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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. That's soooo two weeks ago. Get with the times man, people are using RT camera screens now. None of it is allowed anymore after some administrative discussion.
  2. Yeah. Prop block off a corner, most people wouldn't be able to tell and nobody could raid it.
  3. Add this functionality to his smoke grenade. He has to throw it and touch the smoke and he'll be teleported like...to in front of the PD or fountain or industrial. Or better yet, remove his smoke grenade because I've literally only seen it being used by minges because if you're a good boy like me you aren't seeing batman at all.
  4. I finally pushed one of them to the breaking point.
  5. Tass requested move due to potential game-breakage.
  6. It's been against the rules since before I joined. I don't understand why people get offended and absolutely disgustingly triggered when staff enforce the rules/ You can. It's never been against the rules to say things to your friends inside your own base or in PMs. Literally nobody has ever punished for that.
  7. Doesn't work. And on my client it makes me hear them no matter where I go. :'( Get out of range of their voice before muting them.
  8. Nooby crutch technique that everybody uses has a counter? :WutFace:
  9. So a person/people who weren't actually staff on the server but pretending to be staff said that you were banned, in a Discord that isn't the TitsRP Discord, and I cannot find your steamID in the active bans list. I think this thread is over.
  10. This wasn't in the TitsRP Discord and at least one of the "staff" in your screen shots aren't the actual staff's Discord account, but a fake. What is the purpose of this post other than to try to start petty drama?
  11. Yeah man, you're more than welcome to come back and play, but saying the admins didn't teach you anything because you KNEW IT ALL with years of experience and asking for staff back with the rep you had? :no_good: Also, uh... https://imgur.com/a/8nUARsu Not acceptable for staff, man...
  12. It's rare that I see a terror attack not last beyond the 5 minute mark. Are you doing a solo terror at fountain?
  13. If you want to make a thread, I can share some stories if you'd like. https://i.imgur.com/Iw9t10g.png [Censored] 09/11/2017 When I was in the RDA sit with a payer called Jev and Gum I asked him if he has Evidence of him watching Jev doing the Crime and he was like "Man iam TMod I don't need Evidence" [Censored] 09/11/2017 He had a video but the situation got solved tho anyways Gum also keeps joining staff on duty And noclips around [Censored] 09/11/2017 There was some YouTuber on and he Noclipped to him to do some shit all the time What's weird is that like yesterday I shared a story about the time you approached me and managed to get three rules incorrect at the same time, all of which were in the MOTD at the time. One of them was the trespassing = KOS rule which has been around since before I joined
  14. This is the best application we have seen yet. Booper himsef has asked me to accept this application!
  15. There was an exploit where you could stack items and get basically a million armor, and then they'd wear a giant hat so you couldn't see where their model was to shoot anyways. It cost server resources and looked kinda dumb.
  16. If people run into the PD to bother you, especially cops who have already died, just kill them. Try to ignore people just coming in to buy armor.
  17. i just want an option to remove it, it's really cancerous for me, i don't want to rp as a cameraman or anything, sometimes i pull the camera in a crowded place and accidentally use it and it blows all of my FPS, and i don't like my FPS like my wife, "wife is only 9yr old" so please add an option to disable you camera from your slots and ty, all i ask for don't pull the camera out then
  18. Wrong Section - 1 week warning for 40% If you change you rank again to imply you are staff, I will ban you from the forums.
  19. It removes the $30 and then you just lose the 5m out of nowhere... I have forwarded this to sugar because that seems REALLY REALLY weird and possibly dangerous
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