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Money Making on Server


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This is quite literally one of the most useless features on the server, no one uses it. The money you get from it is meaningless. Make it buy stuff that can't be purchased from gun shop owners. Maybe add fucking poop to T1 Crates and make RSB buy it for money.



Initial investment is way too high, and you only get MAX 120k per batch, which takes 5-10 minutes to make. Reduce initial investment costs is likely the best viable buff for this


EDIT: I am wary of a big buff on this, since it isn't something everyone can use, it's a 4 slot job. I would say the initial investment just needs to be lowered a little bit, ingredient prices lowered a bit, and max value of a full batch of meth increased SLIGHTLY, no more than 150k total.

Increase Fine / Bounty Limit


This will allow for 2 things: Cops (even though they don't need a fucking buff) get more money from fining, and bounty hunters get more money from bounty hunting. Not even sure why there is 5k limit on fines

Bounty Hunting / Non-CC Hitman / Assassin Jobs


Bounty Hunting and doing Hits could be a good way to make money if you got more money per bounty / hit. Suggestion for bounty hunter is to increase the money they get from bounties, from 100% to 200% (MAYBE), and for hitmen, increase the hit limit and minimum hit prices. Maybe 10k minimum and 100k maximum.

Scratch Offs


Winning the literal lottery only gives you 75k. wat. Buff it to like 250k or something higher- match the rarity with the reward

Hobo Dumpster Diving


Idk, maybe convert the RSB into a Scrap NPC. Use trash to convert into scrap that can be used for another system, a lot can be done with this potentially. I don't think trash needs to be given a higher direct value though. Maybe add more rarities of trash, and increase the value of those. Similar to fish.

Shipwreck Diving / Treasure Hunting


I think these should be a lot more rewarding. For treasure hunter maybe buff the number of items you get per chest. Doesn't need a HUGE buff. Shipwreck Diver is a dead job, should probably increase how much money you get from returning the captains lootbox. The trash you get from the ocean can be used by the Scrap NPC if that is added as well. 

Golden Printer


OMEGA outdated, people literally walk past it when they see it. My suggestion is to reduce the number of prints and increase the overall print value to $1mil. But make it a naturally spawning entity only and remove the event option for it. No one uses it anyways.



Probably needs to be retired in all honestly, just fills peoples inventory with junk and T1/T2/T3 crates exist. Likely hard to find a good way to balance it. If it is touched make it so that you don't have to sit through the fucking scroll, make it skippable. Also make it so that you can spin more than one at once, or like weapon enchanting where if you use more than 1 box / key at once you get higher % of getting something valuable. 


EDIT: For clarification, I don't think unboxing should share the same loot tables as T1/T2/T3 crates, prizes just need to be buffed slightly if the system isn't retired.

Blood vs Crip Gang War


Suggestion for this is to make Blood vs Crip ACTUAL gang wars weekly, but to have a money stash that is accumulated throughout the week by the bounties bloods and crips accumulate from killing each other, but with a multiplier. I think the sweet spot would be to a point where each blood / crip in the war can make up to 1mil for participating in the weekly war. Would likely require an increase in slots for bloods / crips. (doubt this will be implemented but worth a try)


EDIT: This is more of a systems suggestion rather than a money making buff suggestion. If this is implemented it will likely have to be tweaked a lot. Just a rough idea that I am throwing out.

More Leaderboards


This one has to be done VERY carefully, because maybe at most 20 people participate in the leaderboards as is, MAX. Anyways, if more leaderboards are added, I would suggest making it so that instead of getting 3 Tier 3s, maybe you get 1 Tier 3 and some amount of money. Again I personally feel like this is a bad idea but I want to know peoples thoughts on this.










Edited by ShardMario
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Honestly this is one of the only good suggestions that I've seen in a while. Im in support for nearly everything mentioned here. The only thing I really disagree with is the !unbox system. I don't think that unboxing should be retired all together, probably just needs a little buff, mostly in the prizes area.

Edited by Raccoons
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Meth needs a huge buff, maybe just making faster batches or higher quantity batches that you can yield, Meth cook is only good for players starting out if no one is looking to raid.


Unboxing is just trading money for less money (unless xp) Maybe higher the price, add a rarity price to t3 lootboxes, maybe require a high amount of XP collected through the month? Add good stuff to the lootboxes like legendaries at a low chance, maybe some more raiding tools. Or a chance to get poop like Shard said to give to the RSB.


6 minutes ago, ShardMario said:

Suggestion for this is to make Blood vs Crip ACTUAL gang wars weekly, but to have a money stash that is accumulated throughout the week by the bounties bloods and crips accumulate from killing each other, but with a multiplier

Having this would make it easy for 2 people to start farming kills, having a collection cooldown could stabilize this system, maybe set it to player can kill this player for collection addition of say 90k (considering people play bloods and crips daily) having 90,000 * around 20 crips/bloods playing that day for 1 minute * 7 days = $12,600,000 ÷ 6 bloods == $2,100,000 yielded within a week of fun, the winning side gets. Sorry if my math is wrong lol, but there is a cooldown of 5 minutes in between every addition to the pool so you can't just farm kills and win the war getting 10 billion dollars splitted between 6 people. These numbers are examples, not suggested values.


Everything else doesn't have a problem, I personally would like to have something more to do on the server apart from bhopping around waiting for fun to happen. +1

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59 minutes ago, ShardMario said:

Winning the literal lottery only gives you 75k. wat. Buff it to like 250k or something higher- match the rarity with the reward



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i support bff ..


on a serious note tho i really like these ideas esp. the golden printer nd the shipwreck diver ones. most of those r outdated . i also rly like the leaderboard ideas !! great work ! :))


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