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Kidnapping Revert


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As someone who doesnt base and mainly kidnaps cops, kidnapping is fine if you aren't on CC. Dont rely so much on a CC and you might actually enjoy the server. In fact, kidnapping with a CC is pointless as they can respawn instantly whether or not you give them their box. Just use a kidnapping job and the cool down isnt that bad.

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Kidnapping is much harder because back in the day, you were kidnapped for a minimum of 5 minutes I think? I also think the kidnap cooldown was around 3 minutes.


Kidnapping is seen as an anti-fun mechanic because the victim cannot do anything when kidnapped and instead either has to pay up or sit there for I think 30 - 100 seconds now if they don't place down the item box. But the nerf went into play before the kidnapping box even happened which I think means we can buff kidnapping by like 20% - 30%

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