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My poor VIP rank - El Bebe

Believable Salmon

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Yeah so i'm gonna start playing Titties roleplay soon enough. I know it's been a while since I last even said a word, but I assure you I will log on at some point this year (2018).


Anyways way back when we had old moderators, I was demoted and made a really bad, cringe, report on myself. Now originally I wasn't going to be demoted and asked to be, but that's not what this is about. When I got demoted I lost my VIP rank and i'm too lazy to actually gain the money back to buy it again, plus I want to save up for Custom Class stuff. Anyways I haven't gotten in back since my demote some time ago. Most mods / t-mods won't really understand what happened since there isn't a lot of old staff around anymore. But i'm simply asking for my VIP rank back.


Side note: I didn't really know where to post this, it's been a while since I have posted anything, goodbye and thank you for reading.


- El Bebe

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I was around when you were demoted, +1 for VIP back, but you better straighten up! I remember what you did and it was very uncalled for and you shouldn't have done it, but I'm a man that's for second chances so yeah.

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I was around when you were demoted, +1 for VIP back, but you better straighten up! I remember what you did and it was very uncalled for and you shouldn't have done it, but I'm a man that's for second chances so yeah.



Yeah I made some stupid decisions that I regret deeply. One of my desires is to regain my staff position on TitsRP one day, which might not be for a while, but I am maturing, and feel as if the day I make a mistake like that again is the day I decide life isn't worth living. It still dwells in me whenever I think about the topic.


I saw u literally noclipping around the map and still kept doing stupid shit after I said something about it too.


Im down with you have VIP again. But dont be applying for staff again for a while.


+1 :)



I completely agree and take full responsibility for my actions during my demotion day, but I have no clear memory of ever noclip abusing and come to think of it, have never been reported or called out for it (until now obviously).


Thank you guys for reading this, I was really worried about posting this and just reveiving a bunch of shit, which I would respect if that happened. I know i'm still not in the clear when it comes to not abusing, but once an abuser, always an abuser. But I will try my best to regain the trust of every player and staff member on TitsRP.

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