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Tips for getting sits accepted


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So I found that a lot of players on TitsRP are complaining that their sits aren't getting accepted and then the staff reply something along the lines of "Your report was shit."

Maybe not that profane but you know what I mean. Anyways I found the best way of getting my sits accepted is by using three tips:


Also before this begins, I'd like to clarify that this is NOT an attack on the staff team, if anything I'm trying to help. Give this link to any players who make shitty sits and hopefully this will help them out.


Tip #1: Take your time writing your report.

So this should probably be an obvious one, but as my time as a staff member I have realized a lot of people just say "i got rdm help pls......................" or something and I can tell your right now that gives you a 100% chance of your sit not being accepted. The logs don't disappear, taking a few extra moments to write out a detailed and neat report will take you a long way. Just including the name and a brief description of what happened greatly increases your chance of being accepted. Not only do they no longer have to wait for you to explain your side of the story, they can just bring you into a sit and start checking logs so you and the staff member can get right back to playing quickly.


Tip #2: Keep it organized.

Another thing I thought a lot of people should already know, keep things organized. This ties in with taking your time and if you can keep things organized, then that'll really help out the staff member. I made an example report below if you'd like to follow the same report.


hecko, I got RDMed.

Name of the RDMer: KeaganTheKiller

What happened: So I was walking into a gun shop(Garry's Gun Shop) and I was in line waiting for KeaganTheKiller to finish buying his guns. As soon as he got his gun, he started shooting the GarryTheGunDealer and me! I tried to attack him and kill him to defend myself but unfortunately he killed me.

Evidence: Picture: www.myscreenshotstuff.com/randomnumbershere | Video: www.videoplayerxtreme.com/404/randomnumbershere


That report helps out the staff member by providing a detailed description and the name of the killer right at the beginning separated from everything so he doesn't have to search for it if he needs to reference it again. Also having an organized report makes you seem like a more formal person so that's kind of a plus too so yeah.


Tip #3: Add details!

You wanna add as much detail as possible to the report! And if you do make sure it's easy to read! This one's kind of self-explanatory but in the fake report above, I added in the location of where the incident took place as well as anyone who was involved. If you put I was RDMed by RonaldTheRDMer and include not details, you will have a very low chance of being accepted. 


Hopefully these tips will help you out and personally I am not staff any longer so I don't know what they want the format to be or anything but if any moderators want to change anything, just PM me and I'll add/change/remove. This is also aimed at newer players to the server as well. Also for anybody who's complaining about not being accepted.  :)


Staff Member Tips:

Do not be disrespectful to the staff! This will make them not want to take your sits, they will eventually but not right away. ~Tip from Griffin


Do not complain about your sit not being accepted right away! This is most likely because they are busy with other sits OR you put in dumb reasons, as Walter said so elegantly "DUMB SIT REASONS GET DUMB RESPONSE TIMES." Also, do not make a sit for a quick question, ask in OOC. Your just wasting the staff's time. ~Tip from Walter the Assaulter

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Writing anything like "pls help" or "admin pls send help pls" or "just send someone over i need admin" will get your sit ignored, and I WILL NOT put any blame on staff for ignoring these sits. "need help" could mean anything from farming melons to mass RDM, versus the sit saying "pls help walter is mass rdming random people on the street as a gun dealer" tells us it IS a priority sit we need to take asap. Sits with details WILL get taken faster because the more we know about a situation to begin with, the better we feel comfortable handling it, and we know to put more priority on "x raided my base while I had a building sign up" vs "i was killed inside my base"


If your sit isn't taken, everybody that is taking sits is busy. Sits disappear from our screen after about a minute, so call it again every 60 seconds.


If your sit is for a quick question, ask it in OOC until someone answers. If it requires a longer explanation, most staff are 2lazy and afaik myself and another mod are the only ones to take these kinds of sits so good luck.



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I would like to add, if you are disrespectful towards me for no good reason..( I banned ur friend and u get mad, I killed you, blah blah blah) then I'm less likely to  take your sit, will I eventually? Of course. Respect goes a long way.

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