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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/21 in Posts

  1. You know the rich didnt just load into the server one day with $50,000,000 right? There realistically isnt much for them to spend money on, and if they want to buy a 25% boost with the money they grinded for then they will.
    2 points
  2. Please do something about this, this is the only way people do bounties these days, before the text for hunting even shows up, you are already being shot. https://medal.tv/clips/57485315/d13370kx2aD7 This shouldn't be a thing, its especially bad for new player who dont have armor so they just get 1 shot and can't do anything about it.
    2 points
  3. I don't necessarily dislike real money transactions in games. Like I said before, the thing that I disliked was the amount of popularity it gained. At some point, it was the meta to do real market transactions. TitsRP is not a huge MMO. It's a lot different when you have 20 people spamming trade chat in Stormwind when your game has 5 million players a month compared to TitsRP that had 10 people spamming adverts when there are 60 players online. You saw people come out of retirement just to sell their money on the server. They didn't even play, they just sat in spawn and spammed their stupid money selling advert. It just seemed gross to have 10 different people spam their darkrp adverts daily, up to 700 times a day. I do try to have this server not be entirely focused on trying to grab your credit card. Go on any other server and the second you spawn you will see things like "Unlock VIP++ Dimond for only $70, click here now" "Click here to purchase 50 million dollars for $10" "Click here to always spawn with a knife". It had that same vibe. I want players to seek out the store on their own, not to have their throats clogged by other players trying to make a quick buck when they clearly had no intention to play. Think about it, why did you join TitsRP? Did you join it because "I bet I can make money on this server" or did you join it because "funny name, im about to say the nword in ooc"? Talking to Zek on this, I did share some profit statistics with him. TitsRP is doing well financially. We can hire developers and pay for expensive servers for this community. By selling DarkRP cash you do run into the risk of lowering profit and lowering player retention (which can be debated). At the end of the day, humans are not predictable and it's hard to pinpoint everyone's motive for playing. But I hear your cry. The people who are in heavy support of this going through are obviously, the people who have the most money. Allowing RMT does give those veteran players a reason to no life the server which inherently increases player count which is all around a good thing. Zek also raised his complaint that a middle man was required in most transactions because of potential scamming. While I am not prepared to lift the ban yet, I do have a plan to satisfy all of your needs, our needs and the safety needs of our players when performing RMT. You will be able to list your DarkRP currency on a special market place that is all routed through the server. This protect you from chargebacks and it helps the player knowing that they will get the money they paid for. Although, this will require a paypal account. So if you do not have one, set one up because you will not be able to perform trades outside of this system as it will be a bannable offense. Here is an example of how a transaction would go: Player A go to the market vendor and purchases a license for x DarkRP Cash to perform RMT (to prevent a flood of people spamming the market) Player A will then enter their paypal email and accept some terms Player A will then be able to list DarkRP cash they have for a price they have in mind. Lets say 20 mil for $10 The listing will then go up for $12.00 and alerts the whole server that Player A just listed 20 mil for $10 Player B will be able to then see that market listing and click buy It will then open a secure checkout page on Player B's screen allowing them to complete the transaction After completing the transaction, Player B will receive his DarkRP cash and player A will receive their $10 while we keep that $2 in fees The few players that disagree with the above and have questions, I would be willing to answer them. Just keep in mind, the above will not change. It will be the only way we allow RMT in TitsRP. Some common questions will be asked and I will answer them now What if I don't have a paypal? Get one What if they don't have a paypal? Get one What if they don't want to pay via paypal? There may be future payment methods down the line. But get a paypal 20% cut? Isn't that a lot? You receive 100% of what you list for "You Receive". Coding the software to manage payments + hosting it is no easy task either. Is the ban lifted RIGHT NOW? No. It will be in a later update. Can I advert my RMT in OOC or Advert? No. Use the Discord for that. It will also announce to all players when making a listing.
    2 points
  4. Grind for your shit fool
    2 points
  5. Since Prestiges are now a thing in the game we should make it so you can buy the level 25 perk multiple times.
    1 point
  6. make a rule that says “CP can not set up weapon checkpoints at the spawn exits”
    1 point
  7. yes, that is what we want, so give it to us
    1 point
  8. agreed. When money selling got banned plenty of people still based. I think some other changes affected the basing situation
    1 point
  9. Getting level 25 i think is only like 30% of the total xp you need to get max level. edit its 25.2% of the xp you need for a prestige. to put this into perspective that means if you buy the boost you still need to max out on 16 different xp categories if you have the reputation upgrade (23 without) . Realistically if you are spending 15 mil on this you are not saving much time spent on farming xp compared to the cost of getting the levels.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I feel like this would totally destroy the value in getting prestige if you could just buy it.
    1 point
  12. im broke retarded and permabanned
    1 point
  13. @HIDDENI am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but... did you even read the main thread? Because I have addressed all of these. "it's the future repercussions that it will have on game balance, the ingame economy, player retention, etc." The reason I made this thread is because we have almost 2 years of data that show the COMPLETE OPPOSITE. Player retention seems to have fallen since the ban, people on this thread are making the remark and I personally see less people play. I got banned in 2018 for 1 year and got unbanned in 2019 and I still recognized most of the players playing, but now in 2021 I rarely see people I know and when I do they are just idling doing nothing. For the economy, again it's in the main thread but I got 2 excel sheets of stats that shows that the economy got WAY WORST after the ban. One reason is because people a hoarding money and when you have 1 bil+ and nothing to spend on, the money wont get deleted from the economy therefor creating inflation. "If a new player plays for a month, buys alot of darkrp cash and has a super op cc, they're less likely to continue playing once they're bored unless they become a staff or something, but that point is kind of irrelevent to the discussion" I will copy paste from the main thread to reply to this : "I would argue the complete opposite, if you want people to play for as long as possible selling/buying is a great way to do it. I myself have been selling back in 2019 some of my cash. I had I think around 70mil back then with no personal CC I wasn't at the "end game" like Sugar tries to make it sound. People who are willing to buy usually will play more than the average player and this should be obvious. Buying cash for new players from other players was a way to bond with the community as a new player. Most of the people I sold cash to asked me question on how to make money, how to do certain things and some of them added me on steam and saw them play for over 1 year+. Not only do new players play more often but the old players play WAY more because it's usually this competitive mind set that makes them play on this server." " I don't think allowing people to sell money will cause a RADICAL CHANGE IN THE META like there will still be like only 3 bases but those 3 bases will still have like 10 full printer racks," You make this statement without evidence. All evidence shows that being in a competitive meta makes for more raiding and not hoarding like it's been happening for the past year. @HIDDENWhat are your intentions? I don't understand what you are trying to argue or protect. Clearly if we are talking about player retention, competitive players stay longer than RPers like yourself. This thread in itself shows it by it's majority support.
    1 point
  14. I might be more swayed towards thinking this was a good idea if it wasnt only the old, rich, and rpless players supporting this. i also bet the combined value of all who support this is astronomical.
    -1 points
  15. I'm not sure if you read my response correctly, I'm assuming you didn't as I never mentioned anything about disliking anyone. The fact that 6 people agreed with a baseless response is absolutely hilarious to me.
    -1 points
  16. The point of a checkpoint is to check people and either clear them for passage or arrest/fine them, so I put a checkpoint in the spawn tunnel. in RP, this makes complete sense, since its the most people coming into the main city. You can say its common sense and try and pick up this unwritten rule nonsense and run with it but it wont make it true.
    -1 points
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