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Nep Nep


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Nep Nep

  1. I think we can make an arrangement...
  2. I think the first thing I bought for my cc was the mastersword.
  3. Nah you good, just don't let those mf's explode or fall
  4. Disregarding the immaturity and clear intent to shed a negative light on me in your post, I've taken some of your posts arguments decided to debate them. First of all, just because you can die to fall damage with a jetpack doesn't mean someone playing with a jetpack for 10 minutes can't get the hang of it. Second, "jetpacks are hard to come across" this makes the playing field even more uneven. The fact that they are hard to come across, and that it gives "rich players and other players something to work for" just serves to my point. The jetpacks are in the hands of a select few and with a few minutes of practice anyone with a jetpack can destroy a kid without one. There is a clear gap and disadvantage if you are pvping with a jetpack. Sure, maybe the SBC has clear disadvantages and a lack of accuracdy to compensate for its damage, but jetpacks, after a bit of using them, are the deadlist tool in this server (outside of a base). Like I mentioned before, stealing with them is incredibly easy, transporting is gamebreaking, and killing with them is unfair. I could fish for around an hour, and have enough xp to get a few lvl 2 lootboxes, in which jetpacks are sometimes found in. Another thing, there are always gonna be disadvantages to being a new player, there always will be, eventually those players will grow and become the rich player. Legit new players can get jetpacks quickly, considering that they're around 200-300k a pop, fishing or even just farming printers for about an hour can get you them to the point of buying a jetpack
  5. I see what you mean, but the servers been here for quite some time, around 3-4 years I think, I've only been here for 2, and have only saw the server grow since then.
  6. This looks really amazing slick! I really hope it gets approved
  7. I legit was watching you get kicked all day yesterday and thought nothing of it lol. Hope everything gets fixed for you
  8. I hope things get better for you sweetie. <3
  9. Description: Orange props from other events spawn in the rdm zone after the previous event ended. How to reproduce: Start an event, finish the event, then enter the rdm zone Priority: Low
  10. Flipping Kleiner onto the chemical engineer would make more sense, due to him being a scientist. I don't see why we don't switch the chemical engineer and the medic out. I'm a big +1 for this idea
  11. The guy made like one mistake, leave em alone smh
  12. I used to always play on sandbox before I found this server. I also used to do SCP RP alot but I kinda ended that a while ago.
  13. Sad to see you go mav, I hope you change your mind and come back one day
  14. I agree with kilo, there definitely should be a counter to Michael.
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