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Should I report him or give him a chance and let it off  

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  1. 1. Should I report him or give him a chance and let it off

    • Report his ass
    • Don't be such a snitch

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So I caught a Candy (Tmod) noclip abusing in rp with a reason why the fuck he would do that until I confronted him and started a whole thing on that they both (the other tmod) I guess wants to be trained because they never really got trained according to them. 







I don't know where to post this and the amount of questions they are asking about stuff we should know kinda gets me worried for my tmod buddies. :( also I didn't report him because I felt it would lead to a demote not a retrain so I will just post it here so hopefully they get some help.

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I started training with Stealthy and went over a few things on the sheet and he basically talked over me in a way throughout the whole training. He just kept going "yeah I know how to staff." Then, I got a call from the hospital about my grandma and said "hold on I'll be right back." Sure enough I came back and he was gone taking sits instead of waiting for me, so I didn't exactly get to finish training him. 

I had to go to the hospital for my grandma and asked Tass if he could come train Stealthy. When I brought Tass, Stealthy kept saying stuff like "ugh," "here we go," and so forth.


Seems he holds himself to a high position already. If he's noclipping after not even wanting to be trained because he "knows how to staff" then report him. 


I don't know about training for the other t-mods. I know Dindu doesn't train, and I know Blacnova doesn't and gets someone to train for him when he accepts. However, I've seen most of the t-mods get trained. The training with Stealthy was frustrating coming from a lack of patience from his side. As well, staff noclip abusing shouldn't even come with training, because before applying you are supposed to read the mod guidelines which clearly state not to. 

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Some mods now have become garbage trainers, like pre bad. Not gonna name anyone but when I was more active than I am now and I trained people I spent at least like a hour with like ironic doing training making sureness he actually understands concepts so idk if this guy did or didn’t get training but damn people need to learn how to train

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First of all, if you become staff you know NOT to noclip in RP. I suggest you report him for that. When I train people I go through a walk through with the simple lil basic staff commands all the way up to explaining when is the right situation to do that command. For example: when I trained Jackta he at first didn't know much. Now he knows when is the right time to use the commands and how they should be used. Plus I was on when Candy was around he could of easily asked to be trained but he never did. 


What i'm trying to say is that "I wasn't trained" is not a valid excuse for noclip abusing in RP.


Ways to get trained:


Ask in admin chat-

PM me or someone else on discord-

PM someone through forums-

Wait until someone is willing to train you-

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Okay so here is the thing I caught him doing this over and over and I talked to him about it and told him that he can’t fly around like that only sits 


If he has kept doing it I think he should be demoted or be warned cause I talked to him about this multiple times.


And if he has not been trained then he needs to ask for a trainer.

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