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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by goodnight

  1. Part of the battle of getting myself diagnosed meant learning a lot of this stuff first hand, but I've been very thankful for all the information I've been able to access. I'm still working through a personal deficit because of long-term masking due to a missed diagnosis. I hope your brothers are doing well, and thank you so so much for your amazingly positive post. It sincerely means the world to me, Coconut.
  2. Hello my fellow TitsRPers! It is April, which means it is Autism Awareness Month! An estimated 2.2% of the United States population is estimated to be on the Autism Spectrum in some capacity, which is a total of 5.4 million adults. This number doesn't include all of the (unfortunately) undiagnosed adults and children who live among us. Autistic folks are often misunderstood because of our issues with communication in social situation, emotional processing, and several other important aspects in our lives. Because it is a spectrum, some people are higher support needs, while some people can get along in life fine with very few supports. I know of several people on the server who share the diagnosis of autism on the server, and we are all very different people with different opinions, views, triggers, and enjoyments. No two people who are on the spectrum are going to be the same, and that uniqueness should be celebrated. This is also a reminder to not fuck with Autism Speaks as they support eugenics and other very disturbing methods of either trying to "cure" autism (which is not possible) or trying to find ways to make Autistic people mask heavier than they already do, which can has has caused more severe distressing symptoms relating to autism. In short, take some time this month to look at all the autistic folks throughout time who has contributed amazing things to our society and helped us grow as a species.
  3. Good try with the screenshot and no actual source, which doesn't matter regardless because the data here is still pointing towards white people being the overwhelming majority, but everywhere you look online it's quite literally the opposite of what you're trying to claim. And furthermore, these crimes are committed by overwhlemingly cis heterosexual people, which is an undeniable fact, especially considering we are a minority and thus would commit a significantly smaller portion of gun or non gun violence regardless of race. But continue posting as if you have any clue about what you're talking about. Reminder that is not a post meant for debate of any kind, nor did I ask.
  4. Most shooters are cishet white men.
  5. See I don't think that is very true and rather just a post you chose to make because you're transphobic and want every excuse you can find to make a push in the direction to hate, dehumanizing and demonize trans people. The group that commits the most shootings and terrorism in the United States of America are cishet white men, and everyone will scream "mental illness" or that "he snapped", but when it's someone of any other race, sexuality, gender, it's always because of something else. It's also very ironic that you mention death as well, considering the rate of trans suicide is skyrocketing past what it already was due to the discrimination we face, alongside the government actively trying to eradicate us from existing, making for a literal trans genocide several phases in. Trans CHILDREN are being denied healthcare all over the country because conservatives want everyone to go back to the mid 1900s. Perhaps this isn't so much of a trans issue as much as it's a gun issue, hm? Which also wasn't the point of my post. If you want to spread hate, do so in a place where it is welcomed, because under a post that is actively trying to help people isn't a good look.
  6. I don't know, I felt I was pretty positive during this entire post despite what I was getting, and who is still hovering over my posts.
  7. Eh I knew I'd get some shit for this one but I was mentally prepared. Just trying to shrug the shit aside and take today for what it is. Genuinely hope this was at least a neutral comment that I'm not misreading. I hope you have a nice day too
  8. I don't know who this person is nor can I make out what is on the sign. If this is suppose to be a negative post, I really don't feel it's appropriate for this, and having anti-trans stuff on a post meant for helping people who might be really struggling is kind of a shitty thing to do, at least that's what I'm taking from this post.
  9. Yes. It is. But just as people are allowed to share their bigoted opinions, I am more than allowed to raise other people up with positivity on a day that pertains to us and our history. If you don't like it, much like many people have said to me for things that SHOULD have been dealt with, ignore me and my posts. You seem to dislike me a lot, so why waste your energy attempting to interact?
  10. Going to keep this nice and simple, but to all my LGBTQ+ peers who are apart of this community, especially our trans peers, I see you, and I love you all. You are all amazing souls and we are strong! Let's take a moment to not only celebrate how far we've come and are still fighting to share the mutual want of a peaceful, united life, while holding our heads and taking a moment of silence for all the lives we've lost along the way. There are still tough times ahead, but we've made it this far and can certainly continue fighting. I'm going to include some resources below in case anyone needs them. The Trevor Project: (866) 488-7386 National Suicide Prevention Line: (800) 273-8255 (text chat is also available online) Crisis Text line: Text START to 741-741 The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender National Hotline: (888) 843-4564 The GLBT National Youth Talkline: (youth serving youth through age 25): (800) 246-7743) Trans Lifeline: (877) 565-8860 There are additional resources on https://pflag.org/resource/support-hotlines/ regarding helplines for HIV/AIDS, Assault, Abuse, and Runaway lifelines.
  11. Maybe if there was only one category rather than multiple, perhaps? Like if you were to heal a player fully with a specific healing tool (Regular medkit, as an example) but you could use the others to extent your healing abilities when you needed to without getting xp for healing a group fully?
  12. Could you elaborate on this?
  13. Hello and good afternoon all fellow TitsRP players. Yesterday in the server there was a very brief but agreeable discussion about the Medic job and its role in the server. Obviously, a medic's job is to heal players, which it does and does well. They have a good couple of tools to heal people and is a very good basic class to have around, especially for newer players who don't have access to CCs and bulk healing items, and who may not be in a gang and thus needing to spend money to get health and armor at the station in PD. I see people playing as a medic all the time to make little hospitals or to complete quests, and this being said, I think that they should be getting XP for these actions. We could have a category for the healing process or for healing someone to full health, or adding armor to people. Perhaps there could be an XP delay when healing a player/ group of players (for instance, the 5 or so second delay that the meth class has when sniffing meth for xp). This way the person gaining XP isn't getting too much overpowered XP but is still getting enough to make healing worth it in an XP sense. Perhaps healing someone to full health or full armor could grant a bonus XP category with an extra 10 points. Although this may seem silly as well, but having a couple of medics running around and healing people during peak RDM hours might help save a few folks too. Another suggestion for this class aside for the XP (assuming that is isn't already a thing, I'm not online right now and cannot look at the job role/ SWEPS that is included or the F4 menu options), but perhaps the ability to sell health or armor stations as a way to make extra money, much like how the Black Market Dealer or Supplier can supply bombs and guns or such things. This is just something I thought about mid way through typing, and is more so a passing thought than a part of the actual suggestion. Anyways, let me know what you guys think about this. I'll have a short TDLR below with points going over these really quick! Any other suggestions regarding this post is always appreciated! TDLR; Medic is a very helpful class, especially for newer players or players who just don't have access to as many server amenities such as gang perks for free PD stuff or a CC with healing items. This could open up the opportunity for more XP grinding, and for a server-helpful job. This could partially help curb attempted RDM in some cases if more than one medic is running around trying to get XP by healing people. A few separate categories could be added in regards to partially healing (with an XP delay like a meth cook has when sniffing meth so you can't just spam XP), and perhaps for fully healing or fully armoring up a player. Providing the medic with the ability to potentially buy shipments of health or armor stations (along with other healing items) can help a medic make a little bit of money on the side, which could be a good way to make small amounts of cash as a newer player too.
  14. That's because people can rep bomb on the forums ://
  15. Welcome back and hope to see you around. If you need any help with random server shit I'm on most days. I'm not staff but I have been playing for 2k+ hours so I know a good amount of things!
  16. Sorry, didn't know I was supposed to be okay with people telling me to die over being trans or that I'm somehow a broken human being and that the servers rule state that harassment isn't okay. Good to know that even senior moderators don't care about these things that are put in place so that all players can have decent playing experience.
  17. Curious as to who the snowflakes are in this reference.
  18. Yeaaaaah I was going to say this when I first saw this but I thought maybe I was being harsh but I agree with the others. Unless you have gang perks that make kidnappings easier (pocket sand and others, I don't kidnap often so I didn't get them and don't know them all), then you need to be smart and use other resources to do it. I know this isn't exactly the most realistic or roleplay heavy server but in real life, if someone sees someone else kidnapping and they have a weapon.. what do YOU think is going to happen to the kidnapper...? I don't know about you but I'd want to attempt to save that person's life by any means. Perhaps think about how you play kidnapping classes and change the way you try and deal with them. Go to a more remote area during busy times when randoms and people who aren't as aware are roaming the map, use drugs like adrenaline to make yourself fast to catch up to your intended victim quicker and easier, have a base with easy mobility if you're a serial killer, or just a quick-enter place as a cultist to sacrifice and protect the circle from any on-lookers to complete the sacrifice. Keep a weapon on you to shoot down anyone who wants to attempt to kill you. Remember, if you're shot you can shoot back, so technically you can kill someone trying to KOS you for kidnapping. Is it easy?? Not always, but if you play your cards right and use the tools that the server provides you, you can become a real salt-inducing kidnapper. It takes practice and patience sometimes, just like any other role.
  19. Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to.
  21. Not a bad suggestion. Accessories are accessories for a reason. If you can wear your hat upside/ backwards in real life you should be able to on titsrp. Long as it doesn't cause issues I don't see a problem.
  22. goodnight

    Block button

    I'm for it. It doesn't have to be crazy either. I just feel like waiting until someone shit talks you over and over in chat and THEN repeatedly needing to mute someone is just a huge game of cat and more that can be avoided. If either player (harassed/harasser) going offline, it completely voids the mute. Not only this, but even rules state that excessive language (in this case relating to derogatory terms, nobody's getting banned over saying fuck. If that were the case I would be F-U-C-K-E-D lmao) should be avoided. Not all staff has/does follow(ed) these the same way though and I think that in itself has caused some miscommunication errors which is a topic within itself, but if players were given. More efficient mute/block feature/ etc, it's possible that some of these situations could be avoided. I'm not saying this is going to solve it, either. Sometimes things don't work out. That's life... however I would like to remind EVERYBODY that things cannot get better if we do not move forward and evolve our ways of doing things.
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