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The Bank desperately needs a rework.

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This is a conversation that popped up last time I was active on tits a few years back and I was surprised to see that not only had the bank not changed but that it had stagnated to the point where every time I walk in there the banks total balance has been sat happily at $0 as opposed to the average 40-100 mil it used to typically hold on any given day.


The bank should be a very integral part of RP, and a core function with great incentive for criminal organizations bank groups and the cops alike.


I personally don't have any bright ideas as to how we might go about fixing the glaring issues presented but it is blatantly obvious that a full rework is well overdue, that being said I welcome and encourage any and all community feedback on this thread to bring us a functional bank instead of a vacant building.

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A lot of it is down to raids on the bank and literally no one stopping them. So the amount in the bank is going to basically go down to 0 every time there is enough money to make up for the dragon eggs that are out there. But as for now. Since it's been over raided now people have eggs to a degree of being able to go negative on the bank. 


My idea is to add more craftable ways to use eggs or use eggs in such a way that allows them to be used and not just be used for Bank C4. 

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Yeah, I just feel like the way it is is just inherently a bad model, you rely on investors and a bank manager who will sit there all day, investors make little to nothing and so does the manager, the manager has to put in all the work while a small 3 man party of raiders with leges take all the profit.

I think the bank c4 are fine the way they are and should stick around but there's gotta be another way to do this where investors and bank managers aren't just donating their money and time

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I think that bank managers and employees should be getting a metric fuck ton of exp each time the bank amount raises, it should be one of the best ways to farm exp by far to incentivize actually basing there and securing the vault.

Raiding is already much more difficult without mat bombs so maybe that would be a good place to start but additionally the hold time on the large bank c4 should be reduced by a bit.


Also a rule should stipulate that anyone basing as the manager or an employee should under no circumstances be allowed to switch jobs and raid it for two or three days after the fact.

Edited by Emperor Taint Rat Legend X
Stupid auto correct
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Literally all you have to do to bank is make it a random percentage again instead of 100%. aka make it like old bank. That would keep the use of dragon eggs, make bank actually useful and worth, and it will stop bank heist leaders from raiding over and over for 100% of the money in the bank.

Edited by ❤️ It's Ya Boi Green ❤️
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29 minutes ago, 1-800-Suicide said:

For real what if enchanting artifacts wasnt rarer  than finding a lost tomb when u can buy one for nothing and also make the ramp allowed to be based in again and revert the bank

they did that shit back in like march of last year for the cereal monster base

Edited by Mumper
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