourage everyone to have fun, we don't want to ban unless we have to. Always be respectful - Sits usually tend to end well for all parties involved when the staff member in charge of them isn’t arrogant and egotistical. Try to keep somewhat of a “Customer Service” mentality in mind. You don't have to be a boot licker, but you should always hold a level of maturity and decency to your sits. Newer staff tend to take longer in sits than older staff, which is perfectly normal. Always make sure you are valuing how thorough you are and don't worry about the speed of your sits because it will improve over time. Quality > quantity. Don’t let players rush you, always take your time. Staff should not make sits when there isn't a sit made. Unless you see major rule breaks, waiting for a report or sit is best. If you are affected by a rule break you may initiate a sit but make sure you can be unbiased in the situation, otherwise, you need to get other staff involved. Make sure not to let people piss you off, in the end, this is a volunteer job, if someone is causing you grief, don't be afraid to tell them if they can't help the sit get handled properly then you will return them, and return them if they continue, don't let people walk on you. Only return the player if they are the one who initiated the report, do not return the reported player because he is being difficult. Don't be afraid to lay the law of the land, just keep a good level of patience with that as well, you don't want to come off as tempered. [*]Hierarchy of our staff system and of sits If another staff member has a player in a sit, you cannot just take that player out of that sit if you need them for your own sit. You need to ask the staff member in the sit if you could join them or if you could take the player out of their sit. Whoever claims the sit, owns the sit. You should not just be teleporting the victim/reporter to you without claiming the sit. T-Mods can only ban for at most 24 hours, so for bans that require a higher punishment time add “Extend to [time] for [name]” to the beginning of the ban reason then add a separator such as a “\” or “-” and include your ban reason afterwards once done a higher-up will make the ban time longer. Make sure to keep ban reasons clean and neat (Extend to 7d for Sugar - Mass RDM / NITRP) only include what the ban was for - no saying they called your mom ugly. If you ban for FailRP - include what the FailRP was (E.G. FailRP - Hiding in the sewers as a terrorist during an attack) You should not be teleporting to or bringing other staff members to you without their permission. This can end up in demotion if done repeatedly outside of understandable accidents. If you need a staff member for a sit, ask them to tp to you in admin chat. Staff members should not take sits regarding themselves unless there is absolutely no other staff online. If you are the only staff online, recommend the player to make a report on the forums unless they don't mind if you take your own sit. Trying to bribe players if you broke a rule will result in punishment up to demotion. When a staff member takes their own sits, it usually results in the player claiming your bias and will result in a forums report regardless of the outcome of your sit. Just don't do it unless you absolutely have no other option and the player refuses to make a report on the forums. If the sit is in regards to another staff member, suggest to the player they make a report on the forums. If they refuse and that sit ends in the belief that the reported staff member deserves a punishment, follow the punishment guidelines. If they are being combative or refusing to accept punish, document it using a clipping software. If you do not have a clipping software, proceed to ask them to punish themselves in text chat, then export logs for their steamid, and yours. After doing this bring the issue up to a Senior Moderator with the evidence you have. If both sides naturally come to an understanding then punishment is not necessary. [*]ShowNLR (This gets its own section here because of how important it is) ShowNLR allows a staff member to see where exactly a player has been killed, who killed them, and how long ago it occurred. In order to access it, type !shownlr SteamID. You can also click on the player’s name in the tab menu and select shownlr. You can also access shownlr through slogs using the dropdown box. When you’re eventually in the NLR tool/spectate tool explain how they can swap death locations via the arrow keys. Give them a couple of scenarios on how/when shownlr would be useful. [*]Spectate Explain how to enter spectate mode through various ways (tab menu, chat, ulx, slogs) Explain to them what Left click, Right click, and Spacebar does. Tell them that they will never need to use the “Stop spectating and teleport” command. [*]Explain what to do in the situation of prop spammers Spectate the person in question. Decide if they are trying to crash the server or just being idiotic by doing something like spamming babies in a bathtub (some people 0_o) If they are trying to crash the server, ban for “extend to 6mo for “name” Attempting to crash the server”. Afterward, they need to pass that Steam ID along to a higher up to be perma-banned 6 Month banned and remove their props using remove ent option on admin stick. If they are just spawning babies in a bathtub or other stupid shit like that, teleport to them. Warn them to stop doing it and inform them that if they continue, they will be kicked->warned>banned. Try to include multiple scenarios to show how vastly different these sits can be from one another. [*]Never be afraid to ask for help There will almost always be a higher-up on if a T-mod ever needs help during a sit. We want to make sure all these new staff members turn into amazing mods. If theres no higher-up available, you can always contact one in staff channels on the discord. If all else fails, use your best judgment with the guidance of the following available resources; the punishment guideline, admin/moderator guide, and the MOTD. [*]Teamwork makes the dream work If two staff members both have reports regarding the same player(s), combine the sits. Never be afraid to join in on another staff members sit and see how they do sits. Always make sure you have their permission to come watch the sit, if you fly into their sit without permission, or try to take over their sit, it will most likely end in a demotion. The best way to ask for permission is like this: "@ Hey Hobo Dad, can I come spectate your sit?". If you receive a yes then feel free to noclip over or teleport to them. [*]Don’t be afraid of demotion 90% of the time a player says they will report you for doing something wrong in a sit, they really wouldn’t For the other 10% of the time when they do report you, there is nothing to worry about unless you really did fuck up. If that is the case, come clean because lying or trying to cover-up your mistakes will just end badly (probably a demotion) [*]How-to NOT mess something up: This is in here twice because of how important it is. Use SteamID’s for all commands. If you are going to use names, make sure to type out the full name. Never use names instead of SteamID’s for a punitive command, i.e; bans, warns, jail, etc… If you are going to type out their name, after the first three letters you can press tab and it will autofill with their name. Only use names for non-punitive commands! I.e; bring, goto, spectate, shownlr, etc… Give them this link and recommend them to bookmark it, explain that it has every link in there that they would need, and is a good tool to use for information on niche situations. Don't comment on staff applications until you are promoted to Moderator! If you feel the need to comment on a staff app, contact a Mod+ with any information you have pertaining to the applying community member.
  17. No React = Hate Family No Response = Hate Family Vin Diesel will come for you
  18. July is a big month for all of us, not only is America Day this month, however so is the National Family Reunion Month. We all have at one point taken our family for granted, take some time out of at least one day this month to reach out and let your family know you love them. Our families help us develop into our own unique individual, while also giving us a safe environment where we are loved. We learn to socialize through our families, and at the end of the day when no one else has your back, you know you can always rely on family. Even if you have none, I know for a fact our resident TitsRP Dad, Mr.Hobo will gladly step up to the plate and be that father figure you need. Don't take your family for granted. Instead reach out, reconnect with loved ones. Simple small actions can lead to amazing things in this regard. All throughout your life, from birth to death you will have family. Be it blood and flesh, or something as simple as tied in through marriage. Let us not forget how important these people in our lives are. Especially when times are tough, the world seems to be in chaos, war is breaking out, chaos at every turn. Don't live your life with regret, reach out.
  19. Hello Xyleena, thank you for taking the time out of your day to post this. I would like to point out a couple of flaws in this though; First and foremost the whole "cyber bullying" thing, sure bullying might be bad but it is the source of growth for a lot of people. It seems a tad silly to me that cyber bullying is apparently this big of an issue when it comes to gender identity or sexuality. If it was hate speech then I could understand it, however hate speech is not subjective just because it hurt your feelings. Hate Speech that is punishable by law is this; "hate speech can only be criminalized when it directly incites imminent criminal activity or consists of specific threats of violence targeted against a person or group.". You are asking us as a community to conform to every single persons ideals that comes in here? We already punish death threats and treat them very seriously; however it is absolutely ludicrous in my opinion to ask us to start moderating our community members in the aspect of who they call a dude or who they call a gal. Regardless grow a pair, seriously, it would be a different story if someone told you "hey go kill yourself" or "hey I hope you bleed out from your surgery going wrong". Those are vile and disgusting things to say to someone and will be treated as such, but you're asking us to nitpick so your feelings don't get hurt. If they are using slurs, death threats, or anything related to the aforementioned comments, that is a different story. I hope that I'm not coming off as aggressive, however the stance I'm taking on this is one that I believe you need to hear. I can promise you that us as a staff team will definitely be there when it is necessary, however for such trivial matters it's not anything we should be doing. We already don't allow slurs, we already don't allow death threats, I promise this is a decently tame community. All due respect, just grow some thicker skin. Best Regards, Ironfish1
  20. Hey mrpig! I personally love this idea, it would give cops an incentive to do more than just sit at checkpoints or arrest people for jwalking/sweps out. I'll drop my +1 here for the idea. However, I suggest that you hop into the discord and put your suggestion in the #suggestion channel. In the top right you can click new post and just copy paste this over there. It will surely get more traction and feedback. Best of luck to you, and your idea!
  21. To spread more information on why this is an important topic, here are some facts revolving just suicide: The age-adjusted suicide rate in 2021 was 14.04 per 100,000 individuals. The rate of suicide is highest in middle-aged white men. In 2021, men died by suicide 3.90x more than women. On average, there are 132 suicides per day. White males accounted for 69.68% of suicide deaths in 2021. Males accounted for 80.20% of suicide deaths in 2021. If you are struggling, force yourself to reach out to anyone, you're not alone.
  22. I'll do all three, in game, forums, and personal; -1
  23. +1 Here's some evidence of me recreating the bug: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1cCrsR4eSKSFdj/d1337BEqJNX6?invite=cr-MSxoMjYsNjUwNDI5Nyw
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