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All of the main bugs

Booper Scooper

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Description: Revolt by doing !laws. My friend ABC stated that he did !laws and he somehow did a revolt by not even trying to and it actually started a revolt with the reason !laws. 


How to reproduce: Do !laws and see what happens


Priority: (Medium) This bug was just discovered today, but goes along with some of the revolt bugs happening lately Bug appeared to be an uncommon glitch.

Super Bug 


Description: Crashing while basing. It has come to my attention that many players are complaining that they are crashing. Though this bug is already up, it has a little more a different turn to it. It seems that the main focus on crashing goes towards actually making a base.


How to reproduce: Try to make a base and if you crash, tell me.


Priority: Extremely High 



Description: The Invisible item glitch. This glitch seems to be rare, yet common to some players. I believe it happened to me with some wood. I believe it usually happens when you have a high amount of wood (or anything) and you are dropping them. I had over 1000 wood, so that may have caused this glitch.


How to reproduce: Farm for a phew things and see if your items go invisible


Priority: (High)



Please, if you have any bugs that could be Extremely game breaking or an exploit, do not put it in the public's eyes. We are getting a lot of bugs but Sugar is determined to fix them all. Thanks for all of the help, Sugar.

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I crashed around 4 times today trying to make a base so I can totally relate.. 


Also I'll add this bug to this thread. If you type /give or /group it doesn't work it just goes into gang chat and its extremely annoying lol.


Also I think that invis wood was with me when u were trying to give me 1k wood lol

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What do you guys use to build? Can you reproduce it on command? Where do you crash? Be very specific if you're going to show me what you do when you crash, while building


The laws command has no relation to the revolt command, I double checked and the way its called is 100% different than !laws


/g chat was changed to /gang


With invis wood, did you drop over 1000 different things of wood?

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What do you guys use to build? Can you reproduce it on command? Where do you crash? Be very specific if you're going to show me what you do when you crash, while building


The laws command has no relation to the revolt command, I double checked and the way its called is 100% different than !laws


/g chat was changed to /gang


With invis wood, did you drop over 1000 different things of wood?


I use fences and I kept trying to build in PD, but I always crash. Me can't build a PD dupe. I cri. That's too bad.

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What do you guys use to build? Can you reproduce it on command? Where do you crash? Be very specific if you're going to show me what you do when you crash, while building


The laws command has no relation to the revolt command, I double checked and the way its called is 100% different than !laws


/g chat was changed to /gang


With invis wood, did you drop over 1000 different things of wood?

  • The building can happen randomly, but many player's were saying that was the main focus. Usually people crashed while they were building. I believe it was the map being fragile to some props and it made you crash.

  • The laws command must've glitched out that day, it may be fixed now. Probably a rare bug that doesn't happen often.
    I was told by one of my friends, so yeah. It could've just been a glitch that day. Either way, I will scratch that out since it wasn't too high of a priority and it seems like it was just a weird glitch.

  • The invisible wood/items were told to by Jawson. He said his friend had experienced the bug. I dropped over 1000 wood, and the person I gave it to only got about 800. So I'm not sure what happened to my wood. He said to put an item where my wood used to be since it could've glitched out but I don't know. And MANY people kept saying you get some items and when you inventory them, they popup as something different. 

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If you do crash, please try to remember how you did it and try to reproduce it the next time you load in. If you can reproduce it, please let me know


Believe me, I don't think crashing is any way to have fun at all. I sent in a crash dump on the latest version to one of the gmod developers, hopefully they will be able to give me some more information

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