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Proc Tokens are now worthless

Jack Johnson

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I really dont know why this change was made for proc tokens, they are completly useless now and are worthless. You use a proc token and only have 4 hours to use it. This makes big bases impossible to get, as you will lose entities constantly. Alot of people (Saiah especially) lost alot of money from buying proc tokens due to this change.


I suggest that entities should only dissapear from actual players. What this does is get more people to buy proc tokens for 1 mill each, and the new players get left alone, as their entities are worthless because it dissapears.

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17 minutes ago, Fuel said:

Nah, this is the nerf that was needed to make basing hard again, and balance our economy. -1

Pretty much this. Watch the kiddos swarm to -1 rep your reply without suggesting a better alternative for actually balancing the economy out.

Any legitimate ideas or just endless complaining, people?


Jack's idea is decent and seems fair from a personal viewpoint but is somewhat flawed when looking at our overall objective of economy balance. Yes proc tokens not degrading would leave new players alone, but only because they can't afford to buy massive amounts of them. It only seeks to benefit those who already have lots of money which is literally the opposite of what we kinda want. If they give you less value, try buying them for less. If nobody wants to buy them for 1m, they won't sell for 1m anymore. It's a fair solution to be sure but idk.


Maybe if they degraded at half rate so you got 8 hours with them to reward newbies who get ahold of them while keeping older players from trading the proc around all day and milking a couple million into the pockets of the richest players but still giving them 8 hours of staring at it.

Edited by Walter the Assaulter
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This ^. You're also promoting people who sit in a base all day and drool all over their bib to not even have to raid once they get the ents they are happy with, because they aren't gonna raid/leave the base after that. You may be losing money but considering how new players can get their ents back you may in turn lose nothing if you choose to actually raid and play the game. 4 hours printers but every player except like CP and civs afk in spawn having printers is a lot of stuff. They may come on later and place them too because they aren't discouraged to ever play so you could let them have another day. There's servers where as soon as someone DC's their entities disapeer, frankly you're lucky it's not like that on here. But considering that, I would say it was a good combative + it gives you something to watch out about/defend against/have more diversity than staring at a money machine till reset. This was needed to make the economy better. The appeal of tokens should be that you don't have to leave your base to use them, not that they are inherantly exempt from degradation. That would just be dumb. 

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2 minutes ago, Walter the Assaulter said:

Maybe if they degraded at half rate so you got 8 hours with them to reward newbies who get ahold of them while keeping older players from trading the proc around all day and milking a couple million into the pockets of the richest players but still giving them 8 hours of staring at it.

Yup this is exactly what I was thinking that way you can keep both sides happy. Obviously I would prefer them not degrading considering how much they were worth before the nerf but this seems like a good alternative to balance it out.


21 minutes ago, Fuel said:

Nah, this is the nerf that was needed to make basing hard again, and balance our economy. -1

I wouldn't really say basing is hard. I think if anything it's more tedious now just because instead of defending a base all day you have to hope more people log on and base so you can get procs back.

  • Failfish 1
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These were my concerns about this update. When using tokens not only are you stuck with a degrading proc but now that proc despawns in 4 hours not only do you have to deal with the extra battery due to it degrading. Also with printers you get less money AND it despawns. Walter's idea of 8 hours is cool but like I would also like to see the degrading thing be changed to be less hurtful towards to user, because the fucking thing is despawning in 4 and or 8 hours depending on how this post goes anyway, but right now there needs to be something done. Raiding gives way less reward as 1. People don't fucking base at all. 2. The people that do base have less shit because of the update and if you raid them with ents that are about to despawn whats the fucking point. I would even fucking considering a craftable item to increase the time. Maybe making tokens last more but people's ents doesn't. There are a lot of ways sugar can go at with buffing this.

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3 minutes ago, Fuel said:

Is this sarcasm? I would hope not, because this is a serious post. NO SHITPOSTING.

I am simply stating my opinion. I like the nerf. Why? Bc this makes basing harder which is good on my behalf. also kilo

Edited by Seno
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1 hour ago, Sixnut said:

I wouldn't really say basing is hard. I think if anything it's more tedious now just because instead of defending a base all day you have to hope more people log on and base so you can get procs back.

its b o r i n g

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