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Server Soft Wipe


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The only way I think a Econ Reset would be beneficial

1. Players get Comped for the time they spent in equal rewards
2. Long time players who have made money from CC's would get Benefits based on how many CC Items they own.
And the Biggest Stretch
3. Its done with the community knowing Atleast a month in advance so its not sprung in a total "Oh shit oh fuck" moment.

The ways it could destroy the community

1. Playerbase Leaves
2. People start Issuing Refunds for CC's (Which would probably shut the server down itself because of all the money being lost.)
3. New players who had barely just started gets completely screwed over and ultimately stops playing.

The issue with an Econ Reset is it should only be done as the ultimate last resort, if Backups cannot be done, If an item cant be removed or fixed to not break the economy, If any factor other then reset it all is not an option. Then there could be some argument to the Price of an Economy Reset.

However in my unprofessional opinion, this was bound to happen because of the nature of the server, People horded and Fought over Tier 3's before Getting to the point where as leaderboards went on week by week it became a blood fued if someone would take a leaderboard spot. And the leaderboards have been out for about a year or more now, Accumulating that much and then a easy way to sell all your items without being scammed comes out, Of course the Market is going to be flooded with everyones Tier 3 Loots, SBC's, VIP tokens and Legendary weapons

The Market was going to face some crash and its up to the community to monitor themselves in how hard its crashing, of course if the value of an item becomes so weak as to become a 750k Bargining chip vs the natural 5 Mil from Vinny. The only way I could see the Economy Recover in a relative manor is VIP tokens being removed and SBC's being Removed (We dont need Mass RDM weapons anyways.) 


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18 minutes ago, Azuria said:

The only way I think a Econ Reset would be beneficial

1. Players get Comped for the time they spent in equal rewards
2. Long time players who have made money from CC's would get Benefits based on how many CC Items they own.
And the Biggest Stretch
3. Its done with the community knowing Atleast a month in advance so its not sprung in a total "Oh shit oh fuck" moment.

The ways it could destroy the community

1. Playerbase Leaves
2. People start Issuing Refunds for CC's (Which would probably shut the server down itself because of all the money being lost.)
3. New players who had barely just started gets completely screwed over and ultimately stops playing.

The issue with an Econ Reset is it should only be done as the ultimate last resort, if Backups cannot be done, If an item cant be removed or fixed to not break the economy, If any factor other then reset it all is not an option. Then there could be some argument to the Price of an Economy Reset.

However in my unprofessional opinion, this was bound to happen because of the nature of the server, People horded and Fought over Tier 3's before Getting to the point where as leaderboards went on week by week it became a blood fued if someone would take a leaderboard spot. And the leaderboards have been out for about a year or more now, Accumulating that much and then a easy way to sell all your items without being scammed comes out, Of course the Market is going to be flooded with everyones Tier 3 Loots, SBC's, VIP tokens and Legendary weapons

The Market was going to face some crash and its up to the community to monitor themselves in how hard its crashing, of course if the value of an item becomes so weak as to become a 750k Bargining chip vs the natural 5 Mil from Vinny. The only way I could see the Economy Recover in a relative manor is VIP tokens being removed and SBC's being Removed (We dont need Mass RDM weapons anyways.) 


I agree with everything in this post. Give VIP meaning again.

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25 minutes ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

Essentially the VIP tokens have suffered from hyperinflation, selling as low as 200k on the auction house. There is a couple of possible ways this can be addressed.


1. Set a cap on the amount of VIP tokens one user can hold. Provide compensation for additional VIP tokens lost to the change. Eg. 500k per token.


2. VIP wipe. Set everyone back to a user, and drive consumption of the VIP tokens that are flooding the market due to the T3 drops.


3. Increase VIP token gen buyer price to 500k to encourage people to destroy them for some extra cash.


4. Hold a VIP token buyback event. Allow people to hand in their excess VIP tokens for a one-time cash boost.


This can be pretty easily solved as new VIP tokens are rarely created and should be in theory hard to obtain, there's just a huge influx because someone decided to drop 8 T3 boxes while the server was full. These problems will also go away if you're willing to wait a couple of months, as they are a finite resource that is consumed, assuming they aren't used as currency to trade with.

What about staff homie lol u gonna set em to user? Seems unrealistic I wouls much rather just have vip token go boom

Edited by Fuel
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12 minutes ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

Ah I should have clarified, all VIP could be set to user as like a mini-reset. It's just one of many options for reducing the amount of tokens in circulation.

I don't totally agree but I appreciate new insight brought to the situation. The issue is say that theres 200 unique people that actively join and play on the server and contribute to the market. Some people have 1000 vip tokens, everyone would have their VIP back and the price would only go down SLIGHTLY. Removing them from circulation with further notice is one way to make it work

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