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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Jeffy

  1. That feeling when Ms. Knifu breaks the server with all of her suggestions... Smh
  2. Did you get this idea from me calling your other suggestion a "Payday3 game"? This is actual rip off payday suggestion
  3. Sugar might as well make the server a Payday3 game.
  4. The chances of being TP-ed into a base is slim, I once had it on and forgot I had it and when I raided, I got stuck in a wall.
  5. I hope you realize that the TP is complete RNG, you don't get to choose where you TP to.
  6. How odd..... Hopefully Sugar checks it out and/or fixes it.
  7. Either re-install Garry's Mod, or just install the textures and hopefully that'll fix it. Good luck with whatever option you got with :)
  8. Jeffy

    I'm Back

    1v1 me on Pubg, anyone down? Also welcome back :)
  9. Jeffy

    Report on Wilmer

    That's just a knee with a rash... Willmer is a bUlLy
  10. Knock-out: Everyone gets set at 1 health and are left with nothing but their fists to fend for themselves. One-shot, one-kill: Everyone gets a sniper and starts with 50 health. Doctor McStubbin's parkour course: Complete the given course. The last one standing: Players get spawned on a high place and are given clown horns to try and knock each other off, fall damage kills them, last one standing wins!
  11. I'm really sorry to hear that, best of luck in finding a new job and happiness, stay positive :)
  12. Jeffy

    Air Is Good

    Add air pockets please :)
  13. I think some of the mod app questions should be worded better such as Section 1 Scenario 2.
  14. Apparently cc weapon slots are essentially 10 mil each, could Sugar please lower the price? I didn't know it costed 10 mil each so I spent around 20 mil to buy perms and such until I was told I have to spend 10 mil to get 1 cc weapon slot.
  15. Bug Description: ALWAYS spawning on random beaches/islands. How to reproduce: Possibly being forcerespawned as a shark/crab, check logs for HiddenLore (Victim) Priority: Medium
  16. No clue who you are, but welcome back! :)
  17. I'm not one to hate on the staff's but so far, the only staff member who is consistently taking sits are redacted. And YES, I understand that being staff does not mean you have to be a sit-taking zombie.
  18. Could someone help me understand how the bank works? I don't see the point of a bank when I can just have it in my wallet, it's not like GTA where you die and lose some of it. I have no idea how to use it either, could someone explain to me how it works? If it is as I expected, why is it there when we can keep it in a wallet? Does it prevent it from being taxed?
  19. why is everybody leaving it is making moi sad :'(
  20. A harpoon would be fucking amazing.
  21. make the shark so it spawns in the ocean pls, I literally have to have a PD friend beat me with a stunstick to get me to the ocean :(
  22. Jeffy

    this may be it

    Squanch, no :( I love you dad come back :'(
  23. Okay just making sure.
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