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Tunnel doesn't bite


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This is mostly at mods, but users/vips can apply to this in ways. I am a very nice guy, you guys can ask me anything, i see you guys struggle so much in sits just because you're confused and it goes on for way longer than it needs to. I have been on here so long i know this server like my back hand, just do @ and ask me anything that's confusing. Even if you think it's stupid, you can pm me it, and it'll make your life that much easier because i usually alwayss respond. I will give you the answer & you can go on and finish it up. Don't rush to make decisions you will make life that much harder, just ask. Same goes for you normies, if you're in a sit with a moderator and think what's happening isn't right, tell me what's up and i'll tp and either make sure everything is deserved and if you think it's wrong, but it's deserved, i'll try to help you understand the situation from another point of view and you'll see the confusion/misunderstanding. Idk, i guess just posting this to let y'all know if you need anything don't be spooked to pm me

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We can ask you anything? can you unban me from discord or nah?


Everybody who posted Blacnova's photo didn't get banned. You got banned because of hate crime by Blacnova. 



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I can vouch that Tunnel got over his biting issue a couple days after he came back. However, he did bite me four times before that though, so just be cautious.

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We can ask you anything? can you unban me from discord or nah?


Everybody who posted Blacnova's photo didn't get banned. You got banned because of hate crime by Blacnova. 




Pm me a screenshot

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We can ask you anything? can you unban me from discord or nah?


Everybody who posted Blacnova's photo didn't get banned. You got banned because of hate crime by Blacnova. 




Pm me a screenshot


Not a snake. 

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