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Demoted for being AFK whilst fishing


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The afk thing only checks if your player is moving, so you could be deemed afk while actively doing things like t2 farming, weapon enchanting, etc.


please fix

Edited by Zesty
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Yeah I've came across this issue and it can be kind of annoying.

If they could fix this it would be great, but I'm not sure if there is a way to do so with it still demoting people who are actually AFK.

Maybe it could not be solely based off of movement but if they're clicking a button to fish/ use the microphone that could register too.

I'll but sitting in my buddies base not actually moving but just talking over my mic and get auto demoted from my job

Edited by RAY RAY
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6 hours ago, EpicWafflehouse said:

where you moving around at all during this time or just clicking? like zesty said im pretty sure the afk checker only looks for movent, even if you are clicking or using your mic the game still thinks you are afk

the issue is that clicking doesn’t register you as not afk

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This would be fairly easy to fix if there was a better way to detect that you are not afk. The button press has been suggested a few times here, but one issue with that is a player could just do +attack in console to automatically press their mouse button and never be marked as AFK. I will talk to Sugar about a better solution for fishing. 

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