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( Trigger warning ) basing changes [2017 basing proposal]


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There has been a lot of posts regarding basing and a lot of people just say "make basing good again" or "bring back 2017 basing" but no one has actually focused on why basing is so out of wack right now. IMO, basing is scuffed because of what I will call non-"line of sight" raiding methods. These methods and tools include c4, timebombs, material grenades, bunker busters. I've compiled a scenario where I feel like basing would be closest to as it was in 2017 and be a win-win for both raiders and basers. If you like this, react!! (this is my personal POV and not a official announcement of any changes to basing)


LOS: Line of sight; you must be looking directly at the object you are interacting with

One-Way props: You can only see through a prop through the inside using a combination of materials


LOS Raiding: Keypad Cracker, Lockpick, Blowtorch, breaching charge

NON-LOS Raiding: c4, timebombs, material grenades, bunker busters


Scenario (closest to 2017 basing imo)

:CoolBeans:   Remove all non-LOS raiding methods but keep LOS raiding tools (see legend for examples)

:CoolBeans:   Ban one-way props/bases


Many users have resorted to building massive one-way maze bases as it is the ONLY effective defense against non LOS raids. I honestly believe this is one major reason why people say "basing is not fun anymore" because you aren't actually building anything or utilizing but 1/4 of the base to paste a large dupe. I want to be able open a gun store with a massive weapon farm in the back and not have to worry about one c4 taking out my entire shop. It is fun to build bases, but if one c4 can take out my entire operation then why bother?



  • Users will no longer be discouraged from using 90% of the buildings in titsrp to base due to the use of C4 and other non-LOS raiding methods
  • Users will be encouraged to build more intricate base designs
  • Users will once again be able to combine a business (such as a gun store) and a base rather than using just warehouses for basing
  • New users will not be discouraging from basing because more experienced players will not have any advantages
  • Raiding will be easier / more fun and will require actual skill because you will have to face your opponent face to face


  • People will be sad that their dupes cannot be used
  • Larger open space bases such as warehouses may not be used as much due to the lack of cover


I kinda got tired of typing at this point but I may edit this later with more scenarios / props and cons. Basically the TLDR is, 2017 basing was fun because it required more skill. As soon as you hear that lockpick sound, you know shit is about to go down. At this point it's down to who has better aim. 

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5 minutes ago, USN peepoo said:

If you wanna implement these changes, rework guns and make them more consistent and less powerful. Including the tier system.

This is actually something that I didn't think about but would absolutely need to be considered if one-ways are removed. 

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1 hour ago, Rubik said:

This is actually something that I didn't think about but would absolutely need to be considered if one-ways are removed. 

All of basing needs a damn refresh clearly after so many popular suggestions recently the community doesn't really like the new way of basing.


Firstly right now we need a weapon overhaul. Get rid of enchanted weapons that buff damage, recoil, fire rate, and magazine size. Instead just make rare-legendary weapons based on certain abilities. IE.


You gain 10% more money with printers while equipped

You gain 20% faster processor speed while equipped

10% higher chance to get rare items from processors.

10% speed boost while equipped

Any entities you own will no longer have a decay timer


There's tons of different ideas for these.


Bring back old printers to quote Jack Johnson

"maybe as a seperate entity so u have a printer for noobs and then printers that create more money but require work."


Seriously KDawg stop shivering at the sight of someone wanting back tokens. RNG in opening crates is one of the most fun parts of this server. Bring back fucking tokens in t2s it wasn't that broken and you made it out to be like people were making billions in a week off of tokens. 


Also all of Rubiks suggestions are fucking awesome. I'd like to add make a reason to set up a gunstore. Instead of a retard setting up a stand and then switching classes to base make it to where you have to buy guns from them in a shop. Idk add a fucking plug in to make transactions with gun dealers easier. 


It's abundantly clear that people don't like this boring ass new way of basing.



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This server is probably the only large server that allows one way props. This is also probably the only server that has raiding methods that can destroy entire bases in seconds with a relatively small investment.


Unfortunately, it hasn't worked out so well. The non-LOS methods of raiding have tilted the balance in the raiders' favor so much that basing is no longer worth the hassle for many players.


 Another slightly less talked about aspect is the massive difference between the haves and have nots. "Timmy_user" likely does not have the means to defend a base from "Rich_veteran". "2017 basing" at least gave "Timmy_user" a chance to take on "Rich_veteran" in a skill to skill headmatch as opposed to outspending.


This would be a welcome chance and maybe the whole map could be used for basing once again.

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3 hours ago, Rubik said:



  • Larger open space bases such as warehouses may not be used as much due to the lack of cover


the basing ideas are cool but this is one of the biggest points, lots of the areas of the map were changed on downtown titsv2 to go along with how basing was done(namely that old bases were fence spam mazes and were incredibly unfun). I know downtown titsv3 is a thing people bitch about asking for a lot but for major basing changes like these a new or slightly updated map would be incredibly nice.

3 hours ago, USN peepoo said:

If you wanna implement these changes, rework guns and make them more consistent and less powerful. Including the tier system.

Adding rarer special tier of weapons that can only come from procs in the vein of old basewars weapon racks would be a cool concept and encourage actually using procs.


43 minutes ago, Merhaculous said:

can't wait to have a stereotypical 3 in a row lockpick fading door base. like every server. I think the 1-ways and cool raiding tools is like one of the things that makes this server unique.

I feel like this is what the whole change will come down to if the actual server/map isnt updated in accordance. One change that could help is adding back old foods like god food and old potions to have more variety, but if you leave the server the way it is now and remove the unique basing style the server will lose some of its charm.  Titsrps raiding, and namely its rather large skill ceiling and floor is what got me to play in the first place. The difference between a day 1 player and a regular player is drastic, and removing this might make players interested for a short time before they realize that the only proper way to improve with these changes will just be aim. Not saying that needing to get better aim is a bad thing, but when its your only actual way to improve then the game gets stale.


1 hour ago, Rastaman Vibrations said:

This server is probably the only large server that allows one way props. This is also probably the only server that has raiding methods that can destroy entire bases in seconds with a relatively small investment.


Unfortunately, it hasn't worked out so well. The non-LOS methods of raiding have tilted the balance in the raiders' favor so much that basing is no longer worth the hassle for many players.


 Another slightly less talked about aspect is the massive difference between the haves and have nots. "Timmy_user" likely does not have the means to defend a base from "Rich_veteran". "2017 basing" at least gave "Timmy_user" a chance to take on "Rich_veteran" in a skill to skill headmatch as opposed to outspending.


This would be a welcome chance and maybe the whole map could be used for basing once again.

Editing to say this because I see this argument on every single post about basing or raiding or enchants or whatever. Yes, new players will lose to old players because the old players have more stuff and experience. You know where else you'll see this, LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE GAME PVP GAME EVER MADE. It's such a low brow argument that I usually just ignore it but i've seen the same copy pasted argument on just about every single forums thread over the past couple months

Edited by bugman
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I think the system of basing and raiding are both victims of powercreep with it affecting basing more. one way props in 2017 were used but houndeye existed to deal with it more and material grenades were just released which also dealt with it. LOS raiding happened WAY more in 2017 with c4 ignoring walls. Weapons being used in 2017 were almost never legendary because they were way more rare.


Would making one way props make people not use the popular basing spots with smaller dupes? I doubt it, I think it would just become stronger because it would effectively take the entire raid timer to break through props using blowtorches and most people would likely transition into using transparent/semitransparent props as fading doors behind something else so the raider cannot see when the baser opens the shooting window


Would this change people in bases using legendary guns with damage food to instakill you? no. Would it change basers from being in large parties with people not in the base ready to come behind and kill raiders? no.

The big advantage of this change would be making more bases usable for basing with a lot of entites but in my opinion if you are basing with fewer than 15 entities there are way more bases that are viable than the ones being commonly used right now (mostly because people dont want to make their own base dupes)


I think this could be a good idea for a fresh start server with new restrictions around basing but i doubt its a good solution for the current server unless you want to wipe way more than just the raiding tools from peoples inventories.


I think a better solution is to make holy hand grenades more powerful and to make it easier for raiders to defend against parties that have drones in them only to defend from behind (for example being able to highlight members of an opposing party) and maybe making c4 radius smaller/taking longer to place (maybe increasing damage of the explosion tho) while making smoke grenades larger and last longer to balance it out. The problem i see with this is that some people have textures that completely remove smoke from the game and i dont know if that can even be detected.




Also is this really the type of base we want to see?unknown.png


I would  also suggest anyone posting about raiding being broken or easy to actually try to raid one of the bases with 8 man party in sewers and i guarantee 90% of people cant do it even in a full party

Edited by 1-800-Suicide
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