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Okay, so MANY staff just sit somewhere and they say they're "rping" I've been on that roof on the tunnel, you're rdm'ing each other and talking to each other... its really not RP, plus when there's like 4 or 5 of you, who's gonna take sits? I get RP'ing while staff, I used to be staff, but when NOBODY else is taking them, there's like 5 of you, just take a few sits and then say you want to rp and other staff should take sits.  It's really not hard to handle the server's sits when there are 8 staff on, but it is if only 1 is active... yeah, you can guess. I made a poll, please answer honestly. 


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Alright, so I think the thing you guys need to understand about sits is that a lot of the time the sit requests are really bad. Like, getting rdmed one time when the situation is iffy is the type of sit that makes staff not want to take sits anymore. If you think a sit will take a long time, it's sometimes best to just let it go. Think about it, when a staff goes into a sit they're hoping that the sit is straight-forward, ex. Player X is mass rdming/rdaing, Player X threatened to DDoS, Player X has entities in their base while building, Player X didn't advert pd heist or do !joinrevolt. When sits are controversial and there's no proof, the person it causes the biggest headache for is the staff, not only because now they have to make a decision given limited information, but there's also a pretty good chance there's going to be more sits exactly like that one. That's the type of thing that makes staff not want to answer your sits. I don't know of any staff who don't immediately answer mass rdm calls, but if you do please let me know, it's the "Player X killed me and I don't know why" sits that make staff turn away. However, it is important to note that I've been noticing sits not being taken as often as they should be, so I do agree with you partially. I will talk to the team during our staff meeting this week, thanks for your post.

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I'm not one to hate on the staff's but so far, the only staff member who is consistently taking sits are redacted. And YES, I understand that being staff does not mean you have to be a sit-taking zombie.

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I understand that yeah staff should be taking your sit, but you've gotta really think about it before making a post like this @'ing all staff. Have you tried being more clear? Have you tried asking in OOC or PMing someone active to help you out? Have you typed !staff to see which staff are on? It is possible that they may be afk or things related, but at the same time they're not required to take sits 100% of the time they are on. If your issue pertains to a singular RDM maybe they checked if you contacted the RDMer and havent and have ignored it for that reason. Try to look at all perspectives before taking it to the forums :p

Although I do share your concerns sometimes I feel like it takes way too long for a simple sit but make you sure you do everything you can to make it claimable at that point :)

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Yea those sobs sitting around doing nothing, while getting a big fat check of zero dollars for baby sittiing, easiest job  in the world. It makes me sick to think a person would  volunteer to work as staff on a game and not think they have to work 24/7 or that other things like school or family emergencies have a higher priority then staffing. Sugar needs to make binding legal contracts that if any staff dosent fulfill their responsibilities then they give their house and all their assets to sugar.

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I completely agree with this post. Staff members who are online should be concerned for the well being of the players.

I am not saying that Staff members should be on the clock 24/7 and open to taking sits. 

But sits should't be ignored completely by active staff members that are on the server.


The player's happiness is our happiness. Make sure they're happy.

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I understand that yeah staff should be taking your sit, but you've gotta really think about it before making a post like this @'ing all staff. Have you tried being more clear? Have you tried asking in OOC or PMing someone active to help you out? Have you typed !staff to see which staff are on? It is possible that they may be afk or things related, but at the same time they're not required to take sits 100% of the time they are on. If your issue pertains to a singular RDM maybe they checked if you contacted the RDMer and havent and have ignored it for that reason. Try to look at all perspectives before taking it to the forums :p

Although I do share your concerns sometimes I feel like it takes way too long for a simple sit but make you sure you do everything you can to make it claimable at that point :)


Let's be real, going in OOC or PM'ing them they say "I'm RP'ing"

But they're jerking off on a roof lol. 90% of the time I understand all this, but still you're staff for a reason so... Atleast take like 5 a day or even 1 if you can only get on for an hour

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Blacnova said it best, though I do agree that more sits should be being taken, let's not put any names praising or calling anyone out, general concerns are fine to voice however!


Indeed this very topic will be part of the meeting.


Edit: To clarify, if you have concerns of a particular staff member failing to take sits whatsoever when they're active, submit a report.

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I dont know what to comment other than you're expecting staffmembers to consistently do their "job" which they are not getting paid for. They are allowed to RP too however, if they are the only ones one they are kind of obliged to take sits and just overal take sits now and then, thats part of what the rank is and what they obviously agreed on when applying for the rank.

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Why do sits have to be gone every 1 minute again? I think there was a thread that someone wanted to make sits last longer but I forgot why it was denied.


If you make the sits stay up there longer, your giving the staff member more time to complete what he is trying to do and eventually get to it.


When I see people make sits and they dont get taken they eventually start saying shit in OOC and it doesnt stop until they take it.


Should there be a button that thats says, "Your sit will be taken shortly" when pressed? That gives staff a chance to finish what their doing without making the user felt that hes being ignored even when theres active staff. Also when you press that button, that sit will permantly stay on your screen until its taken or ignored.


Anyone wanna add onto that?

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