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Opinion on jaywalking

Moist Chicken

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Look. There's all this debate.. But WHY does jaywalking exist?

In actual history, jaywalking, derived from the derogatory term of jay(calling someone a jay) was made to cover up accident of people walking on the roads freely when cars first came to be.

Yet, in TitsRP, there aren't even cars that people must share space with. It's entirely POINTLESS...

I feel at this point it's just some meme that the cp is with that just gives them an excuse to randomly fine/arrest people for money. It's seriously irritating.


Possible solution? Maybe ban the jaywalking rule until cars are fixed by sugar. If that happens, then I'm fully with jaywalking since in real life it applies too.


Expanding on that topic, on the discussion "Lets get jaywalking cleared up" by Thedavid, he asks the question: "Question 1: If a player is standing in the street is it considerd jaywalking?"[/align]

and it soon follows with the answer agreed on the general public, made by zek: "1-Yes because how did he even get here in the first place ? Even if he jumped to it without walking , jwalking is illegal not because of "walking" but actually being in the middle of the street and blocking vehicles . (using common sense here)" 


He talks about "blocking vehicles" but there arent even vehicles to begin with? And yet this is the most agreed answer upon the public in that thread? I just find it nonsense as to why

jaywalking is being enforced, even though there are no cars?

tl;dr All in all, the term jaywalker was made to cover up accidents with cars and to help force the integration of the car into society. Yet there arent cars so whats the point?


Please tell me what you think about it, being unbiased and hopefully we can get sugar to acknowledge us somehow. If the entire community wants/doesn't care about jaywalking, then its fully my fault to start the accusation, just thought i'd ask about it.

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Simple, We make hobos our taxi slaves by pulling a back with a gravity gun (with wheels on) and we have our hobo slaves pull our buggys. Then Jaywalking can be enforced


Thats a Cool Idea, Lets do that!

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I have 2 arguments:


1. The server is meant to have cars, it always did since I originally joined, had them disabled to test for crashes, re-enabled, and then disabled again for the same reason but there are plans to replace the vehicle causing issues with a new one.


2. Many Mayors are beginning to consider masterswords, spiderman guns, batclaws, etc to be "aircraft" or aerial vehicles, aas well as that many people consider them vehicles more so than weapons despite them being able to do damage, so you could, for example, reserve the roads for people with those items.

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I just want to clear up something about my response , I said "(using common sense here)" as of the real jwalking law and that's why I added this comment . I was fully aware that vehicles weren't a thing in titsrp (for now) . BTW , it's not because 1 or 2 mods "agreed" on my opinion that it's "the general public" who decided lol ...


Now that this is cleared up let's talk about Jwalking , the rule is being used by multiple mayor (even admins *cough* walter *cough*) because THEY CAN . I heard that sugar somehow accepted that Mayor can do anything (even change default laws and fines) and jwalking was something so easy to fine and make profit to the CPs side which it's natural that when someone CAN make profit so easily and it's allowed then ... why not just do it if we can profit of it ? We can debate on why is there streets if there is no cars ? Common sense in RP and irl isn't the same . I think this debate is only opinions and not really an objective facts , I do understand why you wrote that but I think only sugar can do something about it ...

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I have 2 arguments:


1. The server is meant to have cars, it always did since I originally joined, had them disabled to test for crashes, re-enabled, and then disabled again for the same reason but there are plans to replace the vehicle causing issues with a new one.


2. Many Mayors are beginning to consider masterswords, spiderman guns, batclaws, etc to be "aircraft" or aerial vehicles, aas well as that many people consider them vehicles more so than weapons despite them being able to do damage, so you could, for example, reserve the roads for people with those items.


For your first argument. I understand and remember that cars used to be a part of the server. Read my possible solution. I said that jwalking should be removed until that time period happens when cars are reimplented. 

Your second arguement is perfectly valid however, and in ways it is true, so I guess jaywalking can slightly apply to that situation.

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**we don’t even have fucking cars, gtfo my face arresting me for jaywalking, i’ll murder the entire police force before i get fined for jaywalking in a place with no cars**

I like it, i definitely don’t bait cops or anything.

edit: before u say cars are usually here. They don’t do damage to prevent vdm ::)gtfo

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