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Remove Bludgeon for CC'S

A Friendly Canadian

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As long as you can be a cop as a custom class, I dont see why its unbalancing for regular CC's to have a bludgeon. Obviously I'm against this idea. -1



If rules are being followed, you did something in order to get arrested-- it's a consequence of your actions as a player. It is a reaction from world around you and something you can expect and prepare for. It has a purpose.


Kidnapping, not so much. It's not apples to apples and kinda pointless to render a comparison.


Cops have to follow a different set of rules, too. Like.... if CC cops could RDA and raid with impunity, you'd have a point-- but that's not the case here.


Is you gonna pay me back for the money I've spent of bludgeons/reskins? I didn't think so.



CCs with bludgeons and bludgeon reskins should have to choose between falling under the can-raid thief category or falling under the no-raid kidnapper category.


That way people who paid for bludgeon reskins can keep them if they feel that strongly about living that kidnapper life.


No payback necessary if nothing gets removed, right?

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Alright before everyone instantly tells me how stupid this is hear me out. I believe CC kidnapping is probably the servers worst flaw, at times you can get 8 people just using a cc bludgeoning people and throwing them into a cage for 10 minute or pay 30k to get out which for new players is horrible for them. If the bludgeon swep is removed and variants of it I believe the server could be more welcoming to new players to they aren't getting bludgeoned any time they stand still and makes kidnapping classes such as cultist more popular. This suggestion is not just the dislike of getting kidnapped more of just improving the server and general experience to avoid flying anime character models with broken hit boxes using adrenaline to kidnap you.

this is literally dumb people spend their irl money on a ingame item they want ingame and its not even op so whats the point of removing it it just adds more stuff to due on the server

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Perhaps instead of removing anything we add a 'struggle' function when you're successfully kidnapped. For a visual image imagine the breaking out of cuffs gui, you can struggle out of your kidnapping binds which ends the kidnap cooldown, either allowing you to pull a gun or end yourself?

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