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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by goodnight

  1. Honestly, find what what's best for you in terms of your gameplay, because I can tell you right now that if you hate say, playing hobo (good xp job, better triple xp job), then grinding hobo is going to make you wanna blow your brains out. Fuck around with some jobs that have xp categories you like grinding (if you're a cop main, get bounties. If you like shipwreck diver, collect trash and lockers, sell lockers or use them at captain charlie for mad xp), look at the !motd command to see what the xp bonus is at the time, harvest mats. There are a LOT of things you can do to gain xp. As for the cereal monster, collect any amount of cereal between 2 and 75 (2 is the minimum you need to make a wish, while the most expensive is 75). Once you've dropped them all onto the platform of the cereal monster, press e, and look at the list, and select which wish you'd like to make. Remember that there is a wish to reroll cereal targets, so if you can't find anymore people to get cereal from, just reroll instead of needing to completely relog. Hope this helps!
  2. This is literally the first I'm hearing about this... I'm like baffled that this is a supposed rule. Maybe we stop with this random ass UNWRITTEN rules so that people can't just pick and choose what to report dependent on who did it to who, at what time, under what circumstances.
  3. As someone who currently has 1000+ t2s from mass amounts of xp grinding... god this would be nice. Otherwise if you wanna pluck at your T2S to actually grab items and not just mass sell random shit, it takes literal hours. This could cut down on the seconds in between each crate. Mega lootboxes are kinda like T2s (tell me if this is not correct, as it appears to be that megas are just big T2s)... maybe a T2 to mega exchange thing, if it makes this easier..?
  4. Definitely been an issue for a long time, but there's also a way to avoid this (this is only if you use the long tent, idk how it'll work with others). Essentially, you line all the machines up from vent up to the machine that actually pours the meth, a space, the vent, and then on the short RIGHT side (left side being where you actually enter the tent/ where I personally put the guitar case that spawns all the items in), having 3 freezers, one on that end, then two on the wall with nothing but the storage container (the storage container I keep beside the door too). So basically, spawner case on the left short side, storage container next to the door, all machines lined up on the front parallel wall until you hit the pouring machine, a buffer space, vent, buffer space, first freezer on the very end, then on the front parallel wall, 2 additional freezers (good for xp meth like glitter that makes big batches), and then I have plenty of space on that wall to just put my boombox or some shit. This way there are no accidental drops. This doesn't work for the bug that happens if you accidentally put a meth try, then an empty one followed by a full one (when you drop the meth, it will only drop the empty container, but when you fill it, it'll load into the next highest one rather than the one that you actually fucking took it from). Enowapi clearly has a similar set up they use for their tent. Buffer spaces, buffer spaces!
  5. This very topic was something I was concerned about for a while because of the very thing you said (jumping to more... d i s t u r b i n g conclusions because of what previous community removals have been about), especially since a community removal is so final. I had reached out to someone because some of the "recent" (I use this word loosely because some time has passed) removals were so out of the blue and didn't at ALL seem like their character, and because of assuming the worst, I felt absolutely sick to my stomach. Obviously I still don't know exactly why, I was at least comforted that it wasn't like that. The potential reality that someone you knew could be so horrible is a feeling I wish on nobody. That being said, although I still don't like the thought of community removals being a behind-the-scenes thing, I can also understand why it might be needed in a lot of cases. Sometimes people's information needs to be protected for one reason or another. Any who, that's all I have for thoughts.
  6. goodnight


    you done did this -rep yourself you goober
  7. Yes hello it's me I'm back. This month I'm happy to introduce Disabiltiy Pride Month! Disabilities come in all shapes in sizes, some are invisible and some are visible, some people need accommodations and some do not. They range from from Physical like Muscular Dystrophy, Epilepsy, or paralysis, Developmental like Autism, Down Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, Behavior/Emotional such as ADD or Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or Sensory Impaired such as Deafness or Blindness. This post is dedicated to any disabled TitsRP players. It's not an easy life but one we were born into. Disability or not, we are still human and can still do amazing things.
  8. I know how how I feel about this all already, but none of it matters. You aren't going to get what you want, and even if you manage to push forward a little, you're in for rep bombing because they are fine to share their opinion, but the moment you share yours. you're a cry baby. Just watch my reps on this comment. I'll prove my point. Anyways, was nice playing with you while it lasted.
  9. But isn't it oh so lovely that we're the one's expected to be forced offline because people wanna be little shit heads.
  10. My friend did that enough for me. I mean, it wouldn't have been down so badly if I didn't get rep bombed. Otherwise I don't really care what my rep is here. My server rep more accurately represents how the community feels because people can only do their 1 rep. Anywho, have a good day DnChops.
  11. I should've done this around the same time as my pride month post but I neglected to bring attention to another very important month even, which is men's mental health awareness month (also health overall). Just as women struggle with issues of their own kind, men have their own unique struggles relating to mental health and it can be even harder for them to come forward about it due to stigma surrounding the topic and toxic masculinity practices, resulting in many men being completely miserable in their lives, or even going as far as taking their own lives. I feel that in today's society, we especially need to be aware of these things because men are typically and inherently better at hiding certain emotions that are associated with mental pain like depression and anxiety, but this goes further when we bring up higher risk disorders like those relating to psychosis, developmental and neurological disorders like Autism and ADHD, among many, many other common disorders. I want every male identifying person reading this to know that you are seen, you are heard, and do not be afraid to let your struggles be known!
  12. Meant to reply to this yesterday but I got distracted :((( Thank you for this too. I might make a small post relating to this too because mental health matters woooo.
  13. I don't even know what it even means so I just didn't bother e_e
  14. Yeah this matters. In game and forum reputation points are not the same.
  15. e_e but I don't even know you, nor do I have a reason to negative rep. Why do you want negative reps??
  16. In my honest opinion, the profile picture changing does absolutely nothing anyways, so if companies don't do it, I could not give less of a shit overall. Most of them only do it for the reputation of "oh, I supporter the LGBTQ+ community!" without actually doing anything worth wild, helpful or charitable. There are other things they can do to actually be supportive but I don't see much contribution actually happening.
  17. This lowkey sounds kinda good I won't even lie to you. Making me want a BLT or something LOL
  18. I love this so much. Thank you for such a lovely contribution Coconut!
  19. Notice how his reply was respectful. Notice how I was being respectful. Notice how you got upset for no reason... June is an important month for a lot of people and I did a very, very small post to try and avoid drama (because god forbid anyone mention the fucking gays without it being a problem), while trying to make sure people who do identify as anything other than cishet know that I am on their side, having a moment of silence, a MEMORIAL for deaths. I'm very aware just how much you are all SO bothered by me being prideful that whenever the slightest mention of anything LGBTQ+ comes up in chat, people immediately feel the need to attack it in any way they can. Even when I'm not the topic of the conversation I'm still brought up unwillingly. The only thing I wanted to say to Iron, was clarification of tone for MY sake so that I could better reply to him, which again, Iron THANK YOU FOR BEING RESPECTFUL AND CLARIFYING, IF YOU'RE READING THIS! I originally INTERPRETED IT as harassment, which was the issue I wanted to clear so that there are and were no hard feelings. Again, all a matter of basic human respect. Sincerely hope that IS your only reply and that more shit doesn't get stirred because I dare have an opinion. As much as this shit has brought me down, I sincerely hope you have a good day too, Succ.
  20. If this is TRULY the case and not sarcasm (I'm pretty open about being autistic and having difficulties with tone-- so the vague, one word reply felt insincere), then I deeply apologize. I just am finding it hard to believe due to some of the things I've personally seen you say relating to the community and thus assumed that a single, one word reply in.. all red lettering.... meant something bad. I hope you can see where I felt the reply was an attack... But if this is a reply based on sarcasm and hate, I strongly ask that you please hold some assemblance of maturity, especially as a staff member, and turn the other cheek. Have a beautiful day.
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