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RARE gang recruitment


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RARE gang

Owner: Silly

Co-owner: Piklas

Officers: Jawson, Tact, eddiH, Axiom, Maverick, Silent

Members:  Festive Kenny, Pharyan, Voltz, Ghost, Wavy, Kitt, OMG silver, Cr0w, Wrath-, KeithPyro Apprentice,

Doc McStubbins, Nekosam, UwU, SkrtSkrt, Obfuscate etc.

Recruits: -


Gang description: We are a raiding and and basing gang.

Gang merged with boonk gang

Current gang level: 60


Being fairly well known in the community raises your chances to get accepted

Application format


Ingame name:

Steam profile:

Previous gangs:

Hours played:

Hours played past week:

Gametracker score:


What are some skills and weaknesses you bring to raiding:

Do you base:

How often do you base:

What is your biggest weakness when basing:

Other good qualities about you for the gang:

Do you use a mic:

What is your favorite food:


Gametracker link(just search for your steam name):



Kicked members: 

Noahmh (Trying to steal xp methods)

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i would like to allie with you as the leader of the TP gang. we will provide help in raids, giving you first dibbs on us selling our processors and such if you are basing, protecting you when you are being raided. please take us into consideration.

we ask for the same conditions in return

not raiding eachother is a given.

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                                            Ingame name:


Steam profile:

Previous gangs:


Hours played:

1000+ in GMOD. 131 on TitsRP

Hours played past week:

Over about 10 hours.

Gametracker score:




What can you provide regarding raids:

Backup healing with a medkit, raiding tools (sledgehammers and a lockpick), and decent aim.

What can you provide regarding basing:

Good building skills, multiple base dupes, money for processors, providing defense for a base, and taking care of processor shipments, such as sorting the crap items from the good items.

Do you use a mic:


                                 What is your favorite food:

                                          Pizza and Pretzels.



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Ingame name: eddiH or ebby

Steam profile:  https://steamcommunity.com/id/eddih/

Previous gangs: None

Hours played: gmod 525 hours, mainly darkrp --> 124 on server

Hours played past week: 59.2

Gametracker score: 422, i think

Age: 19

What can you provide regarding raids: Scouting, aiding

What can you provide regarding basing: Don't have many dupes, but i can defend.

Do you use a mic: Every once in a while, not shy though

What is your favorite food: milkshake


ps. looking for cc's

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Ingame name: eddiH or ebby

Steam profile:  https://steamcommunity.com/id/eddih/



ps. looking for cc's



Your gametracker score is a bit low but you have proven ingame to be a capable defender of bases and know about alot of strategies people use. Accepted 

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In-Game Name:  Dolan

Previous gangs: Sewer Dwellers (dead meme), CX, Supreme

Hours played: 507.83

Hours played past week: Essentially the whole week, you know I am on every day

Gametracker Score:

Age: 16

What can you provide regarding raids: I've got plenty of materials to either make pick-up boxes and I am really good at aimlessly shooting through one-ways, like every base

What can you provide regarding basing: Once again, good at shooting through one-ways except for this time I can see the enemy so it's easier.

Do you use a mic: I'm Dolan, I only fucking micspam

What is your favorite food: What're you fucking gay

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