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Ammunition, What is it good for? Absolutely Nothing

Knifu Waifu

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Topic Of The Suggestion:

Ammunition and Crafting


I understand that this has been discussed before in (Private?) but the communities thoughts on it could be beneficial to if the suggestion should have a second thought about it.


Now to what it is.


Crafting Different Ammunition types

What this means is basically you'd be able to craft different types of ammunition which I will bring up later in this topic.


Types Of Ammunition Available For Weapons


AP Rounds

Armor Penetrating Rounds.

They would be able to void Armor worn by people [Not Completely but it could negate 5% of the damage taken by the armor instead of the Actual HP of the player]


Ability To Penetrate Armor and affect the players hp directly


Has a 5%-15% Chance to be "Caught on the armor" and damage it instead of the Players HP


Incendiary Rounds

Incendiary Rounds

They would be able to catch players on fire for a very small amount of time, adding to the players overall damage taken


Ability to Catch Players of Fire


-Wont Work In Water

-Players can Possibly Have a [New] item (Special Armor) That Blocks the Fire aspect of the Incendiary Rounds


Match Rounds

These types of rounds are High Quality Ammunition that is more accurate but costs more


Better Accuracy and a possible Higher Damage 


Need to aim in order to have the "Better Accuracy and Higher Damage" aspect work


Tracer Rounds

These Rounds would be able to have the weapon its equipped to have better hip fire accuracy


Whilst Hip-firing the rounds would become more accurate

Con's Aiming Removes the accuracy (Purely for balance and to avoid intersections with ammunition. E.x. Match Rounds)


Slug Rounds (Shotguns Only)

This round would make it so the Shotgun would shoot One Singular large bullet (Like a metal ball) that does increased damage, but only is able to shoot one


Higher Damage and Accuracy


Loss of Pellets (Only One Being the Slug)


Dragon Breath Rounds (Shotguns Only)

This round is basically another expensive round that does the shotguns base damage BUT ALSO adds incendiary damage that stays for a longer period of time


Extra Damage to the Base Damage

Lights Players on Fire for a extended time


Doesnt work in Water

Special Armor negates fire affect


Flechette Rounds (Shotguns Only)

The Shotgun Sheck full of Teny Tiny Darts ( Like Darts From A Dart Board ) 


Adds a bleed effect to people [ Fun Fact. In real life if you were shot with this your organs would be beyond fucked up. You'd die with a shot or be bleeding to death. But for balance reasons we wont add that aspect ]


Rounds can get caught in basic armor


Rat Shot (Shotguns Only)

This Round basically shoots a shit ton of smaller pellets ( Fuck those people with small talismans ) used for effectively hitting smaller targets


You Can Now Kill Smaller people


Lack Of Damage

Lack Of Range

Smaller people can Now Get Killed


P.S. Where Is My Company Suggestion. Legit This and the Armor Suggestion can be added to it [E.x. Military Surplus Company]


P.P.S Where Is My Tiny Dragons Sugar? 

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yeah there's no reason this would cause lag they dont need particles or effects (but those would be really cool and an RP way of knowing which rounds are being used)


I like this alot, but I think everything should have a counter so there should also be items added that counteract specific ammo types if these were added!


But everything on this list is good, this would make raiding and playing cop more interesting, assuming the police would have an arsenal of some sort to swap their ammo out.


I have no idea how flexible the gun base is but if this is possible I'm +1

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yeah there's no reason this would cause lag they dont need particles or effects (but those would be really cool and an RP way of knowing which rounds are being used)


I like this alot, but I think everything should have a counter so there should also be items added that counteract specific ammo types if these were added!


But everything on this list is good, this would make raiding and playing cop more interesting, assuming the police would have an arsenal of some sort to swap their ammo out.


I have no idea how flexible the gun base is but if this is possible I'm +1


Look at the armor thing I suggested as well, its not that much effort put into it but its something of a husk

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