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Jew last won the day on August 4 2017

Jew had the most liked content!


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  1. I knew this was a meme because I'm not gullible af, but if it wasn't I would've written such a lovely essay about missing you <3.
  2. Yea it has been random for me as well
  3. Bug Description: Sometimes when I try to become some police officer jobs (in this case I tried to become a SWAT Commando) it doesn't allow me because I do not have enough hours; however, obviously that is incorrect. How to reproduce: Try to become a cop when you have 3+ hours and it tells you this: http://prntscr.com/g3mi58 Priority: low
  4. Jew

    Broken Batman

    Bug Description: Batman gets alerted to the wrong person committing a mugging. When someone mugs someone else, Batman gets a notifcation saying that the victim had mugged someone and needs to be restrained. How to reproduce: Have someone get mugged and it will tell batman that the victim needs to be restrained & arrested, not the offender. Priority: High because it results in people getting falsely arrested
  5. I can vouch that Tunnel got over his biting issue a couple days after he came back. However, he did bite me four times before that though, so just be cautious.
  6. If you want your CC back, PM Sugar here on the forums or on discord. Please don't make threads that could just be PMed to Sugar. CLOSED
  7. I just shed a tear... Have fun bb
  8. I've banned him before lol
  9. Jew

    Cuffing Bug

    Bug Description: I was unable to be cuffed again after I had previously escaped a pair of handcuffs. How to reproduce: Get handcuffed, escape the handcuffs by moving around, and then try to get cuffed by someone else again afterwards and it wouldn't kept you cuffed (I have a video of it happening if needed). Priority: Low/Medium
  10. Start playing again you cuck then I'll +1 you
  11. Make it against the rules to micspam while you are in a vehicle (mainly the wheelchair) because people can't really kill you.
  12. Redebate what type(s) of warnings staff should consider valid in RP situations. I personally think people should have to advert warn ONLY, that way we have logs of it. The issue with verbal warnings is that we can't prove them, so it turns into a he said-she said issue.
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