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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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  • During the Kill the VIP, Defend the Vault, and Golden Printer Events, there is no NLR if you are trying to attack/defend the Event (NLR applies to all other situations during these events). This does NOT mean you can continually raid the same base if the Golden Printer is inside it.

Change it to 

During the Kill the VIP and Golden Printer Events, there is no NLR if you are trying to attack/defend the Event (NLR applies to all other situations during these events). This does NOT mean you can continually raid the same base if the Golden Printer is inside it.


The fact that an entire police force can nlr vs 1 person that can nlr makes the evne impossible to win unless there are either no cops on or no one does anything against you. No one should be able to nlr in raids for any reason, even events

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  • 4 weeks later...

Make the shadow knife always 1 shot like 1 second after using the teleport. Right now backstabbing is really bugged for the shadow knife and most of the time if you teleport and backstab it only deals normal damage which is a huge let down. This fixes that and will also not be op since the knife doesn't have to much range so if the person tries to move away they won't die super easily aswell. Also keep the backstab mechanic for when someone doesn't tp but just runs behind someone, this is kinda a quality of life fix for when you use the teleport and fail to backstab

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Some suggestions:


Talismans and spirit caller:

- Make talismans have a negative side to them, this way they will boost one side but bring the other down (something like adrenaline, boosts but lowers hp)

- Give spirit caller a dupe a dark spirit jar, they are really scarce and hard to get as of now, I got 1100 normal spirit jars and 17 dark ones.

- Add in some more talismans, 

-- quick feet (+.5% movement speed, stacks up to 10 times)

-- quick reload ( + .5% reload speed, stacks 4 times)

-- leacher ( leach 1 health point per 5 seconds per player around you of a radius of 200 for 5 minutes, max 5 players )



- Use RP names in menu and steam names in a small sub underneath the player.

- Have a gang class that is a skiller, something that the gang can work with together and only if multiple people play that job.

- Reverse XP gain, 1 member on is not much XP, more members on, more xp. This way it acts more as a gang, though you'd have to balance it out a lil to avoid mass invitations.



- Farming rewards, farming became somewhat boring after having to water them. Maybe give them small rewards or an achievement reward such as a skillpoint or so.



- Just like quest points I'd like to see a skillsystem, do something for long times, level yourself up and gain skillpoints. Use your skillpoints for free bait/seeds/small rewards.


mayors assasin:

- Change up the class to make it seem more like a cop, you cant really get past the cops if they have a checkpoint up. Ex fake batons etc.

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Make it so Playing on the Gang CC will give Special EXP for the Gang, which can level up the Gang CC's Level, allowing more slots and so on




Make it so Doing certain acts as a certain job Would Give Special EXP for that certain Category and Making it Like Leveling Gang, but it's solo and it unlocks different Perks for that Certain Category.



 Harvesting More Crops Will decrease The Amount of Time it would take to Grow ( lv1 decreases The Growing Time By 15 secs  l Lv2 By 30) 

And another Category for Running (lv1 After Sprinting This much distance You Will Unlock 3 More Slots on your Inventory/Back l lv2 8 Slots)

Cop Category Arrest This Many Players with 10K+ Bounties and Have some sort of progression Towards Becoming a Better Cop



Just like Gang Perks, but it's for individual Players



Add The option To want people for their Bounty worth to the Cuff list, so they would get arrested for their Bounty instead of Paying it, and If they get arrested for it, it would reset their Bounties.

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Make it so Playing on the Gang CC will give Special EXP for the Gang, which can level up the Gang CC's Level, allowing more slots and so on




Make it so Doing certain acts as a certain job Would Give Special EXP for that certain Category and Making it Like Leveling Gang, but it's solo and it unlocks different Perks for that Certain Category.



 Harvesting More Crops Will decrease The Amount of Time it would take to Grow ( lv1 decreases The Growing Time By 15 secs  l Lv2 By 30) 

And another Category for Running (lv1 After Sprinting This much distance You Will Unlock 3 More Slots on your Inventory/Back l lv2 8 Slots)

Cop Category Arrest This Many Players with 10K+ Bounties and Have some sort of progression Towards Becoming a Better Cop



Just like Gang Perks, but it's for individual Players



Add The option To want people for their Bounty worth to the Cuff list, so they would get arrested for their Bounty instead of Paying it, and If they get arrested for it, it would reset their Bounties.


I don't remember where I saw it but there was some discussion on making perks more like a skill tree like on other games.


Also, arresting people does clear their bounty, no matter what they get arrested for. it sometimes rarely doesn't work 100% of the time, but cops that know what they are doing will clear it manually after they check the list of targets again.

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Suggestion: add a spawnlist in the Q menu, probably multiple sections in a "whitelist" folder (so as to not flood the menu immediately when you click on it) that features every non-blacklisted prop. Laying out what you'll be able to work with in this way stops you from wasting time clicking on props you'd like to use only to see that you can't spawn them. This allows for a much easier creative workflow when building something, and I'd think it would silently encourage players to use all of the whitelisted props as opposed to just sticking to the default menus and what's easily accessed from them.



Navigating the prop spawning menu for whatever props I'd like to use can take a tediously long time to do and is typically done in a series of trial and error trying to figure out what props I can actually spawn. There is no consistent logic for what is and isn't blacklisted (and I'm not saying there should be, that's the nature of blacklisting props) so it's hard to figure out at a quick glance what's going to be available to me. Garry's Mod's menus are not intuitive to navigate by default and frequently you'll have to navigate around both the default spawnlists as well as the browse menu depending on the props you'd like to use, which adds unnecessary downtime while trying to construct something if you want to use something not in the default menus.

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