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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Yes Piklas is correct, collision on stacked props can cause crashes if props are stacked in eachother.



More talent suggestions:

Add counter play to some talents.

- Force drop, you only hear AAAH while the person that forcedropped you is already pocketing your stuff.

-- Solution would be a warn flash such as the E warn or a loading bar that the force dropper has to go through like the lockpicking bar or a movement bar such as trying to get uncuffed bar.

-- Making force drop available once or twice a day for the person that has the talent. I know I am bitching about it too much but if you see how rich these people get with the shit they get from the inventories you'll understand.

-- Making it availlable once or twice a day makes them seek for a better target instead of random people every 30 minutes.


- Insta cuff, CP's still run in towards raids without any weapons and just run at you to cuff you. Even if they miss, the radius and tick of the server makes it so that they get you while you are way further than them.

-- Solution would be making the player wanted first before being able to cuff him. 


- Legacy picker needs to recieve a rework, no one uses it.

-- Legacy picker-> Recieve one random weapon varying from a knife to a custom weapon every 30 minutes to an hour. Knife being common and legacy/custom weapons being more rare.

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Honestly basing should be incentivised more imo, I don't play much on the server nowadays because there are literally no bases to raid and basing feels boring, it's a big part of the game that right now feels wasted. I know that some other people feel the same way, for example Tact and Silly.


I was on today when the server was on 80/90 players and ran through the whole map, there were 3 people basing with a dupe and 1 person who made a drug farm without props and imo that points to it either being the sheep herd mentality of titsrp or basing simply isn't interesting or profitable enough to make people do it


My suggestion is to incentivise basing by either boosting numbers or giving it more of a unique mechanic than the system: buy --> upgrade ---> recharge every X minutes ---> collect ----> repeat

And then also give new players an incentive to raid since right now you need to farm up alot of materials to get a pretty barebones raid kit with material grenades etc. which makes it a pretty elitist thing to do. Something like making the lockpick faster or making the keypad cracker sound less could work as those are entry level raid tools but I think changing it up a bit is the way to go. Note that there are things for newer players like the infiltrator device and upgraded lockpick and cracker for master thief and raider jobs but they don't seem to be adequite. 


Then again it could just be the sheep herd mentality.


I don't know the true reason why people don't base. I think a lot of things contribute to it but I can't just pinpoint one reason.


Is it because people buy other people's basing tools? If that's the reason, why do people sell their basing tools? Is it because they aren't strong enough to defend themselves? Is it because they don't want to base right now? Is it because it's easy money and its something they don't want to do? Is it because it doesn't make as much money as they think?


Is it because there aren't any good basing areas in the map? Is it because they would prefer to just run around as a job and have fun that way? Is it that they are a more casual player and just want to RP and they don't care about making a ton of money?


If a new system was to be implemented into the server that required basing, what would it be? I had ideas of having a command center where you have "Followers" that you can send on missions to level up + get rewards. Kinda like the WoW Garrison System. Issue with that system is that it won't keep you in your base unless the mission timers are small which can happen.


There will be a system to farm materials from your base, it was originally going to be a pump / drill system where you get minerals from the ground which can be converted into different materials but as of right now the idea seems static like you mentioned.


Yes Piklas is correct, collision on stacked props can cause crashes if props are stacked in eachother.


More talent suggestions:

Add counter play to some talents.

- Force drop, you only hear AAAH while the person that forcedropped you is already pocketing your stuff.

-- Solution would be a warn flash such as the E warn or a loading bar that the force dropper has to go through like the lockpicking bar or a movement bar such as trying to get uncuffed bar.

-- Making force drop available once or twice a day for the person that has the talent. I know I am bitching about it too much but if you see how rich these people get with the shit they get from the inventories you'll understand.

-- Making it availlable once or twice a day makes them seek for a better target instead of random people every 30 minutes.


- Insta cuff, CP's still run in towards raids without any weapons and just run at you to cuff you. Even if they miss, the radius and tick of the server makes it so that they get you while you are way further than them.

-- Solution would be making the player wanted first before being able to cuff him. 


- Legacy picker needs to recieve a rework, no one uses it.

-- Legacy picker-> Recieve one random weapon varying from a knife to a custom weapon every 30 minutes to an hour. Knife being common and legacy/custom weapons being more rare.


I can make it so force drop can be used every 6 hours (because who plays for 12+ hours every day)

Legacy Picker is changed for tomorrow

Insta Cuffing will also now have the drawback of having a decreased cuff range

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Would like to see Forcedrop removed or reworked.

The fact someone can walk up and steal a legendary or blowtorch or other expensive item is ridiculous.


If it's going to stay then limit it to taking crafting materials or other invaluable items, perhaps lower cooldown to 5 minutes or something.

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Lawyer should be given the option to hold e on jailed players, set the price using scroll. Or the Lawyer can /setbailamount then a prisoner holds e on the lawyer and bail himself depending on how much the price is set.

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it has already been changed. Each player can only be force mugged once per 24 hours



Yeah but there's still the chance to get a legendary or other very expensive item taken for no reason. I really just think only certain items should be taken.

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I think it should take 10-20 seconds before an item you inventoried using the inventory pickup permanently gets to stay  in your inventory and here is why, Lets say im mining stones and someone just comes up and steals them. Even if i kill the person, i dont get those stones back because it was in their inventory. What if i fished up a parrot fish and someone decides to steal it; it means i just lost 20k regardless of whether or not i successfully kill the person. Also this would combat force-drop by giving the players who's stuff was stolen a little bit of time to kill the thief and get their stuff back before the item(s) permanently settle in their inventory. 



Also +1 for making a poker addon, id be sure to gamble my millions away if one was made.


Finnally i would enjoy being able to upgrade the attack speed of the axe/pickaxe through the weapon modifier so i could mine stones / chop wood faster.

I think it should take 10-20 seconds before an item you inventoried using the inventory pickup permanently gets to stay  in your inventory and here is why, Lets say im mining stones and someone just comes up and steals them. Even if i kill the person, i dont get those stones back because it was in their inventory. What if i fished up a parrot fish and someone decides to steal it; it means i just lost 20k regardless of whether or not i successfully kill the person. Also this would combat force-drop by giving the players who's stuff was stolen a little bit of time to kill the thief and get their stuff back before the item(s) permanently settle in their inventory. 



Also +1 for making a poker addon, id be sure to gamble my millions away if one was made.


Finally ive come up with a ideas for gang perks/talents if there were to be more levels added. (i didnt come up with what the perk names would be)


- all gang members get an additional 5hp

- all gang members have 10 armor on spawn

- knockout duration for bludgeon is extended to 45 seconds

- get 5% more cash from selling non-weapon goods (upgrade from the other perk that gave 2%)

- all gang members swim 20% faster

- all gang members run 10% faster

- all gang members jump 5% higher

- Receive 1500 from payday instead of 750

- Receive 1000 from cp payday instead of 500

- As mayor the Tax % is increased by .001% (So mayor and cp will recieve 0.051% a of all players cash)

- Platinum storage, add an additional 5 slots to inventory

- Printers spawned in already come with a free failsafe installed (1st failsafe is free)

- receive an additional 50% $ bonus when completing a hit (this would encourage hitmen even further to complete their hit because they still get the money regardless of whether or not they actually complete the hit at the time this post was made.

- You can now access daily reward every 6 hours

- As Cp people automatically attempt to pay their fine if it is 1k or under.

- Chem barrels fill up 20% faster

- Picklock doors 30% faster

- All Gang members spawn with a pistol regardless of what class they are. (so idk what pistol you would choose but its just an idea for now)

- Jail time is decreased by 30 seconds

- Non-lethal shots will stun on a body shot

- Become immune to flash grenades

- All gang members receive 5% dmg resistance to all weapons

- Gain access to buying health stations in the f4 menu

- Gain access to buying armor stations on the f4 menu

- Buy printers for 1500 rather than 2000

- Buy the processor for 3000 rather than 5000

- Doors bought are free

- Reduce pd bank raid time by 30 seconds

- Reduced time before you can kill youself while kidnapped (idk maybe like 15-45 seconds)

- You dont need to get voted in to jobs that require a vote (for example when u hit become job on jug, you dont need people to vote yes, u just become it)

- Printer batteries are free

- Spawn with an additional 10 hp (kinda a tier 2 to the addtional 5hp)

- Spawn with 20 armor- ( tier 2 to the additonal 10 armor)

- Pickpocketing cooldown time is reduced

- Pickpocketing is 30% faster

- pickpocketing is quiet

- It costs 750k to start an event (down from 1mil)

- Get 1% off all cc editor purchases

- 2nd gang cc (or more slots to the current gang cc)

- Keep 60% of the money when someone pays their fine rather than 50%. (the other 40% is split between cp)

- Even higher chance to find rare fish

- Fishing rods. pickaxes, axes, and chem barrels are free to purchase in the homeland menu

- Mayor and pd receive 1% of the lotto (so if the grand por becomes 100000, mayor and cp splits 1k and the player who won gets 99k)

- As Mayor, time for payday, and tax is reduced by 1 minute

- As mayor, Reinforce all officers is reduced by 3minutes 

- Gain access to legacy jobs using the f4 menu

- Gain access to the corrupt (prob wont happen but id love to see corrupt mayor come back. Maybe the only difference is the corrupt can make kos laws)

- You can buy 1 extra tilling plot

- Your bitminers are silent

- Receive 11 shipments of 11 , or an extra 30% cash reward when you win those event rewards.

- Gain an extra life during a revolt 

- Gang CC Gains ability to terror on city


im not expecting all of those to be implemented if there were to be more gang levels added but it would be cool to see some of them.









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The whole point of the force drop talent is that chance to get lucky. It only works on CC players so if you know someone has the talent, don't be a CC around them.


The option to reroll a certain amount of talents will probably come in tomorrow

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