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Goon Apocalypse

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Here is my suggestion:
Recently Tier 3 crates were removed from the Suga shop because it was inflating the tier 3 economy heavily and making them basically worthless and I was thinking.. 
What is something that is equally as dope that could replace the T3 drops?

Goon Apocalypse.

Make a Goon Apocalypse purchasable in the suga shop.
What this purchase would do is spawn multiple largee waves with higher level goons spread through the WHOLE map.

Side note: I think this purchase could be abused if multiple people bought it back to back so I think only one person should be able to purchase this from the suga shop every (insert debatable number) hours and during the cooldown it is locked and no one else can purchase it.

As always, community input is appreciated and encouraged, thanks for reading.
- Love Minge Man

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