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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by goodnight

  1. goodnight

    Block button

    This is actually a fantastic question regardless of whether or not it was serious. Not with rdm really. Most of the targeting that I've personally seen towards myself has been a mix of Pms/Text, hits and other in-game methods of trying to disturb personal gameplay. Rdms are mostly just random rdmers that are targeting ANYONE. I think we've all had random targeted rdms because someone gets pissed off and starts going at it. Targeted kidnapping has happened to me in the past but as of recently this really hasn't been a concern on my end. Most kidnappings are just genuine bad place bad time/ not paying attention moments and I can't complain about any of them. Even if I get salty that its inconvenient, as they say: it is what it is.
  2. goodnight

    Block button

    This post shows me lack of care. I've always tried to defend myself against people causing shit in chat. I hate confrontation and it actually makes me sick to my stomach but when you back someone into a metaphorical corner by attacking them, they're going to fight back. It's basic psychology. I refuse to let people continously target me and thats why I've been so fucking persistent trying to deal with this despite replies like this essentially telling me I'm somehow the person in the wrong when NOTHING would've happened if people would stop TARGETING PEOPLE. You were on the top of my staff list after you realized the first situation was getting out of hand and upsetting me significantly. I stood up for you during times when players called YOU shot staff because of the first sit you took for me during really nasty harassment and I'm so fucking frustrated and disappointed that this is your real point of view. And like I've said about a MILLION times by now, I have used the mute feature both in voice and text. It doesn't stick and I shouldn't have to look over my fucking shoulder whenever someone who likes to target m gets on. It shouldn't be something I have to deal with, nor should I be scared to fucking post in forums for reports for fear of people pinging me in discord, mocking me in game, and spamming me on forums with reactions and shitty fucking replies. This is my last response here as I believe I've made as much of a point as I possibly can in the best way I can possibly attempt to convey (which still may not be great but I'm trying my best here). And if my tone wasn't clear, I wasn't trying to accuse you of bad staffing either, because like I said, you realized the first thing you did was fucked up and started taking the harassment towards me more seriously. I just wish more staff did.
  3. goodnight

    Block button

    See I don't care for this take because, as you have also been a witness to this harassment directed towards me and the first thing you did was essentially telling me to "get over it". This is a POV more staff take and completely disregards the rules stating that it is NOT ALLOWED. I don't understand how it's so hard to just deal with these sits and if they can't get their shit together, fucking ban them like they rightfully should be. Why have rules to make player experiences better if nobody gives a fuck? To some of you it may truly seem like not such a big deal, but some people genuinely love playing on the server but can't have fun because people want to be cruel as shit for no reason other than "It's a game". This is not good enough. Why can't people be decent enough to not say disgusting shit?? Why can't they keep it to themselves so the rest of us don't have to deal with it? This entire fucking topic could be avoided if people would just be decent human beings but yet here we are, dealing with them. I'm sure you've seen all the reports I've made and how 99% have been accepted. Why?? Because I'd compiled evidence and got them accepted, and yet it persists after warns and bans. How would you feel in this case?
  4. goodnight

    Block button

    I personally really like this idea. As someone (among plenty of others, I'm sure) are targets of some pretty nasty harassment for seemingly no reason at times. Staff will always go ahead and tell you to mute, but what happens when a player is not only extremely disgusting, but also very persistent? It becomes a problem that extends to not just the player, but as staff as complained SO many times about dealing with sits on harassment when they could "simply mute them" (plot twist, this doesn't fucking work like people would like to think). Mutes reset. A block won't. You can block people in steam, but that does NOT remove them from being able to interact with you in game (unless of course you're constantly checking to see if they're online just to avoid interacting with them) and this can lead to some serious paranoia. I would know, during whole weeks where people who targeted me were constantly getting online and causing problems, even if I said something very minuscule in chat relating to the conversations. Players should not have to be looking over their shoulder just trying to enjoy a server that they truly love playing due to a few players wanting to lock onto someone. I certainly don't enjoy it, but I would enjoy having more stress-free game sessions where the only tense situations should be in-game scenarios. I know I'll feel a lot more comfortable being to avoid interacting with players that genuinely make me feel unsafe, and we can leave muting for people who are just plain annoying and we don't wanna listen to for that time, as the mute button was intended to be used. So HUGE +1 for me on this, and seriously, a fantastic suggestion!
  5. You're attacking like this is a personal attack. It's not. Like you said, this is a forum discussion, and I never ONCE said staff suck. I JUST said how some staff are really good at getting on important sits like MRDM because they're actively paying attention to the server they staff for. I don't even have an opinion on your staffing personally because I haven't really interacted with you. If you truly are doing all of this (again, I don't know you well enough or seen action in chat to say whether or not this is true but hey if it is, good on you and we need more like you. My opinion on the matter stays the same, though. Also that shit literally happens all the time but god forbid I try and bring it to attention, I get fucking attacked for it and called a cry baby and shit. If you guys truly want change (again, not you personally, this is a general statement to the players and staff of TitsRP), don't attack people who actually report shit and try to make the server a better place, because eventually, people either stop caring or they get tired of being ignored.
  6. You mean when sits ARE taken? There's some staff who are really good at getting on very important sits like MRDM, and some have literally verbally passed it onto others because they "didn't feel like it" (won't be naming names, but you know who you are). Sit times are only good if sits are taken.
  7. As not only staff but an admin, this is a really shitty take, and a very fucking black/ white view. I would expect someone who deals with the sits of these situations (or maybe not, who am I to know?) to want some sort of small block up on high RDM jobs. Yes, there are many jobs with weapons. MANY. But, there are also a lot more jobs that do not, or smaller grade weapons that won't do as much damage and give people who aren't expecting it a fighting chance. Regardless of that though, why don't you want to see progress on a server you staff on? Every single reply here is +1 towards the idea of putting a certain few that are used the most for RDM to have a very minor block. My question to you, sir, is why you don't want to see it implemented. There's very few reasons why a STAFF member wouldn't want to deal with more rdm than one needs to, and all options I can think of are really shitty. And why NOT put up a block on every very high RDM job?? What goes wrong?? People who like to rdm as those jobs specifically don't join as often/ at all and we lose a few shitty players?? Doesn't seem like an issue to me...
  8. Not sure why staff would've voted against this to even start with. Yes, putting time limits on jobs sucks, but at the same time, there are a LARGE array of jobs that people can hop on and have fun with outside of PD roles, and it won't even block all of them. We could have 7 staff on and very few tickets will be taken because of either staff just not bothering with rdm tickets or because the system is apparently fucking broken (make a sit and wait 10 mins only to hear that apparently not one person saw it. Either staff lies or the system is bugged which is a huge problem in itself). Regardless of the previous issue, there are literally fucking dozens of jobs for new players to choose from and like some people said before, randoms will come on just to hope on some random PD job and rdm anyone they can in town square. Not only is it a huge inconvenience for people actually playing their roles, having fun with fucking around or doing whatever else, I also imagine it's a huge fucking pain in the ass for the staff who actually give two damns about the server and are busting their ass taking sits on these goobers trying to troll via murder. I know this is obviously NOT a roleplay heavy server, but people still like to play roles without being interrupted because of some trigger happy 14 year old who has nothing better to do. There should probably be more jobs added to this restriction list, as restricting weapon heavy classes like Juggernaut, Gabe, hell, maybe even Bounty Hunter because people are constantly using that class to rdm more than people on Hitman classes do. TitsRP has one of the widest f4 job menus I have ever seen, and I won't even lie, that's why I stayed originally. To have a server with a job list as vast as this server is one that is going to attract many different people who like playing those roles. It's going to keep attracting players, so lets all do TitsRP, staff, and players a favor and give this post a huge +1
  9. Merry Belated Christmas and Happy Holidays to all else.
  10. I like the thought of being able to build small things around fountain area for like fountain fishing or other small things but like Tene said, people were fucking cancer with some of their dupes and the FPS drops were awful. If there was a way to combat that issue than having building at fountain would be so nice.
  11. Yeah I noticed this a while ago (back when I was still relatively new and found the legacy jobs hilarious). Like DrHarmacist said, I tend to just avoid people with smaller models/ lower default HP and will only usually kill for a joke/ on accident if they were near someone else who I was killing. Haven't had any issues relating to people complaining about RDM so I never thought much of it. Good idea to post this though!
  12. IGN: Hex Discord: Hex#2406 Favorite Candy: Lindor chocolate truffles
  13. There are some reputation points on my in-game TITSRP that are both of negative and positive reps but the words that are being used in them are making me incredibly uncomfortable, some to the point of anxiety. The most recent was today's negative rep which was posted by somebody who is also now temp banned for a week I think? But it claimed I was calling them the hard R N-Word and not only is this untrue, as I don't use slurs, let alone racial, but I don't want false accusations of anything on my account. The person who did this has the Steam name of Larry (Steam ID should be STEAM_0:0:88532127). There WAS a positive rep on my account that said "rapist" in all caps but it's suddenly not appearing, but if that changes, I will either edit this or make a new question. This is just a disgusting accusation and I won't be tolerating that.
  14. Love the transphobia. While I'm not going to sit here and try to educate you because you'd be a lost cause. If people have a problem with me because I'm trans, they can either keep it to themselves or deal with the consequences. I don't have to sit here and take abuse from people. Being "mean" is not the same as being abusive. Being mean is telling someone to go fuck themselves. Abusive is telling someone to kill themselves because they're trans. If its selfish to not want to be told to take my own life for a life decision that's only benefited me (in a sense of self), then I'm going to be the most selfish mother fucker out there! But anywho, I'm done here.
  15. Man you're so fucking delusional it's actually sad. I've made, what, TWO reports? Both of which were completely valid. I had evidence for both, I was only trying to play the game and was literally hunted down by players for the cause of harassment, but yes, I'M the problem. Get over yourself dude. You can't call people slurs and you can't harass people for the sake of harassment. Boo fuckin hoo. Cry about something that's worth crying about, dude. If a player is so nasty that they actively drive out other players, they deserve to be removed themselves. And news flash, I have muted people. I've had harassment go past the active chat and have been called slurs in my reputation point list and so on, so fourth. Ignoring the problem does not make it go away.
  16. I'm a bit late to this party but I'm throwing in my two cents even if it isn't wanted. Your post contains a lot of victim-blaming narratives that always states that the victim is trying to be a victim (which in that case, they wouldn't be a victim). In reality, people just want to play the damn game and not have people throwing suicide comments, slurs, and other bullshit. Instead of calling someone a queer slur, why don't you just turn the other cheek and be in your way? People can be angry at dumb game shit, emotions are fine and dandy, but is it really necessary to use slurs and target players just because you don't like them..? At a certain point it just looks like you're obsessed with bullying people.
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