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Booper's Suggestion

Booper Scooper

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Suggestion: Moderators being able to ban for 2 weeks instead of 1 week.


Reason: The reason I think Moderators should be able to ban longer than just 1 week is because of how common Mass RDM actually is. Mass RDM happens every single day and there hasn't been a single day where that hasn't happened. Especially now that we have the RDM Zone, (For example: Guy goes on server, plays for a bit, then Mass RDMs / Mass RDAs, mod bans him, comes back a week later, does same thing over again.) This will also help mods not having to ask a Senior Moderator or Admin to extend their bans as much. Unless a permanent ban is needed, then I don't really see a mod asking for an extension. I asked a few players in-game about what they thought of it and they agreed that Mods should be able to ban longer than a week (no, they weren't all mods lol) and it wouldn't really hurt too much if mods can ban for at least two weeks.


Not even for Mass RDM either. If a mod thinks someone should be banned for a little longer than a week then they have the ability to and they are trusted in their decision. I don't see the mods that we have abusing this feature since some are good people that aren't abusive. 


I was going to PM Sugar about this but I wanted to see what everyone else thought about it since I think they should ban for a little longer now that there are new rules and the rdm zone is here. 


Also, sorry if my typing skills are bad and I missed a few key points of what I was going to say by the way.


Piklas don't even think of saying: "Oh you just want that to be able to ban for two weeks when you come back". 

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I honestly think sugar should make it so if you get banned for mass RDM and someone was banned again for said thing then they get double punishment for said thing.


After a quick thought about it, that would get weird results if it worked correctly but only under weird circumstances which I guess manual moderator intervention would help. I can add it to the scoreboard or make it a ulx command or something for mods so you can see each user's past bans but idk if I would make it automatic to double to time if you were already banned.


I think 1 week for what is now is fine. As of recently staff have been perma banning everyone for mass rdm / mass rda / being a minge which isn't the intention. Every 7 day ban is now leaded with an "Extend pls" When you perma ban someone you're telling someone that they will never be able to join the server ever again on that account meaning it will always be one less potential player. "But sugar when people mass rdm they don't even care if they're banned" which is true but its also possible that at some point they want to play legit. Which means they would have to make a ban appeal & at that point you're playing a game with a 10% chance they say "Wow that server is really cool, I wanna make an appeal" and the other 90% chance being "fuk it".


Now I do understand some of the perma bans can be legit. If you have been banned 5+ times for mass rdm you need to reevaluate yourself and you can take a long break. But even then those bans shouldn't be perma. They should be for like 2+ months. A long time ago, I was told that perma banning users unless it was cheating was considered a terrible practice because you allow your staff to just press the button without the repercussion of permanently deleting an account from ever playing on the server again.

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Well, it was at least a thought since I had a few others agreeing about it. 


But I guess one more thing, 


Add a DarkRP ULX command thinga ma bob for staff.


One Command I had in mind:


ULX Removelaw - Forces /removelaw by a staff member. For example:


Law #4 - everyone mass rdm people and shit


"Staff Member has removed Law: Law #4 - everyone mass rdm people and shit"


I can't think of any other command sadly but it'd be cool if you guys could suggest some here lol

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I think Sugar said it well. In all reality, a week is quite a long time. When I first joined I had like one ban for 3 days and that was a awhile to me and I decided to not break a rule anymore. I think 1 week is long to re-evaluate whether you are going to comply with the rules. I think that one week is fine because are we really going to ask for a 2 week ban that much? If we do a senior mod+ can extend. One of the main reasons we had the admin debate and ended up getting smod was ban power.

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What are you gonna get out of a two week ban anyways? 1 week gets the point across. most legit players learn after a few days and go for appeal. I do not see a point to make 2 week bans more common.

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Well, it was at least a thought since I had a few others agreeing about it. 


But I guess one more thing, 


Add a DarkRP ULX command thinga ma bob for staff.


One Command I had in mind:


ULX Removelaw - Forces /removelaw by a staff member. For example:


Law #4 - everyone mass rdm people and shit


"Staff Member has removed Law: Law #4 - everyone mass rdm people and shit"


I can't think of any other command sadly but it'd be cool if you guys could suggest some here lol

this should NOT be a thing because many times I play as mayor and have mingey but ALLOWED laws and some mods will ask for the removal of a law that I am 100% sure is allowed. IF this became a command, it should be admin only.

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