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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by caleb

  1. You're completely missing the point, it's not one sole player who is defending that base. There needs to be a way for people to defend said base who are actively living in the base without a DOOR. Did you even read the post? The issue with the rule is when MULTIPLE people are basing together and their name isn't on any door because there isn't a door to own, LMFAO. I never said you could base in it in the past but there needs to be a rule change for multiple reasons or some solution to solve nonsense that shouldn't happen. Garage doors should also show names on them so raiders don't throw a hissy fit when they get killed by someone who owns it and waste people's time. There has to be a better way to go about defending your friend's base that doesn't cause an issue every time someone complains about dying to a defender. I don't care for the waterfall base as there's multiple locations that are just as good/if not better -- I could care less if it got removed or stayed but I do think that a lot of rules that are created prevent people from having creative base designs even though clearly in the rules it just states as long as it can be raided by default raid tools, it's allowed.
  2. Hi, old player SwaVe (DJ SwaVe) who came back from a long break from when I quit in 2019 here. I came back recently cause my friends have been playing and I genuinely have been having a good time with them on the server. I have been viewing the rules and getting adjusted to them as a lot has changed and I'm not used to a lot of them and slowly I'm getting used to all of them. However there is one issue with a rule that keeps getting me and others in trouble constantly. There are a lot of issues with the name on doors rule and it's causing multiple people to get in trouble for nonsense that can be solved and also causing staff to go out of their way to get people in trouble for it cause they're so used to this rule. Rule that I have an issue with: In order to defend a base, you must be on the front doors of the base or inside of the base before raid starts. Reasons why this rule causes so many issues (I've experienced these personally as well). If you lag out, crash, disconnect somehow someway, your props stay but your name instantly gets removed from the door. Admins will view this as "Well you don't own the door so when you reconnect you can't defend the raid." SOLUTION: Tying the door's ownership to the player's SteamID just like how DarkRP's base gamemode prop protection keeps the props in the server for a few minutes to allow the player to reconnect. This could also be fixed by creating a function off of the hook in the code when a player disconnects to view if said player owns a door and instantly assigns said door (alphabetically or whatever way) to another owner own the door instantly. Hobo bases or as they're called -- "free-standing-bases" would be heavily affected by this rule because if a group of hobos are being raided or attacked, no one can defend their base because there is no DOOR to own to defend it? POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Review the server's in-game party rules and raiding rules and possibly think of a way to allow people to defend their party members or simply make a base limit just like like Rust. Another solution that is more challenging and weirdly new for people if implemented would be (thought of by Moderator -- Sewer "Nong danCX") to create an entity that registers base members to the entity such as a flagpole or base claim system that can only hold a certain amount of people. Cause if we allow people to defend purely by party then people could have up to 10 people defending one base which would seem overpowered to some. Garage doors do NOT show names on the garage door. The reason this is such a problem is because there are some base locations that PURELY use a garage door as an entrance. I know this is an easy simple fix to put the text on the garage doors and this can easily be fixed. SOLUTION: Get off your cute asses and put god damn names on the garage doors if we're going to keep this name-on-doors shit, it's causing so many issues (only joking with the vulgar comments). Waterfall bases or other base locations that are completely allowed to the playerbase to base in but don't have doors. This causes so many issues by having a "name on door" defending rule because there is no doors on these bases and the rule "Must be behind dupe in order to defend waterfall base" is probably the dumbest rule I have ever seen to try to fix this issue. You are basically limiting a player to ONLY grinding in their base and not allowing them to leave their base because of a potential raid. You're basically telling a player to sit in their base all day and encourage grinding like a gremlin in their base instead of roaming around doing fun stuff and not being able to defend their base raid if it happens while they're out and about. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Check the second possible solution listed above as this falls under the same issue. This thread isn't to bitch about things that bother me, just a friendly post to try to view ways we can change things that are constantly causing issues for players and also STAFF. I've never seen staff situations take so long over a rule change. This rule has caused me to sit through 30 minute sits to try to figure out what's going on.
  3. after taking a few hits of the blinkington this seems very exquisite and interesting of an idea and i believe it should be implemented right away. +1
  4. Everyone should be held to accountability, regardless of their power in the server or not. A new player/old player/staff-member; doesn't matter -- should be punished regardless of their experience/impact on the server accordingly if they are violating rules, or are having a negative impact on the server's community. That goes without saying, I myself quit and resigned and haven't touched TitsRP in a while primarily because Sugar was up and leaving and it felt like the server's staff team would go wild with power, or TitsRP's base/foundation just wouldn't be the same anymore. I don't even play anymore, but I have a valid opinion regardless if I'm a SMOD~~ or not. Everyone from this community has valid opinions whether you like it or not. Just because they don't share a rank with you or you hold power above them because you VOLUNTEERED TO BE THERE -- doesn't mean anything. You should take everyone's opinion equally -- even IF you don't like them. Many people here are taking in opinions which is respected by me and others, however there are a lot of people who have double standards where they do NOT think they're in the wrong. Simply put because they are a staff member, and it's deeply sad to see. The only thing I'd like to see is all staff members being equally judged/frowned upon for the wrong they do just as players are, I don't know what happened to real WARNINGS and real punishments, and real DEMOTIONS (besides biased ones). ~ just a friendly reminder, this is not a shitpost.
  5. I am hereby announcing my resignation from Senior Moderator/staff on TitsRP, it was amazing all the people and friends I met throughout my journey as a staff member, even if it sucked sometimes. I met and worked with a lot of cool people on a gmod server that I considered a second family (even if that sounds cringy), I just wanted to thank the whole team. I'm sorry in advance to anyone who didn't wanna see me gone. And most importantly. I'm sorry to @Doc McStubbins. This isn't a forced resignation. I've just had a lot of IRL stuff bothering me and I've thought about this for a long time. I genuinely love the community, not only the server, but the community. EVEN if it's mostly toxic. I love it here. Even if I felt like Garry's Mod was dead, I loved it here. As of right now 2/7/2019, I should have all my ranks removed and be set to VIP in game, thanks to Big Heart.
  6. caleb

    Bounty Suggestion

    Would be kinda cool to be able to pick who you would like to go after then again, like many here have stated it could be abused in two main ways. I'd be interested in more suggestions like this though.
  7. I'll try to forward this to the people mentioned, I myself have no clue why he got banned and it was completely kept quiet I guess. The only thing I can really say is the past few days I've seen you and your group of people just having fun on the server running around and minding your own business, but again, I'm clueless. Forwarding this to them now. Good luck.
  8. caleb


    +1 but only cause he made me.
  9. caleb

    For FUCK's Sake

    Good to have you back, try to stay for longer this time, some of us miss having ya around even if all you did was cause trouble sometimes haha.
  10. I'm going to try to get in touch with him, I haven't heard anything from him and haven't seen him on.
  11. +1 sugar pls nerf fists too op
  12. To be fair the jobs' details are pretty ass and some are outdated. But yeah you can just educate them to read !motd. But I like this suggestion, would be cool to have to be honest. +1 for this.
  13. caleb

    Pig Job

    DENIED Please re-apply in 2 weeks.
  14. Bug / Exploit (kinda both). Description: At the fountain, PepeIsLove (he's enlisted into the military now) was fishing the other day and was vaping and it glitched out after he caught a fish and wouldn't let him /invholster his vape, do he /drop'd it, and after doing it he would catch endless amounts of fish/whatever else. It was completely accidental and I tried to get video of it but we couldn't reproduce it but only twice. It also happened to me last night when I was fishing in the Chill Zone (batcave) accidentally and I tried to record it again but didn't get anywhere as it only happened once. How to reproduce: I guess just have the Snoop Dog vape/bong out and smoke/play music while it's out and fish at the same time, catch a fish and your vape should glitch out (we couldn't reproduce it). Priority: Medium (because I/we don't know exactly how it's done/how to reproduce). -- I think it may have something to do with the Quick Fish talisman because I was using it last night and I have no idea if Pepe was or not.
  15. [align=center]Happy Thanksgiving! (we're going to cook Booper the Pig for dinner)[/align] Sugar has approved of this (eating Booper), and so has Walter. Have a great thanksgiving everyone, and let's see how many replies we can get.
  16. Buying Dragon Eggs 2.8 Million In-Game! (or buying bank raid C4 4.8 mil). Selling C4/Timebombs In-Game !trade SwaVe.
  17. You can contact Sugar on his discord, Sugar Tits#9645 or on the TitsRP discord here: https://discord.gg/NfQ993D Simply ask him you'd like to buy a custom model with in-game money or suga dollars, which ever one you would like to spend.
  18. 1.) I think the movement sweps are fine as is, and I myself have died multiple times using them, the lightsaber is also garbage so I have no clue what you mean by get farther with it. If someone gets randomly shot, it shouldn't restrict their Jump SWEP ability for 10 seconds. 2.) They are also purchasable and obtainable as a normal player, so they are balanced to my belief and I think if you nerf this in the way you're proposing, it'd cause a lot of players to get upset. 3.) As for adrenaline, it's nerfed already, getting rid of tons of HP everytime you use it, and sometimes doesn't even last long. I waste a ton of adrenaline everyday I get on the server just doing stuff around the map. It really helps, and I don't see a problem with it to be honest. 4.) I myself and many other come on the server sometimes just to play around with jump sweps and bhop around the map, and it is quite fun especially when no one is basing and server's dead at night. It's a fun SWEP, and it shouldn't be nerfed fully. If you're complaining about people master swording away after you fail the kidnap, hold them for 10 seconds using the Bludgeon, and they can't use their weapons.
  19. Yeah me and him talked about enlistment, I'm enlisting in June, but he didn't tell me he was enlisting so fast, really cool guy, hope I can speak with him again soon.
  20. I was around when you were demoted, +1 for VIP back, but you better straighten up! I remember what you did and it was very uncalled for and you shouldn't have done it, but I'm a man that's for second chances so yeah.
  21. Just go around advert these items and maybe people have them?? I am, i just posted it here so that more people would see. And so i ddnt have to type out multiple adverts for all the weapons. If this guide is written in Comic Sans, I'm going to ignore it LMAO.
  22. Welcome back, make sure you read changelogs and rules, a lot has changed and we don't want ya getting in trouble old friend.
  23. I think 75 props are fine as long as raiding is buffed like you're trying to do. The problem with raiding bases is C4/Timebombs don't do much. And you're trying to buff it. I think maybe 70-75 props should be brought back and raiding should be kept buffed. My opinion. CHANGE MY MIND.
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