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Why was Sticks banned?!?!?!

Jack Johnson

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I agree with everyone above me this ban was weird and shouldn't of even happened in the first place.


With the video evidence I saw it looks like they just wanted low to play instead of educator, in my opinion they didn't do anything wrong.


It's kinda hard to believe they killed educator for money sticks knows way better ways to make MORE money and wasn't  the winnings only 1mill? That means they would only make 300k assuming they'd split it. 


That's garbage money 300k is literally nothing let alone 1mill 

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Uh oh! They're going to time me out of my hand! I've been had! They knew exactly what they were doing, this is was done with malice and an obvious exploit to take my 1.2m in a poker hand!




Anyways, this video shows that if you really cared at all you could've just, ya know, walked back to the poker table and continued to play. The timeout timer is so incredibly long that a player could run, not even sprint, and get there before the timer even hits half. @Special Educator


So as it turns out, the timeout is ~20 seconds on the high stakes, for no apparent reason, making it only possible to get back if you have a jetpack


Why does kdawg make these changes nobody asked for 😠

Edited by Zesty
I am wrong and dumb and stupid
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Hello, I have noticed some people not noticing a few things in the video.

Look closely at the beginning. Smerexy has won a game. There may be a seat free, but you can actually see Low being there in the background whenever Special talks.

The reason why the seat was free is because Low lost and needed to get more chips so he can continue playing with them. It is difficult to see this visually, as Special opens the door and immediately jumps up and sits down (You can hear the door closing right when he sits down.)

After Special sits down, and before anything was even on the table, smerexy's first reaction was to try and place a hit by walking up to piklas. This is evidence that they didnt plan on scamming you, or exploiting, or anything. They wanted you gone BECAUSE that was Low's spot. This is also proven at the very end, where after your death Low jumps up and trys to take your seat.


Long story short, they never had the intention to scam you or anything, they just wanted to play with their friends.

(I also didnt wanna write this essay but i was forced to)



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