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Sea Bear


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Sea Bear

  1. WOW you made a lot of suggestion that I have been thinking about for months easy +99999999
  2. +1 for hp boost. Also instead of getting enraged after eating food you should be able to use a command to activate it
  3. The chemical engineering was removed a bit ago very suddenly. I don’t think that this should have happened all it did was inflate the market for potions. Iv never even heard any say that the chemical engineer was OP. I think that it should be added back into the game and I’m sure that most people would agree.
  4. the family stuff is kinda dumb dumb
  5. I say a 1050 is definitely good enough to run the games you would like to play. With the storage I’d recommend getting a hard drive rather than a ssd. With laptops shit way more expensive and the only really noticeable thing you will see with a ssd is that your start up times is less. But lack of storage get a hard drive.Or if you find a laptop with both that would be nice . My pc has both and it runs nicely
  6. I don’t think that this is a good idea maybe for other games but not dark rp
  7. [align=center]Yeah that would be a nice little addition maybe like a favorite button or command. +1[/align]
  8. With his whole existence being to beat the Shit out of random player walking in sewers it seems kinda dumb that you got to wait for that bitch to run over to you and begin to attack you with a barrage of punches before you are allowed to do anything. Even if you do manage to kill him he can just come right back with 100 hp and finish the job (unless it’s a raid situation).
  9. Damn bruh I’m just trying to get get some members
  10. So basically what happened was i farmer printers for like 6 hours got board and left the shot to the others in the base and let yoshE put down his dupe. Then yoshE dc and base was open but I had already been done with the shit for about a hour. I only came to kill you because you where me bounty.
  11. Currently we only have about two dances to vibe with. I think it would nice to have some more dances added to the key menu.
  12. Thanks for the credit and +1 needs to be fixed
  13. Quite simple the standard miner does not currently have an exit button so you need to finish decrypting it before you can leave and it’s annoying.
  14. What happened after I deleted my dupe for the base What happened after I deleted my dupe for the base
  15. I like Rubiks idea don’t get me wrong that would be nice addition to the server. But my issue for that is it is limited and does not allow the host to restrict use of things such as props/job switching/or just any thing that would ruin the event. Currently we have events that spawn you in the rdm zone and last like 30 seconds and I don’t find my self joining events because they are not fun at all . An event should be fun and rewarding. I’d love to see rubiks idea but I’d would also love to have official events as well .
  16. Well it only occurs every 2 weeks and should only effect the FPS for about 10-30 minutes
  17. That would be interesting for player that wishes to host an event and I do think that that should be added. The Bi-weekly events do not require a person to reward players from there own wallet
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