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Gun enchantments


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Gun enchants need to be reverted to how they originally were. 


Example “Has 48% chance to ingite player” ETC


The new enchantments are actually dog water


Like i have so many leggys that have an echantment like “Has a 10% chance to heal you if the player is under 2hp” “Has a 5% chance to do 3 more damage to weird jobs”


Plz revert to original enchants 😞


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I agree. I think having enchantments that actually have meaningful stat differences and effects are way better than ones that may seem cool, but seem gimmicky. Some are cool, like doing more damage when someone has above 80 percent health, and then some seem pretty meh, like Saiko describes. They shouldn't be oddly specific like that anyway, that ruins enchantments, in my opinion

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Yeah some a fair bit of them are pretty bad, but I think it would be better to increase the minimum by a lot so there isn't such a massive change in stats. Like if you get a 1-5% stat increase for damage, that's pretty much nothing and will almost never come into play, a 15-20% stat increase would come into play though. I think raising the minimum to like 7% would make it so there aren't completely useless legendaries out there due to just bad luck on the effect. I like the huge amount of effects. But maybe we could add a sort of upgrade system for the weapon modifier? Like you spend a bit extra per roll to increase the chances for a specific effect, or increase the minimum / maximum of the effect by a little?

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24 minutes ago, HIDDEN said:

i'm actually -1 to this suggestion, enchantments used to be pretty busted and I think having a few niece guns can balance the powerful ones but still be somewhat useful, for example the deals bonus damage against weird jobs is really good against annoying people using the /size because they're most likely 'weird' jobs. I agree that maybe they should be a bitt more useful however I REAAALLLY don't wanna go back to the days of getting constantly rekt because i raided a base full of people who had really op enchanted guns or I get absolutely rekt by fighting against a really powerful enchantemnt when i'm trying to defend my base with a epic or a rare

Thats already how it is now, people just base with 5 people 4 of them outside the base all with leges with above 1k rpm. There are actually very few good enchants and the most op one I can think of was having a 1k rp gun that did 70% damage increase while standing still that already got nerfed to 20%. The actual enchants are not good the part thats broken is having at least 1k rpm and good damage you will basically dome everyone.

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I overall agree that they should be reverted. However, the main problem is when there are extremely high chances with extremely high fire rates. 49 percent guns with fire rates of 1k and higher do not seem fair. The way I can see old enchants coming back is either 

A.) higher chance lower fire rates 

B.) lower chance higher fire rates

In my opinion high chance and high fire rate can’t co-exist as guns which were meant to have low to high fire rates based of there damage would be bumped to 1k. I would prefer higher chance lower fire rates in this instance because the effects should be the focus not how fast bullets can come out.

If we were to opt for the high fire rate lower chance than a max percent should be around 25.


if were to opt for low fire rate high chance 40 would be a good number


Edited by dokerz
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15 hours ago, Abstergo McStubbins said:

Yeah honestly I don't feel like a lot of these new enchantments made the game any more fun, like most things implemented by the scam artists lovely developers we hired. Too many bullshit unnoticeable stat differences, not enough things that have tangible impacts on gameplay. All of the OG enchantments were interesting and had unique differences they brought to the table.


I don't think it's fair to call a developer a scam artist. I'm pretty disappointed you would make such a statement about someone without any basis of fact. Hopefully they don't see this thread although they probably will. In this update the developer did exactly what they were tasked to do which was create new enchantments for weapons. Maybe a thank you for their effort would be more appropriate, then suggest how you think they could be improved on as others have done in this thread. 

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