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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BRINGINGARMAGEDDON

  1. make it so when hits reroute it gives you a BIG honking notification, i've had several times where a hit reroutes and i don't realize it and accidentally kill the wrong person.
  2. Make it so armor packs have a cooldown so u can't just spam them and make it so u can buy them in a shipment.
  3. The problem with this is, C4 is used as a high risk, high reward item. It can completely destroy a base in 1-2 but if it's cheap. Making it cheaper would make it used more frequently, which in my opinion should not happen. Makeshifts are very strong as is, mat nades/bombs are as well. C4 should be for the gigantic bases that people store lots of printers in. On top of that, if you make raid tools cheaper, people will raid more, making people want to base even less.
  4. its really gay when u threaten to warn someone for doing something they didn't even know they did
  5. its really gay when u can't mastersword or move because you're getting flung around by normal guns (not legendary/epic guns).
  6. make it so staff know which models cannot do this as well.
  7. Get rid of bullet knockback (not on enchant guns). Its really dumb when u can't master sword because someone shoots u in the back.
  8. The Master Keypad Cracker is slower than the regular keypad that a hacker has. then normal keypad should change to hacker cracker and master should be buffed past that point
  9. Add a command that lets u drop the pickup box in 5 seconds if the time is more than 10 seconds left.
  10. currently mini hitboxs are fucked to all heck and you'll be lucky as fuck if u get a hit to register on a mini person. it makes raiding/defending really stupid and kind of ruins the fun of the server.
  11. Make it so kings can't spawn materials because it is going to fuck the mat economy
  12. half the time staff just hold sits in the map.
  13. should go back to being broken, breaks the meta
  14. Remove red box in general, a lot of fun can stem in a huge sandbox land. When one wall was accidentally removed, people had the most fun here.
  15. this is a reply to the event PD can already raid the portal if they find illegal items inside it or know their are some. This wouldn't really be that useful or fun.
  16. brown fingers no im not gn isaac
  17. If you're arrested you should be out of the Revolt.
  18. its dumb that they can raid the pd during a revolt but can't raid otherwise with their broken models.
  19. Remove the drug withdrawl flinch effect from the server, you sometimes get it without even taking drugs and its super annoying.
  20. CC's you had a "perm slot" aren't recoverable unless the player still plays but your own CC is.
  21. Make it so if you complete all 4 quests you get a new batch right away
  22. could have tenebrae come and say something if you want kek Completely ignored my point. We aren't arguing about that. We are arguing about the reason I left. I didn't leave cause everyone hated me, cause no one hated me, hence the reason my rep is positive and no -reps for scamming if it makes you feel better, a lot of people hate you lol I could say the same of you. Multiple votes have happened, like the time when 22 people voted for you on a minge poll of you or me. im sorry didn't you say you just got back whereas im active damn near every day? haha ok also im sure back then you'd of been the winning vote.
  23. Would be lame because people would start abusing unfun unfun never pulls through anyways, and besides, shouldn't staff be able to stop votes for false reasons? They can't stop unfun votes and I'm sure with incentive, they can pull through.
  24. My intervention was only a heartbeat scanner and the barrel last night before I reconnected. I think a recconect fixes it, otherwise try to clear your addons and fresh install gmod.
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