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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I think Explosive Specialist should be made a VIP job, for a while people have only RDMed with it instead of actually raiding with it.



I agree with sammah, i see a lot of new people who get into the explosive specialist job and then just bomb the most populated area in the map (outside or in pd).

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Ok so, Something I have seen, and people seem to really enjoy until us staff have to shut it down, is RDM fests. For those of you who dont now, its where someone (usually a king) makes use of his job role and makes it a KOS zone. People really enjoy it, and as long as its done right, sometimes staff participate until they realize it has to be taken down. Or, sometimes people just buy a building and make it so it becomes an RDM fest arena. so what I'm thinking that we should, A: as long as the person wanting to make it has permission from staff and any current people that live there, they can do it, B: Make a class just for this that can choose an area, go through all the stuff I listed in A, and then have it happen, or C: Make an area just for this with pre built defences and houses. Some people really like this and want it to happen, so if it can, I feel people would enjoy it, and after the initial heat of it, they would let it die down, but it would always be there for fun. Just something I thought up, thanks for your time!

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Ok so, Something I have seen, and people seem to really enjoy until us staff have to shut it down, is RDM fests. For those of you who dont now, its where someone (usually a king) makes use of his job role and makes it a KOS zone. People really enjoy it, and as long as its done right, sometimes staff participate until they realize it has to be taken down. Or, sometimes people just buy a building and make it so it becomes an RDM fest arena. so what I'm thinking that we should, A: as long as the person wanting to make it has permission from staff and any current people that live there, they can do it, B: Make a class just for this that can choose an area, go through all the stuff I listed in A, and then have it happen, or C: Make an area just for this with pre built defences and houses. Some people really like this and want it to happen, so if it can, I feel people would enjoy it, and after the initial heat of it, they would let it die down, but it would always be there for fun. Just something I thought up, thanks for your time!


Neko told me it's allowed. 

  • Must be a proper mega base. (Must be king, own the entire area)
  • Must have proper signs/warnings
  • Gets taken down if there's too many complaints

Edit: Can we make a hotline for adding "unwritten" rules into the MOTD? I have fond memories of mods making up their own rules to try to get me in trouble before I became a meme moderator.

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Hey Sugar and Tits RP players.


I think we need to look at how the c4/blowtorch/battering rams work on props. it causes a lot of issues if it is a long raid seeing as it causes prop blocks in some places. For example if a cop battering rams a nocolided prop at the entrance to a base and the owner holds them off until it re phases it causes prop block and a lot of confussion for the responding staff. Seeing as theres no way to fix it unless you end the raid and let the owner fix the props. 


It would be awesome if when the props re phase they were set back to the same way they were before they were phased. (even keeping the same color would be hugely benefitial)


Thanks everyone for their time,


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Using slappers on anyone in a sit results in immediate removal of SWEP from your CC if reported.

No speed sweps in RP/if you initiate an RP interaction.

Can't be in a sky base while revolting unless you're a preacher.


I agree with suggestion 1

Suggestion 2 is strange since you could use adrenaline as a ghetto speed swep for RP

Suggestion 3 needs to be a rule but including all bases imo including hobo bases and normal bases to get people to revolt in the streets and not behandlas 1-way props or on a platform in the sky

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Using slappers on anyone in a sit results in immediate removal of SWEP from your CC if reported.

No speed sweps in RP/if you initiate an RP interaction.

Can't be in a sky base while revolting unless you're a preacher.

If you see #1 contact the class owner about it if you see it again on the same class lmk and i’ll get it removed

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Make the undercover job more undercover. I mean undercover job is too obvious that ur an undercover.


Also, make it so that the undercover can advert PD Raid to blend in with the raiders while waiting for the right moment to strike.


I have a suggestion in kidnapping, when a kidnapper knocks out a cp, the kidnapper can steal the cp's radio and the kidnapper can hear pd activity.


Add something that will let cp free kidnapped people other than having to kill them.


Make it so that handcuffs can be lockpicked by other players to set you free.

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